No More Privacy: Smart Meters Are Surveillance Devices That Monitor The Behavior In Your Home Every Single Minute Of Every Single Day

Have you heard about the new “smart meters” that are being installed in homes all across America?  Under the guise of “reducing greenhouse gas emissions” and “reducing energy bills”, utility companies all over the United States are forcing tens of millions of American families to accept sophisticated surveillance devices in their homes.  Currently, approximately 9 percent of all electric meters in the U.S. have been converted over to smart meters.  It is being projected that by 2012, the number of smart meters in use will rise to 52 million, and the federal government is spending a lot of money to help get these installed everywhere.  But the federal government refuses to explain why they are spending so much money on this effort.  Eventually the goal is to have these smart meters in all of our homes and if that ever happened there would essentially be no more privacy.  Once installed, a smart meter monitors your home every single minute of every single day and it transmits very sophisticated data about your personal behavior back to the utility company. (Read More...)

Facebook Is Now Using Facial Recognition Technology – Have You Checked Your Privacy Settings Lately?

The days when you could be “anonymous” on the Internet are long gone.  Social media networks like Facebook are a lot of fun, but you should expect to have absolutely zero privacy while using them.  If you still believe that anything you say or do on Facebook is private than you are being delusional.  Now, Facebook has even enabled facial recognition technology across its entire site.  Facebook can now instantly identify your face out of its half a billion users worldwide.  Facebook is using this technology for its new “Tag Suggestions” feature.  The idea is that facial recognition technology will speed up the process of tagging friends and family in photos that have been posted on Facebook. (Read More...)

Are Ridiculous Airport Security Measures Killing Airline Profits?

Over the past couple of years, the attitude of U.S. consumers towards flying has shifted dramatically.  Once upon a time most Americans looked forward to flying, but thanks to rising airfares, horrific fees and ridiculous airport security measures that has changed.  In particular, the new airport security scanners that can look underneath our clothing and the new “enhanced pat-downs” have caused many Americans to decide to give up air traveling for good.  It is being projected that airline profits are going to be way down in 2011.  Could this partially be due to the fact that these ridiculous airport security measures are chasing Americans away from the airports? (Read More...)

18 Signs That Life In U.S. Public Schools Is Now Essentially Equivalent To Life In U.S. Prisons

In the United States today, our public schools are not very good at educating our students, but they sure are great training grounds for learning how to live in a Big Brother police state control grid.  Sadly, life in many U.S. public schools is now essentially equivalent to life in U.S. prisons.  Most parents don’t realize this, but our students have very few rights when they are in school.  Our public school students are being watched, tracked, recorded, searched and controlled like never before.  Back when I was in high school, it was unheard of for a police officer to come to school, but today our public school students are being handcuffed and arrested in staggering numbers.  When I was young we would joke that going to school was like going to prison, but today that is actually true. (Read More...)

32 Signs That The Entire World Is Being Transformed Into A Futuristic Big Brother Prison Grid

Do you want your children and grandchildren to live in a futuristic “big brother” control grid where everything they do is watched, recorded, tracked and tightly controlled?  Well, that is exactly where things are headed.  We witnessed some really bad totalitarian regimes during the 20th century, but what is coming is going to be far more restrictive than any of the despots of the past ever dreamed was possible.  Today, nearly every government on earth is tightening their grip on their citizens.  Paranoia has become standard operating procedure all over the planet and nobody is to be trusted.  Global politicians will give speeches about liberty and freedom even as they undermine them at every turn.  There are very, very few nations on the planet where liberty and freedom are increasing.  Instead, almost everywhere you turn the “control grid” is getting tighter.  Governments don’t want us gathering together and interacting with one another.  Instead, they want us to work our tails off to support the system, they want us enslaved financially and constantly drowning in debt, and they want us addicted to television and other forms of entertainment.  They want us as numb and docile as possible.  Meanwhile, all over the globe they continue to construct a futuristic “big brother” control grid that will ensure that they will always be able to control us. (Read More...)

10 Examples That Should Convince Anyone That We No Longer Live In The Land Of The Free And The Home Of The Brave

Do you know people that still believe that America is a free country?  Do you have friends or family that are proud to live in “the land of the free and the home of the brave”?  If you do, just show them this article.  The things that you are about to read are enough to make the blood of any red-blooded American boil.  We don’t live in a free country anymore.  Instead, we live in a “Big Brother” police state control grid that is becoming more restrictive every single day.  Most of our politicians seem to be control freaks that are obsessed with running every single little detail of our lives.  These days there has to be a “rule” or a “regulation” for everything.  The radical social engineers in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and communist China never even dared to try some of the things that are going on in America today.  We are all being treated little better than cattle and we are all being taught that it is best to just sit in our homes and absorb all of the television “programming” that is being provided for us.  Meanwhile, our public schools have become little more than prison grids.  Our children are being taught to enjoy living as docile slaves in a world where imagination, liberty, freedom and adventure are all greatly discouraged. (Read More...)

Cell Phone Surveillance: Some Cell Phones Record Your Location Hundreds Of Times A Day

Do you own a cell phone?  Do you think that it is private and secure?  You might want to think again.  The truth is that there is virtually no privacy when it comes to cell phones.  In fact, the amount of cell phone surveillance that goes on is absolutely staggering.  For example, one German politician named Malte Spitz recently went to court to force Deutsche Telekom to reveal how often his cell phone was being tracked.  What he found out was absolutely amazing.  It turns out that in just one 6 month period, Deutsche Telekom recorded the longitude and latitude coordinates of his cell phone 35,000 times.  Not only that, in the United States cell phone companies are actually required by law to be able to pinpoint the locations of their customers to within 100 meters.  Most cell phone carriers are able to track their customers far more accurately than that.  The truth is that your location will never again be truly “private” as long as you are carrying a cell phone. (Read More...)

A National ID Card For American Citizens? Get Ready – The Real ID Act Goes Into Effect On May 11

For a moment, imagine a future where you are not able to drive a car, get on a plane, get on a train, vote, enter a federal building, open a bank account or get a job without a national ID card. You don’t think that could ever happen in America? Well, you might want to brush up on the Real ID Act because it is going to go into effect on May 11, 2011 unless something is done to stop it.  When I first learned this, I was absolutely stunned.  After all, wasn’t the Real ID Act supposed to be “dead”?  A few years ago state legislatures across the nation were in an uproar over this law.  The Department of Homeland Security was forced to delay implementation of it several times.  But now it is back.  You see, this is what the federal government often does.  They will try to push something very unpopular through, and if they meet resistance they will “play dead” until the uproar has died down and then they will come right back and implement it anyway.  This is what is happening with the Real ID Act. (Read More...)