Fire John Boehner – America Watched Boehner Fold Like A 20 Dollar Suit So Boehner Must Go In 2012

Have you ever noticed that whenever it comes time to stand on principle top Republican lawmakers always fold like a 20 dollar suit?  This time it was John Boehner.  It went down like this – the Democrats knew that if they played hardball and set up a government shutdown for the weekend of the Cherry Blossom Festival that Boehner would cave.  Boehner took negotiations up to the last minute to make it “look good” for the Tea Party, but the truth is that Boehner wanted nothing to do with a government shutdown and the Democrats knew that.  The Democrats drew their lines in the sand on issue after issue and Boehner caved and caved and caved.  So now it is time to fire John Boehner along with Barack Obama in 2012.  Boehner must go.  If the Tea Party is serious about cutting government spending then they must hold John Boehner accountable and go after his seat during the next primary season.  The truth is that the “budget deal” is a complete and total joke.  A one percent cut to the U.S. government budget is laughable.  Is that why dozens of Tea Party activists were sent to Washington D.C.?  If this is the “best” that can be done, the truth is that there is no hope of ever getting U.S. government debt under control. (Read More...)

A List Of 28 Things That Will Make You Think That There Is Something Seriously Wrong With This Country

What in the world is happening to America?  Perhaps you have asked yourself that question from time to time.  Today it seems like everything is falling apart.  Our economy is crumbling, our politicians are incompetent, we have just gotten involved in another war, corruption is everywhere and the Americans people are so addicted to entertainment that hardly anything can wake them from their stupor.  It is enough to make you think that there is just not much hope for America.  But the truth is that we should never give up.  It is when the times are darkest that the greatest heroes arise.  We truly do live in challenging times, but that just means that there are great victories to be won and great stories to be written.  There may be a whole lot of things that are very wrong with America right now, but that doesn’t mean that the game is over quite yet. (Read More...)

25 Bizarre Examples That Show That The U.S. Government Is Absolutely Brimming With Idiots, Incompetents And Incredibly Corrupt Politicians

If our founding fathers could see us today, what would they think?  Unfortunately, they would probably come to the exact same conclusion that so many of us have come to – the U.S. government is absolutely brimming with idiots, incompetents and incredibly corrupt politicians.  Today it is very rare to come across a politician that still has any integrity left.  Washington D.C. has become such a cesspool that it seems to corrupt even most of the politicians that originally go there with good intentions.  We have created the most complicated government in the history of the world and we have hundreds of thousands of pages of laws, and yet nothing seems to work right.  Our economy is dying, our relationships with the rest of the world are a mess and we have accumulated the largest debt in the history of mankind.  Meanwhile, our politicians openly hand out our money to their friends and to those that have donated money to their campaigns and they waste our money on some of the stupidest things imaginable.  Have we now gotten to the point where our system of government has become so corrupted that it is almost impossible to repair it? (Read More...)

18 Ridiculous Statistics About Medical Bills, Medical Debt And The Health Care Industry That Will Make You So Mad You Will Want To Tear Your Hair Out

Do not read this article if you do not want to get angry.  The health care industry in the United States has become one gigantic money making scam, and tens of millions of American families now live in great fear of illness and disease.  Why are they so afraid?  It is not because they fear the illnesses and diseases.  Rather, the prospect of racking up tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of dollars in medical debt is enough to deeply frighten just about anyone.  Today, virtually every single American is one really bad day from financial ruin.  Did you know that medical bills are the number one reason for bankruptcy in the United States?  Did you know that the vast majority of people that go bankrupt due to medical bills actually have health insurance?  Meanwhile, there are a significant number of people that are becoming fabulously wealthy off of this system.  Our “health care industry” has turned large numbers of doctors, lawyers, health insurance company executives and pharmaceutical company executives into multi-millionaires.  The health care industry in the United States has been so corrupt and so greedy for so long that we don’t even remember what a legitimate medical system even looks like anymore. (Read More...)

25 Hard Questions That You Will Not See Asked On CNN, MSNBC Or Fox News

There is a reason why so many millions of people are turning to the alternative media for their news today.  The truth is that there are a whole lot of important things that the mainstream media will simply not talk about.  There are a whole lot of other important issues that the mainstream media will tease their viewers with but then subsequently “whitewash” with the “official story” that none of us is supposed to question.  Have you ever noticed how CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, ABC, NBC and CBS all seem to come up with the exact same version of “the truth”?  But over the past several years we have seen a great awakening take place.  Millions of Americans are sick and tired of being spoon-fed establishment propaganda like a bunch of small children and they are searching on the Internet for alternative media outlets that are asking the hard questions and that are willing to at least explore answers that are not part of “the officially sanctioned” version of the truth. (Read More...)

What Kind Of Mood Are The American People In As We Enter 2011?

Around the end of the year a ton of polls and surveys get taken.  Media organizations love to get a “snapshot” of how the American people are feeling as the new year begins.  So what kind of mood are the American people in as we enter 2011?  Well, if the polls are to be believed, they are less optimistic, they are a bit scared, they are very frustrated and they are becoming increasingly angry.  A solid majority of Americans believe that the country is moving in the wrong direction and they desperately want someone to fix the economy.  What Americans seem to want most of all are good jobs.  At the end of the day, Americans want to be able to pay the mortgage and put food on the table.  If they can’t do that, then what is going on with other “important issues” really isn’t going to seem very important to most of them. (Read More...)

The Big Business Of Abortion

Abortion has become very big business in the United States.  Since Roe v. Wade was legalized by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973, tens of millions of babies have been killed in the wombs of their mothers.  In fact, it has been estimated that approximately 50 million babies have been aborted in America since 1973.  It is a national horror that will never be erased.  Most proponents of abortion will tell you that it is all about giving mothers the “right to choose” whether to end the life of their babies or not, but there is actually a lot more to the big business of abortion than just that.  The truth is that abortion in America is also about population control, eugenics, “protecting the environment” and making a ton of money. (Read More...)

20 Quotes About The Economic Collapse In Europe That Will Make Your Hair Stand On End

Most Americans have been paying very little attention to it, but right now Europe is desperately fighting to avoid a complete financial and economic collapse.  As the euro continues to fall precipitously, European leaders are openly declaring that this is the biggest financial crisis that Europe has experienced since at least World War II.  So exactly what is causing all this?  Well, just like the United States, countries throughout Europe responded to the economic crisis of the last several years by spending a ton of money.  The problem is that quite a few of these European nations got into debt way over their heads.  In particular, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Italy are literally drowning in debt.  There is a very real possibility that several of them may soon default on their debts.  If that happens it could set off a financial shockwave that could encircle the entire world.  Because of the interconnectedness of the global economy, a financial meltdown in Europe would have a dramatic impact on the U.S. economy.  In fact, the continued ability of millions of Americans to enjoy the American Dream is dependent on events that are currently playing out in Europe.  Most Americans completely do not understand this, but it doesn’t make it any less true.  If Europe’s economy goes down hard, the already very fragile U.S. economy will be crushed as well. (Read More...)