Did America Really Pass The Test? – Hillary Clinton Is Going To Win The Popular Vote By A Wide Margin

hillary-clinton-at-planned-parenthood-photo-by-lorie-shaullThe 2016 election was a test, and it would be easy to assume that since Donald Trump won the election that America passed the test. Unfortunately, it may not be that simple. A closer look at the numbers reveals a very sobering reality. Yes, Donald Trump won far more electoral votes than Hillary Clinton did, and that means that he is on track to become our next president. But Hillary Clinton is going to win the popular vote, and it is likely to be by a very wide margin once all the votes are counted. (Read More...)

Voting Machine Problems Are Being Reported All Over America

map-of-the-united-states-public-domainAfter what happened in the last election, people seem to be more alert to signs of potential election fraud this time around. And right now the Internet is buzzing with reports of voting machine problems in some of the most important swing states. In some areas officials were forced to make emergency switches to paper ballots due to voting machine issues, and in other cases voters that intended to vote for Donald Trump were having their votes registered for Hillary Clinton instead. The mainstream media is insisting that these are “isolated instances”, and hopefully that turns out to be true because the integrity of our elections is of the utmost importance. (Read More...)

I Just Lost All Faith In Our Deeply Corrupt Legal System And In The Rule Of Law In The United States

hillary-clinton-photo-by-nathania-johnsonThe FBI just gave Hillary Clinton the biggest gift in the history of presidential politics. Two days before the election the FBI has announced that they are ending their investigation into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information. After reviewing the emails that were found on electronic devices owned by Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner, FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to Congress telling them that “we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton.” That means that there will be no indictment, and the path is now clear for Hillary Clinton to become the next president of the United States on Tuesday unless an election miracle happens. (Read More...)

The Biggest Supermoon Since Israel Became A Nation In 1948 Will Happen 6 Days After The Election

supermoon-public-domainOn November 14th, something extraordinary is going to happen. On that date we will witness the closest full moon that we have seen since 1948. Known as a “supermoon”, this full moon will happen just six days after the U.S. presidential election. If you look up into the night sky on November 14th, you will notice that the moon appears to be much bigger and much brighter than usual. Could it be possible that there is some special meaning to the biggest supermoon in almost 70 years? The last time we witnessed a supermoon of this size Israel become a nation, and as you will see below, many believe that the last couple months of 2016 could have historic significance for the Jewish people as well. (Read More...)

Trump And Clinton Have Both Assembled An Army Of Lawyers To File Lawsuits And Contest The Election Results

law-justice-balance-public-domainWhat happens when you get thousands of lawyers involved in the craziest election in modern American history? Unfortunately, we may be about to find out. We all remember the legal tug of war between Al Gore and George W. Bush in 2000, and with each passing day it is becoming more likely that we could see something similar (or even worse) in 2016. In a brand new article entitled “Clinton, Trump Prepare for Possibility of Election Overtime“, Bloomberg discusses the armies of lawyers that Clinton and Trump are both assembling for this election. It would be nice if it was the American people that actually decided the outcome of this election, but if things are very close on November 8th it may come down to what the courts decide. (Read More...)

Will Michelle Obama Be The Replacement Nominee If The FBI Email Investigation Ends Hillary Clinton’s Campaign?

michelle-obama-public-domainI realize that this headline must sound extremely bizarre, but in this article I will explain why this could actually happen. We have just learned that the FBI has obtained a search warrant that will enable the agency to examine approximately 650,000 emails that are sitting on electronic devices owned by Huma Abedin and her estranged husband Anthony Weiner. Now that the FBI is going through these emails, it is unlikely but still possible that a decision about whether or not to charge Hillary Clinton with a crime could be made by November 8th. Of course the most likely scenario is that Hillary Clinton will not be indicted before election day and that Americans will be voting with this scandal hanging ominously over the Clinton campaign. But if the FBI does quickly take action, it is possible that Hillary Clinton could be forced from the race before election day, and that would require the Democrats to come up with a new candidate. (Read More...)

Schools All Over America Are Closing On Election Day Due To Fears Of Violence

vote-2016-public-domainWill this be the most chaotic election day in modern American history? All across the nation, schools are being closed on election day due to safety fears. Traditionally, schools have been very popular as voting locations because they can accommodate a lot of people, they usually have lots of parking, and everyone in the community knows where they are and can usually get to them fairly easily. But now there is a big movement to remove voting from schools or to shut schools down on election day so that children are not present when voting takes place. According to Fox News, “voting has been removed or classes have been canceled on Election Day at schools in Illinois, Maine, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and elsewhere.” Just a couple days ago, I shared with you a survey that found that 51 percent of all Americans are concerned about violence happening on election day, and all of these schools closing is just another sign of how on edge much of the population is as we approach November 8th. (Read More...)

Let’s Be Clear – A Vote For Warmonger Hillary Clinton Is A Vote For World War 3

World War IIIIf you want to see war without end, vote for Hillary Clinton. It is tremendously ironic that Hillary Clinton and the mainstream media have attempted to portray Donald Trump as “dangerous” and “temperamental”, because it is Clinton that actually has a long history of being emotionally unstable. She has a temper that is absolutely legendary, and she has been cussing out the men and women in her security detail for decades. Hillary Clinton played a key role in starting the civil war in Syria, thanks to her Libya is a post-apocalyptic wasteland today, and now she is picking a fight with the Russians before she has even won the election. Of all the candidates there were running for president this election cycle, there was nobody that was even close to as dangerous as Hillary Clinton, and if she wins the election I am fully convinced that World War 3 will begin before her time in the White House is over. (Read More...)