The Biggest Deadline For Our Campaign So Far Is In 7 Days, And I Am Praying For A $25,000 Miracle

I really need your help. As most of you already know, I am running for Congress in Idaho’s first congressional district, and because there is no incumbent the race is totally wide open. I announced that I was running on July 4th, and so September 30th is my very first FEC quarterly reporting deadline. All over the country, prominent Republican donors and key conservative organizations will be judging the strength of my campaign based on how much money I raise this quarter. If I don’t raise enough, I risk losing national support that I otherwise could have received. And even though hundreds of people have been donating from all over the country, we are lagging behind where we need to be, and so I am praying for a $25,000 miracle over the next seven days. If you would like to help this miracle become a reality, you can contribute at this link… (Read More...)

Shock Survey: Less Than 1 Out Of Every 4 Republicans In Congress Support A Border Wall

It is time to flush the toilet in Washington D.C., because the professional politicians that we have been sending there just keep betraying us over and over again. On Wednesday, I was absolutely stunned when I came across a brand new survey that was conducted by USA Today. They asked all of the members of Congress whether they support a border wall or not, and less than one out of every 4 Republicans said that they did. This is just another example of why the American people are so deeply frustrated with the Republican Party these days. Most Republicans are spineless jellyfish that have been compromising for so long that they don’t really stand for anything anymore. (Read More...)

People Are Making Such Ridiculous Claims About What Is Going To Happen On September 23, 2017 And None Of Them Are True

All sorts of sensationalist claims are being made about what is going to happen on September 23rd, and all of them are false. In recent days, I have spent time looking into these various claims, and I have been deeply disturbed by what I have discovered. Yes, it does appear that there will be a unique celestial alignment on September 23rd, and it does appear that it at least bears a resemblance to what is described in the first couple of verses in Revelation 12. And yes, this alignment will happen at about the time of Rosh Hashanah (the Feast of Trumpets). But people have gone way beyond those basic facts and have come up with ridiculous theories that are going to make them look like nutjobs when September 23rd comes and goes and their predictions don’t come to pass. (Read More...)

Campaign Update: 3 Major Events And The All-Important September 30th Deadline Within The Next 14 Days

We are entering do or die time for my campaign for Congress, and if you are interested in helping the campaign we really need to hear from you. As I have discussed in previous emails, we have created an enormous amount of buzz all over Idaho’s first congressional district, and everywhere we go we are converting voters over to our side. If we can get this message out to everyone in the district effectively, we will definitely win. So in order to do that, I am traveling all over the state holding events, and you can find out the details about three big ones coming up below. We also have our all-important FEC fundraising deadline coming up on September 30th, and if anyone out there was considering contributing to the campaign, now is definitely a key time to do so. Big conservative organizations all over the nation will be evaluating the strength of our campaign based on the numbers we report, and they will make decisions on whether to fund us or not based on how well we do. We really need your help, and if you can possibly do so, I would like to ask you to donate to the campaign today(Read More...)

Hillary’s New Book Now Has A Rating Of 4.9 Out Of 5 Stars (After Hundreds Of 1 Star Reviews Were Deleted)

Hillary Clinton’s new book entitled “What Happened” is the hottest selling book in America at this moment, and thanks to the deletion of approximately 800 one star reviews, the remaining reviews make it sound like it is a masterpiece. As I write this article, “What Happened” currently has an average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars on Amazon. Of course just like Clinton’s campaign, that rating is completely fraudulent, but if this really is Hillary’s “final chapter” I think that it is somehow appropriate that she goes out this way. The Clintons were frauds from the very beginning, and so a fake rating for a book full of lies about a campaign run by con artists is just par for the course. (Read More...)

Weather Channel Makes Shock Claim That Meteorologists Saw ‘A Face’ In A Satellite Image Of Hurricane Irma

A senior meteorologist at The Weather Channel is claiming that a satellite image of Hurricane Irma that comes from NASA’s earth science office “has an embedded face”. Some say that it kind of looks like a dinosaur, others believe that it looks like a pig, and yet others seem to think that it sort of resembles an elephant. Since most hurricanes have a clearly defined “eye”, all it really takes to make a “face” is to find a “mouth” on a satellite image somewhere. So I can understand what the guys over at the Weather Channel are saying, but it is not the type of claim that I would make. But needless to say, this photograph will probably be shared a few million times on Facebook. Here is an excerpt from the original Weather Channel article(Read More...)

Ann Coulter Stuns The Establishment By Posting This Message On Twitter: ‘Michael Snyder For Congress!’

I was absolutely floored when I learned what had happened. On Saturday night I was going through my emails, and I discovered that one of my supporters had sent me a message informing me that Ann Coulter had mentioned me in a tweet. I wondered if that could possibly be true, so I immediately went to Twitter to confirm it. It turns out that she had come across an article on Conservative Firing Line in which I had mentioned her, and along with retweeting that article she included the following message: “Michael Snyder For Congress!” (Read More...)

Ann Coulter Is Exactly Right: Every Time Republicans Compromise On Immigration They Get Nothing In Return

When are Republicans going to learn? In her most recent article, Ann Coulter pointed out that every time Republicans compromise on immigration it turns out to be a total disaster. If you go back all the way to 1986, the Republicans never got the employer sanctions that they were promised even after the Democrats were given amnesty for four million illegal immigrants. And every time Republicans have attempted to push amnesty since that time, it has been a disaster for Republican politicians at the polls. (Read More...)