World War III Alert: The Russians Are Making A Major Breakthrough And The Ukrainians Are Becoming Increasingly Desperate

The conflict in Ukraine has reached such a dangerous phase.  For several months, the front lines in Ukraine were relatively stable, and that was a good thing because it meant that both sides were less likely to make really desperate moves.  But now Russian forces are making a major breakthrough.  The Ukrainians had poured countless troops into Bakhmut in an all-out attempt to keep the city, and they were able to successfully hold it for months.  But now Russian forces have almost entirely encircled Bakhmut, and once Bakhmut falls there is going to be nothing but flat terrain between the Russians and the Dnieper River.  If Russian forces actually reach the Dnieper River, the Ukrainians are going to become extremely desperate, and it is likely that they may try something extremely stupid in a desperate attempt to pull western forces into the war. (Read More...)

Death, Destruction And Violence Everywhere You Look…

I have been called a “doom and gloomer” because I talk honestly about the things that are going on in our world.  But I am not actually a “doom and gloomer” at all.  In fact, I am wildly optimistic about the future.  Every piece of “bad news” is also a piece of “great news” if you look at it from the proper perspective.  All of human history has been building up to a grand crescendo, and we get to be here for it.  So even though there is death, destruction and violence all around us, this is not the end.  Once we get through the “birth pains” that we are experiencing now, everything will be completely different.  But it is certainly true that we have a whole lot of pain to go through before we get there.  The “perfect storm” that we are experiencing now will greatly intensify, and one major crisis is just going to lead directly into the next one. (Read More...)

If The H5N1 Bird Flu Really Is Starting To Spread Among Humans, We Could Have A MAJOR Health Scare On Our Hands

Have you heard about what is going on in Cambodia?  If officials confirm that the H5N1 strain of the bird flu really is spreading from human to human there, it is likely to set off a wave of panic all over the globe.  And if human to human transmission were to start happening in multiple countries, we would have a real nightmare on our hands.  We just went through a pandemic that had a very low death rate, but it still paralyzed much of the world for an extended period of time.  So how would global authorities react if a disease that has a death rate of more than 50 percent in humans starts spreading like wildfire? (Read More...)

If You Have Ever Wondered Why So Many Young Men Are So Frustrated With Dating, Here Is The Truth…

Have you noticed that a lot of young men seem to be angry, bitter and frustrated all the time?  It isn’t just your imagination.  There really are millions upon millions of young men that are in a state of deep discontent because they can’t find love.  Thanks to certain societal trends which I will discuss below, the number of available single young men greatly outnumbers the number of available single young women in America today.  In fact, it is being reported that single young men are unattached at “nearly twice the rate” that single young women in the United States are… (Read More...)

Why Are Hundreds Of Thousands Of People Moving From California To The Interior West?

Vast throngs of people have been relocating from California and other coastal states to the region of the country known as “the Interior West”.  The states of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and Arizona have all seen a tremendous influx of new residents in recent years, and this has especially been true since the start of the pandemic.  So what is causing this mass exodus?  Without a doubt, there are multiple factors at work, but one of the most important is a growing consensus that our society is headed for big trouble.  Millions of Americans can see that events are starting to spiral out of control all around us, and they don’t want to be stuck in a highly populated area when the big meltdown inevitably happens. (Read More...)

The Poisoning Of Eastern Ohio And Western Pennsylvania Is Much Worse Than We Are Being Told

The true horror of what just happened in East Palestine, Ohio is starting to become clear, but federal, state and local officials continue to insist that everything is just fine.  So even though local residents have been puking up blood and developing weird rashes on their skin, everyone is being told that it is perfectly safe to return to their homes and that it is perfectly safe to drink the water.  This should make all of us extremely angry, because so many of these people are going to get sick and so many of them are going to die. (Read More...)

What Do These 10 Crime-Ridden Cities All Have In Common?

All over America, crime has started to spiral out of control.  But of course some areas are much worse than others.  In particular, many of our most important core urban areas have degenerated into drug-infested, crime-ridden hellholes.  Some pundits are using the term “war zones” to describe what is taking place in these areas, and unfortunately that is not an exaggeration.  Once upon a time, the United States was one of the most civilized societies that the world had ever seen, but now we have become a cautionary tale to the rest of the planet.  The fabric of our society is steadily decaying all around us, and if we stay on the path that we are on things will only continue to get even worse. (Read More...)

What In The World Is Going On At Asbury University?

Are we actually witnessing a full-blown revival right here in the United States?  For more than a week, there has been a non-stop prayer and worship awakening happening at Asbury University in Kentucky.  Day and night, thousands of young people are gathered in the chapel to worship  God, repent of their sins and read from the Bible.  We haven’t seen anything like this in a long time, and videos from the awakening are being viewed on social media by millions of people all over the world.  Amazingly, at this point these gatherings have created so much buzz that even the mainstream media is being forced to acknowledge what is going on.  For example, the following comes from an NBC News report(Read More...)