China Is “Turning To Dog Meat” As The Massive Global Pork Shortage Rapidly Intensifies

If other forms of meat suddenly became too expensive, would you feed dog meat to your family instead?  Sadly, this is a dilemma that many families in China are facing right now.  As I reported a few days ago, one-fourth of all the pigs in the entire world have already been wiped out by African Swine Fever.  The epicenter of this crisis is in China, and as you will see below, their hog population has fallen by more than 40 percent so far.  This has caused a dramatic spike in the price of pork, and as a result many Chinese citizens are now seeking out less expensive alternatives. (Read More...)

When Did Halloween Become So Sick, Twisted And Gory?

Have you noticed that each year the overall tone of Halloween just continues to get darker and darker?  The movies keep getting more graphic, the decorations keep getting more gory and even the costumes keep getting more twisted.  When I was growing up, I remember watching relatively benign cartoons such as “It’s A Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”, and on Halloween night we would put on our silly store-bought costumes and go trick-or-treating.  It was always a little bit difficult breathing through the stupid plastic masks, but my siblings and I were eager to gather lots of candy from the neighbors.  Of course as a child I had no idea what the real meaning of Halloween was, and so I eagerly participated in the festivities.  During those years, I just thought it was a time to dress up as my favorite cartoon character and eat candy until I felt ill. (Read More...)

The Social Decay That We See All Around Us Is Absolutely Breathtaking

Throughout human history we have seen great nations rise and fall, and for many of them it was not actually an external threat that took them down.  When the social decay inside a society gets bad enough, it is just a matter of time before that society falls apart.  That is why what is happening to the United States is so deeply troubling.  Everywhere around us there is evidence that the social order in this country is rotting.  At one time we were the most respected nation on the entire planet, but now we have become the laughingstock of the world.  And instead of setting a good example for the rest of us, our leaders are some of the greatest examples of corruption and filth. (Read More...)

The Percentage Of Christians In America Has Hit An All-Time Low

The decline of the Christian faith in the United States continues to accelerate, and the latest numbers that we just got are absolutely staggering.  Most European countries are already considered to be “post-Christian” nations, and the U.S. appears to be headed down the exact same path.  But when America was originally founded, it is estimated that 98 percent of the colonists were Christians.  The Christian faith played a critical role in the development of our form of government, and down throughout history every generation of Americans was overwhelmingly Christian.  But now things are changing in a major way.  According to a brand new survey that was just released by the Pew Research Center, only 65 percent of Americans now consider themselves to be “Christians”, and that represents the lowest level ever recorded… (Read More...)

Establishment Democrats Are Looking For A “Savior” To Enter The Race, But Will They Give Us A Devil Instead?

Establishment Democrats are becoming extremely nervous, because they are starting to realize that the field of candidates currently running for the Democratic nomination is exceedingly weak.  The campaign is nearly a year old, there have been nationally televised debates month after month, and at this point only three candidates in the field have any chance of winning.  All of the other candidates have completely flopped, and establishment Democrats are deeply concerned about the weaknesses of the three candidates that are still standing.  Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are considered to be way too liberal to win a general election, and Joe Biden has been slipping in the polls and his fundraising numbers have been absolutely terrible.   With just a few months left until voting begins, many establishment Democrats are now desperate for a “savior” to come along and bail them out, and that could potentially result in a very familiar name entering the race. (Read More...)

As Halloween Approaches, Thousands Of Witches Will Cast A “Binding Spell” On Donald Trump On October 25th

I know that the headline will sound very strange to a lot of my readers, but this is actually happening.  On October 25th at 11:59 PM, thousands of witches will simultaneously conduct a ritual which is meant to “bind” Donald Trump.  Unlike a “curse” or a “hex”, a “binding spell” is not meant to cause harm.  Rather, the witches hope to prevent President Trump from doing harm to the United States by his actions, and so they actually believe that they are doing something very positive for the country.  But a closer examination of this “binding ritual” reveals some very disturbing details.  For example, those participating in the ritual are instructed to call on “demons of the infernal realms” for help in binding Trump… (Read More...)

Civil Unrest Is Erupting All Over The World, But Just Wait Until The United States Joins The Party…

All over the globe, the mood is turning sour.  Anger and frustration are bubbling over, and protests are becoming violent in major cities all across the planet.  In some cases economic pain is driving the protests and in other cases political matters are motivating the protesters, and it has been a very long time since we have seen so many angry protests happening all over the world simultaneously.  Unfortunately, many believe that what we have seen so far is just the beginning.  Global economic conditions are rapidly deteriorating, and as economic pain intensifies that is only going to make everyone more frustrated.  And here in the United States, the drama surrounding the potential impeachment of Donald Trump is going to greatly escalate the political tensions that are already deeply dividing this country.  No matter how things turn out, a large percentage of the population is likely to be deeply frustrated with the result, and that could very easily lead to tremendous civil unrest. (Read More...)

Why Has There Been A 56 Percent Increase In Suicide Among Young Americans In Just 10 Years?

It is very hard to face the future when you don’t have any hope.  Today, our society offers more ways to entertain ourselves than ever before, but it offers very little hope.  Most people spend most of their lives wandering from one thing to another looking for meaning and purpose, and of course most of those journeys come up empty.  We may have a much higher standard of living than any other generation in history, but we are also have the highest rates of addiction, depression and suicide.  As a society, we are deeply, deeply unhappy, and this is especially true for our young people.  In fact, a report that was just released discovered that there was a 56 percent increase in suicide among Americans from age 10 to age 24 in just 10 years(Read More...)