The Gap Between The Rich And The Poor In The United States Hasn’t Been This Large Since The 1920s

The rich have been getting richer and the poor have been getting poorer for so long in America that it seems like it has always been this way. But it hasn’t. In fact, between the late 1920s and the early 1970s the gap between the wealthy and the poor actually steadily got smaller. And when I was growing up in the 1980s, it seemed like everyone was middle class, but now those days are long gone. A very small sliver of society at the very top of the food chain truly is “living the high life”, while most of the rest of us are deeply struggling. According to a brand new study just released by the Economic Policy Institute, the average American family in the top 1 percent brought home 26.3 times as much income in 2015 as an average family in the bottom 99 percent. The following comes from CNBC(Read More...)

10 Attack Quotes From Establishment Insiders About The Trump-Putin Summit That Will Make Your Skin Crawl

Donald Trump’s summit meeting with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki has unleashed a torrent of criticism that is unlike anything that we have ever seen. U.S. and Russian leaders have been getting together for decades, but this particular gathering was labeled the #TreasonSummit on social media before it even began. In the end, nothing that Trump could have possibly done would have pleased his critics, and the joint press conference at the end of the summit was enough to push some of them completely over the edge. Here are 10 attack quotes from establishment insiders about the Trump-Putin summit that will make your skin crawl… (Read More...)

15 Flashpoints Which Could Produce A “Perfect Storm” During The 2nd Half Of 2018

Events are beginning to greatly accelerate, and many believe that the ingredients for a “perfect storm” are starting to come together as we enter the second half of 2018. Other than the continual drama surrounding the Trump presidency, things have been quite calm for the past couple of years. We have been enjoying a time of peace, safety and relative economic prosperity that a lot of Americans have begun to take for granted. But great trouble has been brewing under the surface, and many are wondering if we are about to reach a major turning point. Our planet is being shaken physically, emotionally and financially, and it isn’t going to take much to push us over the edge. The following are 15 flashpoints which could create world changing events during the 2nd half of 2018… (Read More...)

5 Of The Most Controversial Moments From Peter Strzok’s Chaotic Testimony To Congress

On Thursday, Peter Strzok finally received his well-deserved congressional grilling, and it was quite a chaotic affair. Over nearly ten hours, there were shouting matches between Strzok and congressional Republicans, there were shouting matches between Republicans and Democrats, and there were quite a few moments that none of us will ever forget. It was a joint hearing of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees, and the meeting room was absolutely packed. More than 70 members of the House were in attendance, and many came ready with some very pointed questions. The following are five of the most controversial moments from Peter Strzok’s ten hour testimony to Congress… (Read More...)

Is The Left Going To Try To Use Brett Kavanaugh’s Old Credit Card Debts To Derail His Nomination To The Supreme Court?

In a way, I feel very sorry for Brett Kavanaugh right now.  This Senate confirmation process is going to be like going to a proctologist every single day for weeks on end.  Investigators are going to go over everything that he has ever done with a fine-toothed comb, and anything that is even remotely scandalous is going to brought out for the entire world to see.  In fact, the Washington Post is already running with a story about Kavanaugh’s past debts.  Federal employees such as Kavanaugh have financial disclosure forms that they are required to file, and although those forms do not reveal everything, they reveal enough to potentially get Kavanaugh into trouble. (Read More...)

An 11-Year-Old Girl With Terminal Stage Four Bone Cancer Was Just Named Prom Queen At A School In Ohio

This is one of the saddest, yet happiest, stories that I have written about in a long time.  Only about 12,000 people live in the little town of Monroe, Ohio but a remarkable 11-year-old girl that lives there is capturing hearts all over the nation.  Madison “Maddie” Smallwood has been battling bone cancer for several years, and the long-term prognosis does not look promising.  Facing that kind of challenge would be way too much for many young girls her age, but not for Madison.  She has decided that she is going to live life to the fullest no matter how long she has.  So she has made a “bucket list” and is trying to complete as many items on it as she can while she still has time.  And no matter how her story ultimately plays out, she will always be remembered as a warrior that was an inspiration to millions of Americans. (Read More...)

Liberals Are Freaking Out About The Nomination Of Brett Kavanaugh, But It Is Conservatives That Should Be Concerned

The weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth has begun on the left, but the truth is that Donald Trump could have nominated someone far more conservative on Monday night.  Over the next several months there will be endless protests in Washington D.C. as liberals moan and groan about “the end of our freedoms”, and Brett Kavanaugh will be relentlessly portrayed as a conservative devil by the mainstream media.  And even though NBC News is insisting that Kavanaugh “would make the high court solidly conservative” if he is confirmed, the reality of the matter is that there are some pretty good reasons why conservatives should be deeply concerned about this pick.  Just because a Republican president nominates someone to the Supreme Court does not mean that individual will make a good judge.  For example, Ronald Reagan nominated Anthony Kennedy in 1987, and he turned out to be a complete and utter disaster.  If Reagan had nominated someone different, the entire modern history of the U.S. Supreme Court could have been completely different.  With the Court still so divided, the stakes are incredibly high, and we must not get another Kennedy.  So it is troubling that Brett Kavanaugh clerked for Kennedy and has always had nothing but good things to say about him.  Anyone that would look to Justice Kennedy as any sort of a role model is definitely not fit for a seat on the highest court in the land. (Read More...)

Evidence Is Growing That Hillary Clinton Is Planning One Last Run For President In 2020

Is Hillary Clinton really going to make another run for the White House in 2020? Many thought that it would never happen, but the Clintons are like those super annoying houseguests that just keep coming back time after time. And the truth is that once you get the political bug, it is hard to shake. For those that have been afflicted, there is often only two possible cures – election victory or death. For Hillary, the only way that her story has a happy ending now is if she ultimately becomes president somehow. Anything short of that will mean that her legacy forever will be that she almost became the first woman president, but instead she ran a very poor campaign and opened the door for the Donald Trump era. She is determined not to be remembered that way, and that is why it is looking very likely that she will make one last run for president in 2020. (Read More...)