A Message For The Government: Get Off Our Backs!

Government in America has gotten completely and totally out of control.  Our founding fathers originally intended to set up a nation where the power of government would be greatly limited, but today government has become a horribly bloated monster that is relentlessly growing.  It is not just the federal government that I am talking about.  All over the country, there are state and local governments that have become monstrous as well.  No matter who we elect, they just want even more of our money, they demand even more of our time and our resources, they pile even more rules and regulations on to our backs, they seek even more control over us and our children and they take even more of our liberties and freedoms away.  They have invented hundreds of different ways to drain money out of us, and yet it is never enough.  They pile up nightmarish debts that they expect our children and our grandchildren to repay, and yet our cities and our infrastructure are crumbling all around us.  Government seems to have a relentless appetite for demanding even more from all of us, and yet they seem to badly mess up everything that they try to accomplish.  Well, I have a message for the government.  Get off our backs! (Read More...)

Workers Comp For Babysitters And 20 Other Reasons Why California Is Stupid

Is there any other state that is as stupid as California?  Unemployment in California has been sitting at about 12 percent for an extended period of time, and yet they continue to push businesses out of the state by imposing thousands of ridiculous regulations on them and by taxing them into oblivion.  Now California is even requiring workers comp for babysitters and paid vacation for nannies.  How insane is that?  The state government in Sacramento is flat broke and drowning in debt and yet they continue to spend gobs of money on some of the most frivolous things imaginable.  Poverty and crime are everywhere, yet California continues to pass legislation that encourages even more illegal immigrants to come in.  Unless you have a really, really good reason to stay in the state, it seems rather stupid to stay in California at this point.  The economy is in shambles, home prices continue to fall, traffic is worse than ever, crime is rising and poverty is everywhere.  Meanwhile, entire portions of the state could be leveled by the next big earthquake at any time.  So why in the world would anyone still want to live in California? (Read More...)

20 Really Bad Ideas That Are Almost Too Stupid To Believe

What in the world is happening to America?  It seems like all we get out of politicians at the federal, state and local levels is a steady stream of really bad ideas.  Even when our government officials appear to have the best of intentions things still turn out badly.  “What were they thinking” is a phrase that is being uttered by millions of Americans on a daily basis.  Sadly, instead of focusing on real problems and real solutions, the mainstream media loves to focus on the latest scandal.  Last month everyone wanted to talk about Anthony Weiner.  This month everyone wants to talk about Casey Anthony.  Next month it will be somebody else.  There is a never ending stream of scandals for the mainstream media to latch on to, but what is America going to look like if we do not start addressing our real problems?  The United States has become a cesspool of corruption, greed, debt and depravity.  Everywhere you look there are signs of decline, and yet all our leaders come up with are more really bad ideas.  Time is running out on this nation, and with each passing day there seems to be fewer reasons to be optimistic about the future. (Read More...)

The Elite Are Not Even Trying To Hide How Much They Hate The U.S. Constitution Anymore

In the United States today, it is becoming increasingly fashionable to openly trash the U.S. Constitution.  Many among the elite are not even trying to hide how much they hate the U.S. Constitution anymore.  As the Patriot movement and the Tea Party movement call for a return to the principles that this nation was founded upon, many among the elite and in the mainstream media are responding by publicly dumping on the U.S. Constitution.  The level of vitriol that we are seeing for our founding fathers and for our Constitution is unprecedented.  It turns out that the U.S. Constitution does not fit very well with the benevolent futuristic “Big Brother” totalitarianism that they want to impose on all of us.  All of that talk about “freedom” and “liberty” in the Constitution does not exactly square with the centralized global planning that the elite have in mind.  The ruling elite believe that the “rights of the individual” must be greatly restricted for the “good of society” and for the “good of the environment”.  Right now the “constitutional revival” that is happening in the United States is a direct threat to what the elite are trying to accomplish, so they are responding by openly attacking the Constitution. (Read More...)

Corruption In America

In the United States today, it is not just the economy that is crumbling.  The entire fabric of society is coming apart as well.  Literally almost wherever you look you can find rampant corruption in America.  Our federal government is corrupt, our state and local governments are corrupt, our corporations are corrupt and unfortunately average Americans seem to become more corrupt all the time.  As corruption becomes widespread in America, trust is breaking down.  It is very difficult to know who to trust these days.  But a society cannot function without trust.  So what are we going to do when all the trust is gone? (Read More...)

14 Reasons Why Rick Perry Would Be A Really, Really Bad President

Supporters of Texas Governor Rick Perry are not going to like this article at all.  Right now, Republicans all over the United States are touting Rick Perry as the “Republican messiah” that is going to come charging in to save America from the presidency of Barack Obama.  Many believe that if Rick Perry enters the race, he will instantly become the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012.  Perry certainly looks the part and he knows how to give a good speech, but when ordinary Americans all over the country take a hard look at his record, they may not like what they see.  The truth is that Rick Perry is a big-time globalist, he has raised taxes and fees in Texas numerous times, he has massively increased the size of government spending and government debt in Texas, he has been trying to ram the Trans-Texas Corridor down the throats of the Texas people and he tried to force young women all over Texas to be injected with the Gardasil vaccine.  No, Rick Perry is not going to save America.  In fact, he would likely be very, very similar to both Bush and Obama in a lot of ways. (Read More...)

Fire John Boehner – America Watched Boehner Fold Like A 20 Dollar Suit So Boehner Must Go In 2012

Have you ever noticed that whenever it comes time to stand on principle top Republican lawmakers always fold like a 20 dollar suit?  This time it was John Boehner.  It went down like this – the Democrats knew that if they played hardball and set up a government shutdown for the weekend of the Cherry Blossom Festival that Boehner would cave.  Boehner took negotiations up to the last minute to make it “look good” for the Tea Party, but the truth is that Boehner wanted nothing to do with a government shutdown and the Democrats knew that.  The Democrats drew their lines in the sand on issue after issue and Boehner caved and caved and caved.  So now it is time to fire John Boehner along with Barack Obama in 2012.  Boehner must go.  If the Tea Party is serious about cutting government spending then they must hold John Boehner accountable and go after his seat during the next primary season.  The truth is that the “budget deal” is a complete and total joke.  A one percent cut to the U.S. government budget is laughable.  Is that why dozens of Tea Party activists were sent to Washington D.C.?  If this is the “best” that can be done, the truth is that there is no hope of ever getting U.S. government debt under control. (Read More...)

22 Facts About California That Make You Wonder Why Anyone Would Still Want To Live In That Hellhole Of A State

Why in the world would anyone still want to live in the state of California at this point?  Residents of California have been forced to endure a brutally oppressive level of taxation for many years, and yet the state of California has still managed to find itself on the verge of bankruptcy.  California Governor Jerry Brown declared a “fiscal emergency” in his state on Thursday, but nobody is even pretending that such a declaration is actually going to help matters.  Brown wants to cut even deeper into the state budget (even after tens of billions have already been slashed out of it in recent years) and he wants to explore ways to raise even more revenue.  Meanwhile, the standard of living in California is going right into the toilet.  Housing values are plummeting.  Unemployment has risen above 20 percent in many areas of the state.  Crime and gang activity is on the rise even as police budgets are being hacked to the bone.  The health care system is an absolute disaster.  At this point California has the fewest emergency rooms per million people out of all 50 states.   While all of this has been going on, the state legislature in Sacramento has been very busy passing hundreds of new laws that are mostly about promoting one radical agenda or another.  The state government has become so radically anti-business that it is a wonder that any businesses have remained in the state.  It seems like the moving vans never stop as an endless parade of businesses and families leave California as quickly as they can. (Read More...)