The High Cost Of Locking Down America: “We’ve Seen A Year’s Worth Of Suicide Attempts In The Last Four Weeks”

Locking down much of the country may have helped to “flatten the curve” a bit, but it has also had some very serious consequences that public health officials did not anticipate.  Humans were created to be social creatures, and forcing us to isolate ourselves from one another for weeks on end has turned out to be quite problematic.  This has especially been true for those that live alone.  Today, the U.S. has a higher percentage of one person households than ever before, and keeping those individuals totally isolated in their own homes is not that different from putting prison inmates in solitary confinement for an extended period of time.  In both cases, it can be just a matter of time before people mentally break. (Read More...)

9 Signs Of The End Times That Are Unfolding Right In Front Of Our Eyes

Global events are beginning to spiral out of control, and this has created a resurgence in interest in what the Bible has to say about “the last days”.  Throughout the Scriptures, we are warned about apocalyptic events that will precede the second coming of Jesus Christ, and a lot of people are wondering if that period of time is now upon us.  All over the Internet, people are engaging in all sorts of speculation and lots of really bizarre theories are being thrown around, and this is causing a great deal of confusion.  But all of this confusion is not necessary, because the Bible is actually very clear about what is coming. (Read More...)

Will Some Churches Be Forced To Close For The Entire Duration Of The COVID-19 Pandemic?

Isn’t it odd that Walmart stores all over the nation have remained open throughout this crisis but we are being told that it is “too risky” to hold a church service in many states?  During this crisis it has often been said that “my rights do not end where your fears begin”, but right now we are witnessing a stunning erosion of our First Amendment rights.  Churches remain closed in many states, and some churches in states that have “reopened” are now being forced to close down again.  For example, a Baptist church in Georgia has announced that they will not be holding any in-person worship services “for the foreseeable future”(Read More...)

Is This The Moment When Freedom Will Come To North Korea And The Concentration Camps Will Finally End?

Is Kim Jong Un dead?  He has not been seen in public for weeks, and all over the globe there is speculation that he has passed away following a botched surgery.  It is being reported that an emergency heart procedure went bad because his doctor’s hands were shaking, and according to a magazine in Japan that resulted in Kim Jong Un going into a “vegetative state”.  But of course we don’t really know for sure what happened, and the North Korean government is insisting that he is alive and well.  And it is entirely possible that Kim Jong Un just pulled a fast one on us and that he will come out of hiding tomorrow.  But if the rumors are true, this could finally be the moment that the people of North Korea have been waiting for.  After decades of living under tyranny, this could finally be the moment when freedom arrives. (Read More...)

Is This The Real Reason Why America Is Being Absolutely Devastated By This Coronavirus Pandemic?

Is it not just a coincidence that this coronavirus pandemic is hitting the United States much harder than anyone else?  As I write this article, the U.S. has more than 600,000 confirmed cases, and no other nation has even hit the 200,000 mark yet.  Of course just a couple of months ago that would have been unthinkable.  At the turn of the year, COVID-19 was racing across China and there was not a single confirmed case in the United States at that time.  In fact, the first confirmed case in this country was not announced until the second half of January.  But now here we are in April and we have more than seven times as many confirmed cases as China does. (Read More...)

Have You Noticed How Much Delight They Are Taking In Shutting Down Churches All Over The United States?

Did you think that you would ever see the day when police in America would be patrolling church parking lots on Sunday morning in order to keep people away?  And did you think that you would ever see the day when Christians would be threatened with having their license plates recorded if they did attend church?  That is what the Democratic governor of the state of Kentucky just did, and he is getting a lot of national backlash over that move.  When “shelter-in-place” orders were first instituted all over the nation, most of them seemed quite reasonable, and we assumed that our leaders would use common sense in enforcing them.  But in recent days it has become clear that in many areas of the country churches and other Christian gatherings are specifically being singled out, and in some cases authorities have seemed to take quite a bit of glee in cracking down on Christians.  This sort of tyranny was never part of the bargain, and believers all over America are rightly pushing back against it. (Read More...)

Is This “Super Pink Passover Moon” Another Harbinger Of Things To Come?

If you look up into the sky tonight, you will witness something truly unusual.  The full moon that you will see will also be a “Supermoon”, a “Pink Moon” and a “Passover Moon”.  In fact, it will be the largest “Supermoon” of the entire year.  A British news source created quite a stir by suggesting that this moon could be an “end of days’ omen”, and it is true that the Bible does say that there will be signs in the sun, moon and stars in the last days.  But at this point we don’t know if this full moon will have any special significance or not.  However, there are people out there that do believe that the very unusual full moon that we witnessed on 12/12 at exactly 12:12 AM that was precisely 6,666 days from 9/11 was a harbinger of the great troubles that we would see in 2020.  If that very weird celestial event was actually some sort of a sign, could it be possible that this “Super Pink Passover Moon” is also some sort of a sign? (Read More...)

The Huge Magnitude 6.5 Earthquake That Just Hit Idaho Continues Alarming Trend Of Western Quakes

Why has the western United States suddenly been shaking so violently over the past several weeks?  On Tuesday, the constant barrage of headlines about the coronavirus pandemic was interrupted by an enormous earthquake that hit central Idaho.  Of course Idaho is not exactly known for earthquakes, and so this was quite a surprise.  In fact, the largest quake in Idaho history was the magnitude 6.9 Borah Peak earthquake in 1983.  So when a magnitude 6.5 earthquake stuck not too far from Boise on Tuesday, it really stunned a whole lot of people.  And according to the Spokesman-Review, this quake could be felt as far away as Calgary(Read More...)