3 Pictures That Show How Much America Has Changed Since The Old Days

What would our founders think if they could see us today?  Every great civilization throughout human history eventually entered a period of decline, and we continue to get more evidence every single day that America’s decline is accelerating.  But even though I am constantly writing about this stuff, I was absolutely stunned when I first saw the photo above.  If Kyrsten Sinema had shown up on the floor of the U.S. Senate looking like that in the old days, she would have been immediately hauled away.  But today, apparently it is perfectly acceptable for America’s first bisexual senator to parade around the Senate floor looking like a prostitute.  Quite a few conservatives have remarked that she looked like the character that Julia Roberts played in Pretty Woman, but in my opinion that is being way too kind. (Read More...)

The Average Adult In The U.S. “Logs 6 Hours, 43 Minutes Of Total Screen Time Daily”

Can you imagine a society where there are no phones, no televisions and no computers at all?  America was once such a place, but now everything has changed.  Today, most Americans willingly plug themselves into “the matrix” for multiple hours each day.  We are increasingly living our lives through our screens, but in the process the amount of real human interaction that we have with one another just continues to go down.  We are absolutely addicted to our phones, our televisions and our computers, and many of us actually become extremely physically uncomfortable if we are forced to “unplug” for even a few hours.  But even though we already know all of this, the numbers from a brand new survey that was just released are still hard to believe.  According to a survey of 2,000 people, the average adult in the United States spends about six hours and 43 minutes a day staring at a screen(Read More...)

Now That They Have Deeply Insulted All Men With Their “Toxic Masculinity” Ad, Let’s Respond By Boycotting Gillette

Does Gillette really think that they are going to sell more razors to men after millions of men watch their horrific new ad that is essentially an all-out assault on masculinity?  The new ad is entitled “We Believe: The Best Men Can Be”, and within the first few seconds the term “toxic masculinity” is used.  This is a deeply, deeply offensive term, and it has no place in our society.  After all, could you imagine the uproar that would ensue if a large corporation dared to use the term “toxic femininity” in an advertisement?  Women would be freaking out from coast to coast, and for good reason.  There would simply be no excuse for using the term “toxic femininity”, and there is simply no excuse for using the term “toxic masculinity”.  Gillette owes every man in America an apology, and they better make it a good one. (Read More...)

The American Psychological Association Issues New Guidelines That Say “Traditional Masculinity Can Hurt Boys”

Should we be teaching young boys to reject traditional masculinity?  According to the American Psychological Association, that is precisely what we should be doing.  In this day and age, “traditional masculinity” has been renamed “toxic masculinity”, and an all-out attempt is being made to eradicate traditional forms of male behavior from our society.  We see this happening in our classrooms, we see this happening in popular culture, and lately this new agenda is being constantly pushed by the mainstream media.  For example, the New York Times just published a piece about the new guidelines for men that the American Psychological Association recently issued.  Their article was entitled “Traditional Masculinity Can Hurt Boys, Say New A.P.A. Guidelines”, and it suggests that we need to totally redefine what it means “to be a man”… (Read More...)

2019: It Is Going To Be Much Worse Than You Think…

The beginning of a new year is supposed to be all about hope, right?  And I would certainly like to tell you that 2019 is going to be America’s best year ever and that everybody is going to receive a double portion of blessing, prosperity and happiness, but that simply would not be true.  Unfortunately, the truth is that the elements for a “perfect storm” are rapidly coming together and 2019 is going to be an exceedingly challenging year.  Of course 2018 wasn’t exactly a wonderful year either.  I really like how Dave Barry made this point in his most recent article(Read More...)

#ShutdownStories: If Federal Workers Are Suffering This Much After 4 Days, How Bad Will It Be When The Government Is Still Closed In February?

After just 4 days, federal workers are flocking to social media to share heart-wrenching stories of the misery and pain that they are suffering through because of the current government shutdown.  As you will see below, it is being claimed that some federal workers were actually forced to return Christmas presents just so that they could afford to pay their mortgages, others are claiming that President Trump “destroyed Christmas”, and the wife of one federal worker says that she is going to have to kill her cat if this shutdown goes much longer.  You couldn’t make this stuff up even if you tried, and it makes one wonder how these people would survive if a real national crisis actually erupted. (Read More...)

Is It Okay That Christmas Is All About Materialism?

How would you feel about Christmas if there were absolutely no gifts at all?  That may sound like a very strange question, but I think that it is a very important one, because the truth is that our biggest holiday of the year by far is all about materialism.  According to ABC News, the average American will shell out $700 for Christmas presents in 2018, and the National Retail Federation is projecting that total Christmas spending will surpass $465,000,000,000.  Only 25 countries on the entire planet have a GDP that is greater than that number.  Ultimately, Christmas is defined by what we give and what we get, but is that actually healthy? (Read More...)

New York Times Article Suggests That Human Extinction Would Not Be A Bad Thing Because Climate Change Is Destroying The Planet

Would our planet be better off if humanity ceased to exist?  That is quite a morbid question, but today an increasing number of intellectuals are bringing it up, because they are convinced that we are the source of everything that is wrong with our world.  According to these zealots, humans are the primary source of climate change and if we do not alter our course the planet will be destroyed.  But since humanity apparently lacks the will to end the behaviors which are destroying the planet, many of them also believe that it would be a good thing if we were to be completely wiped out somehow.  Most normal people would never think this way, but these are the sorts of discussions that intellectuals and elitists are now having all the time, and sometimes this bleeds over into the mainstream media.  For example, the New York Times just published a very long article by Clemson University professor of philosophy Todd May entitled “Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?”  The following is a brief excerpt from that article… (Read More...)