A Giant Statue Of Molech Has Been Put Up Right At The Entrance To The Colosseum In Rome

Tourists that visit the Colosseum in Rome these days are getting quite a shock.  A gigantic statue of a pagan Canaanite deity known as “Molech” has been erected right at the entrance.  In ancient times, those that served Molech would literally sacrifice their children to him, and apparently this involved burning them to death.  And now a massive statue of this pagan idol is the centerpiece of a new “archaeological exhibition” at the world famous Roman Colosseum.  Yes, the exact same Colosseum where countless numbers of Christians were martyred for their faith is now the home for one of the most monstrous pagan deities that the world has ever seen. (Read More...)

When Did Halloween Become So Sick, Twisted And Gory?

Have you noticed that each year the overall tone of Halloween just continues to get darker and darker?  The movies keep getting more graphic, the decorations keep getting more gory and even the costumes keep getting more twisted.  When I was growing up, I remember watching relatively benign cartoons such as “It’s A Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”, and on Halloween night we would put on our silly store-bought costumes and go trick-or-treating.  It was always a little bit difficult breathing through the stupid plastic masks, but my siblings and I were eager to gather lots of candy from the neighbors.  Of course as a child I had no idea what the real meaning of Halloween was, and so I eagerly participated in the festivities.  During those years, I just thought it was a time to dress up as my favorite cartoon character and eat candy until I felt ill. (Read More...)

The Percentage Of Christians In America Has Hit An All-Time Low

The decline of the Christian faith in the United States continues to accelerate, and the latest numbers that we just got are absolutely staggering.  Most European countries are already considered to be “post-Christian” nations, and the U.S. appears to be headed down the exact same path.  But when America was originally founded, it is estimated that 98 percent of the colonists were Christians.  The Christian faith played a critical role in the development of our form of government, and down throughout history every generation of Americans was overwhelmingly Christian.  But now things are changing in a major way.  According to a brand new survey that was just released by the Pew Research Center, only 65 percent of Americans now consider themselves to be “Christians”, and that represents the lowest level ever recorded… (Read More...)

As Halloween Approaches, Thousands Of Witches Will Cast A “Binding Spell” On Donald Trump On October 25th

I know that the headline will sound very strange to a lot of my readers, but this is actually happening.  On October 25th at 11:59 PM, thousands of witches will simultaneously conduct a ritual which is meant to “bind” Donald Trump.  Unlike a “curse” or a “hex”, a “binding spell” is not meant to cause harm.  Rather, the witches hope to prevent President Trump from doing harm to the United States by his actions, and so they actually believe that they are doing something very positive for the country.  But a closer examination of this “binding ritual” reveals some very disturbing details.  For example, those participating in the ritual are instructed to call on “demons of the infernal realms” for help in binding Trump… (Read More...)

Why Has There Been A 56 Percent Increase In Suicide Among Young Americans In Just 10 Years?

It is very hard to face the future when you don’t have any hope.  Today, our society offers more ways to entertain ourselves than ever before, but it offers very little hope.  Most people spend most of their lives wandering from one thing to another looking for meaning and purpose, and of course most of those journeys come up empty.  We may have a much higher standard of living than any other generation in history, but we are also have the highest rates of addiction, depression and suicide.  As a society, we are deeply, deeply unhappy, and this is especially true for our young people.  In fact, a report that was just released discovered that there was a 56 percent increase in suicide among Americans from age 10 to age 24 in just 10 years(Read More...)

Halloween Warning: Here Are 15 Reasons Why You Should Not Celebrate “The Devil’s Holiday”

Halloween has become one of the most important holidays in the United States, and thanks to relentless marketing it is now celebrated in virtually every nation on the entire planet.  According to the National Retail Federation, Americans will spend a whopping 8.8 billion dollars on Halloween this year, and most of that money will be spent on costumes, candy and decorations.  The vast majority of the U.S. population will participate in some form of Halloween festivities, and most of them probably don’t want to hear anything “negative” about a holiday that they really look forward to enjoying.  But should we actually be celebrating this holiday?  After reading what I have to share with you below, you may be forced to reconsider what you believe about Halloween. (Read More...)

The Book Is About To Close On The Late Great United States Of America

Our story could have ended very differently.  If America had embraced the truth, that would have put us on a far different road than the one we are on today.  Instead, we are steamrolling toward oblivion, and only a small handful of brave watchmen are even warning about the ominous fate that lies directly ahead of us.  We live at a time when “evil” is called “good” and “good” is called “evil”, and just about every form of human degradation that you can possibly imagine is absolutely exploding in our society.  For years I have been warning that if we stay on the path that we are currently on, there is no future for America.  I think that a lot of people assumed that I was exaggerating, but I wasn’t.  Other societies throughout human history have believed that they could stay ahead of the consequences of their evil ways, but of course the truth is that justice is a relentless predator.  We have completely rejected all of the values that this nation was founded upon, we have embraced wickedness on an industrial scale, and the blood of millions upon millions of our victims cries out to us from the ground.  And those that would dare to warn us to turn from our evil ways are some of the most hated members of our entire society. (Read More...)

Theology Students Are Being Taught To Confess Their “Climate Sins” While Sitting In Front Of A Bunch Of Potted Plants…

The folks at Union Theological Seminary are taking the concept of “talking to your plants” to a frightening new level.  Each year, students at the seminary pay a ridiculous amount of money to go to the school, and they are there to be trained to be the Christian leaders of tomorrow.  But instead, they are being taught to confess their “climate sins” to potted plants, and eventually these impressionable young minds will be leading churches and Christian institutions all over America.  I realize that this story is so bizarre that it sounds like somebody made it up, but it is actually true.  The following was posted by the official Twitter account of Union Theological Seminary last week(Read More...)