Where Does The Tradition Of Wearing Halloween Costumes Come From?

The modern tradition of wearing costumes on Halloween can be traced back more than 2000 years to the Celts of ancient Britain.  During a Druidic festival known as Samhain, which is still celebrated by Wiccans and other modern pagans, revelers would often wear masks or costumes.  In modern times wearing costumes is considered to be “innocent fun”, but in those times the masks and costumes were worn for very specific spiritual purposes.  For some, the goal was to ward off evil spirits, but for others the purpose of the mask or costume was to help the participant communicate with the spirit world.  And as you will see below, there are some that still believe in this practice today. (Read More...)

Is It Okay To Celebrate Halloween? For Many Americans, It Is A Time For Blood Rituals And Unspeakable Acts Of Evil

What I am about to share with you is incredibly disturbing.  Every year on October 31st, some of the most horrifying acts imaginable are carried out in dark corners and back rooms all across America.  In this article, you are going to read about some of those acts.  But for most Americans, Halloween is a supposedly “innocent” holiday that is all about dressing up, eating lots of candy and having fun.  When I was growing up, I gladly participated in the festivities too, because I didn’t understand what the holiday was all about.  According to the National Retail Federation, approximately 70 percent of all Americans celebrate Halloween, and a total of somewhere around 9 billion dollars will be spent on the holiday this year.  But most Americans do not understand that almost all of our modern “Halloween traditions” have their roots in a bloody ancient pagan festival known as Samhain(Read More...)

7 Glimpses Into The Social Decay That Is Voraciously Eating Away At The Fabric Of Our Country

Everyone agrees that America is not the same place that it once was.  Our society is undergoing a fundamental transformation that is absolutely breathtaking, and some of the changes have been positive.  But many would argue that most of the changes have been negative, and the truth is that we can see evidence of this all around us.  Wikipedia defines social decay as “the tendency for society to decline or disintegrate over time, perhaps due to the lapse or breakdown of traditional social support systems.”  As a society, we are more disconnected from one another than we have ever been before, and perhaps this is one of the big reasons why so much anger and hatred are growing all around us.  At this point, a large portion of the population doesn’t even seem to possess a basic level of empathy and compassion for their fellow citizens, and that has frightening implications for the future of our nation. (Read More...)

The Arch Of Baal Was Put Up In Washington D.C. One Day Before Brett Kavanaugh Testified To Congress

Is it just a coincidence that the “Arch of Baal” has been erected in Washington D.C. on the exact same week that Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford are testifying before Congress?  The future of the U.S. Supreme Court is literally hanging in the balance, and many believe that it is quite odd that this ancient pagan symbol has been put up at this precise moment in time.  According to the official website of the Institute for Digital Archaeology, the Arch of Palmyra was unveiled on the National Mall on September 26th, and it will remain there until September 29th.  You can view a photograph of the arch standing directly in front of the U.S. Capitol building right here.  Just one day after this arch was put up, Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford testified before Congress.  Perhaps this is all just a “giant coincidence”, but things of this importance usually don’t happen by accident. (Read More...)

End Times Persecution Is Here: The Largest Country In The World Is Destroying 1000s Of Crosses And Bibles

Many Christians in the western world don’t even realize that the persecution of the end times has already started.  All over the world, Christians are being attacked, Bibles are being burned and churches are being shut down.  This persecution has been escalating for quite some time, but what prompted me to write this article today was the dramatic change that we have witnessed in China this year.  Up to this point, the Chinese government has largely tolerated the booming house church movement, but now that era of toleration is officially over.  New religious regulations that went into effect in February are being brutally enforced, and this is causing some to point out the frightening parallels between Communist China and Nazi Germany. (Read More...)

From The Heart Of The Bible Belt To The California Coast, Satanism Is Experiencing Explosive Growth In America

As attendance declines at Christian churches all over America, many Satanic groups are experiencing tremendous growth.  For some, embracing Satanism is the ultimate form of rebellion, for others it is about making an anti-Trump political statement, and yet others claim that they are attracted by the very real power that they discover in Satanism.  Every week, bizarre rituals are conducted in basements, meeting halls and public facilities all over the country, and most Americans have absolutely no idea what is going on.  Of course most mainstream news articles about Satanists attempt to portray them as ordinary people that have simply been “misunderstood”.  And ultimately that is what the Satanists are trying to do for Satan – they are trying to get all the rest of us to view Satan or Lucifer as a “misunderstood” being that only has humanity’s best interests at heart.  And since the values of Satanism line up more accurately with the values of modern society than Christian values do, Satanists are finding increasing success in bringing in new recruits. (Read More...)

Are They Telling Us What Is Coming? The Mainstream Media Boldly Declares “You Will Be Microchipped”

At one time, the notion that the general population would be microchipped someday was a “conspiracy theory”, but now the mainstream media is coming right out and telling us that we will all get chipped.  It is almost as if they are trying to mentally condition us to accept what is coming.  Of course it is being portrayed as “cool” and “trendy”, and a lot of people will be fooled by that.  But if someday “identity chips” are required for the entire population, the potential for tyranny would be off the charts.  Unfortunately, some sort of permanent digital identification is increasingly being pushed as the solution to problems such as identity theft, tax evasion, illegal immigration and money laundering.  And tech companies would love to have a universal way to confirm the identities of individuals on the Internet.  But very few people are talking about the dark side of this technology, and that is a very frightening thing. (Read More...)

Even President Trump Is Aware Of The Civil Unrest That Is Brewing, And He Just Warned That Violence Is Coming If Republicans Lose In November

Are we going to see violence in the streets of our major cities following the mid-term elections in November?  President Trump seems to believe that this is a very real possibility, and he shared his thoughts on this with a group of top evangelical leaders on Monday night.  Previously, those that have warned that a “civil war” is coming to America have been heavily criticized, but perhaps people will start taking this more seriously now that President Trump is saying it.  Of course we have already seen dozens of attacks on Trump supporters all over the nation, but the mainstream media largely ignores those because it does not fit the narratives that they are pushing.  The mainstream media wants to make Trump and his supporters look as bad as possible, and so they do not like to report anything that may cause the public to view them in a positive light.  But everyone can see that anger and hatred are rising to unprecedented levels in this country, and the mainstream media and key politicians on the left are adding more fuel to the fire with each passing day. (Read More...)