Hordes Of Demoralized Police Officers Are Quitting Their Jobs, And America’s Streets Are Less Safe As A Result

The United States has never faced a more severe law enforcement crisis than it is facing right now.  All over the nation, police officers are quitting in droves, and many of those jobs are going unfilled because of the difficulty in recruiting new applicants.  Since the death of George Floyd, police officers have been relentlessly demonized by the corporate media, police budgets have been dramatically slashed in major cities all across the country, and many prominent politicians have publicly expressed disdain for their local law enforcement authorities.  In such an environment, serving the community as a police officer is not an attractive option, and it makes perfect sense why so many officers have been throwing in the towel on their once promising careers. (Read More...)

Police Officers All Over America Are Quitting Their Jobs Because Of The George Floyd Protests

Even during the best of times, being a police officer in one of America’s major cities is extremely stressful, and these are definitely not the best of times.  In 2020, the entire profession has become the target for a vast nationwide outpouring of anger and hatred.  It doesn’t matter if you are a good officer or a bad officer, because everyone is being lumped together.  Every single person that puts on a police uniform understands that they are putting their lives on the line every single day, but now that is even more true than ever.  All over the U.S., police officers are being attacked, abused and targeted for violence, and I can’t even imagine what it is like to never be able to let your guard down because someone could assault you at any moment.  And even if you never get physically attacked, most officers must still endure the mental torment of knowing that vast numbers of people want them dead simply because they have chosen to serve in the police.  For Winchester, Tennessee police officer Dustin Elliott, that was one of the main factors that caused him to quit his job(Read More...)

63 Percent Of All U.S. Jobs Created Since 1990 Have Been Low Wage Jobs

If you have a good paying job, you should probably try to hold on to it as hard as you can, because those types of jobs are steadily becoming rarer.  Since 1990, the U.S. economy has produced millions of jobs, but as you will see below nearly two-thirds of them have been low wage jobs.  Of course this is one of the biggest factors causing the systematic erosion of the American middle class.  Today, half of all U.S. workers make less than $33,000 a year, but meanwhile the cost of living has been steadily increasing.  Housing costs, health insurance and other basic necessities have been rising much faster than our paychecks have, and this has put an enormous amount of financial stress on hard working American families. (Read More...)

U.S. Job Losses Accelerate: Here Are 10 Big Companies That Are Cutting Jobs Or Laying Off Workers

Job cuts and layoffs are coming fast and furious now as the U.S. economy really starts to slow down.  We haven’t seen anything like this since 2008, when millions of Americans lost their jobs in just a matter of months.  Things are certainly not that bad yet, but there has been a very noticeable shift over the last couple of months.  Back during the summer, everyone was talking about how well the U.S. economy was doing, but now things have dramatically changed.  At this point, economic activity has slowed down so much that even Jim Cramer of CNBC is admitting that the U.S. economy has “cooled”.  If current trends continue, things will certainly get even worse, and the job losses in this article will be just the tip of the iceberg. (Read More...)

62 Percent Of All U.S. Jobs Do Not Pay Enough To Support A Middle Class Life

We just got more evidence that the middle class in America is rapidly disappearing.  According to a shocking new study that was just released, 62 percent of all jobs in the United States do not pay enough to support a middle class life.  That means that “the American Dream” is truly out of reach for most of the country at this point.  Today, Americans are working harder than ever but the cost of living continues to rise much faster than our paychecks are increasing.  Earlier this month, I went and looked at the latest numbers from the Social Security Administration, and I discovered that 50 percent of all American workers make less than $30,533 a year.  But that is just above poverty level.  In fact, the federal poverty level for a family of five is currently $29,420.  Most families are just barely scraping by from month to month, and most U.S. workers are just one major setback away from falling out of the middle class. (Read More...)

From This Point Forward, Christians Are Going To Be Banned From Holding Many Jobs In America

Unacceptable - Public DomainChristianity is being criminalized in the United States.  No, I am not talking about the kind of Christianity that is so prevalent in America today where “Christians” just ignore what the Bible says and do whatever they wanted to do in the first place anyway.  Rather, I am talking about the kind of faith that Kim Davis has demonstrated.  Christians all over this country are being put into positions where they must choose to either submit to the “new morality” or potentially lose their jobs.  For Kim Davis, deciding to take a stand meant that she was thrown into prison.  The radical judge that threw her into prison has said that she will stay there until she is willing to change her mind. (Read More...)

17 Facts That Prove That The Quality Of Jobs In America Is Going Down The Drain

Drain - Public DomainDo you wish that you had a better job?  If so, you are not alone.  In fact, there are millions upon millions of Americans that get up every day and go to a job that they wish that they could afford to quit.  Unfortunately, most Americans end up just desperately holding on to the jobs that they have because just about any job is valuable in this economic environment.  Over the past decade, the long-term trends that are destroying jobs in America have accelerated.  We have seen countless numbers of jobs shipped overseas, we have seen countless numbers of jobs replaced by technology, we have seen countless numbers of jobs taken by immigrants and we have seen countless numbers of jobs lost to the overall decline of the once great U.S. economy.  Unfortunately, even though we can all see this happening, our “leaders” have failed to come up with any solutions.  And since there are so many of us that are desperate for jobs these days, employers know that they don’t have to pay as much.  The balance of supply and demand in the employment marketplace has radically shifted in their favor.  So less workers are getting health insurance these days, less workers are getting retirement plans and once you adjust for inflation our paychecks have been getting smaller for years.  Needless to say, all of this is absolutely eviscerating the middle class.  The following are 17 facts that prove that the quality of jobs in America is going down the drain… (Read More...)

Obama’s War On Coal Is Going To Kill Jobs And Sent Electricty Rates ‘Skyrocketing’

The General James M. Gavin coal plant on the Ohio RiverWhen Barack Obama was running for president in 2008, he stated that under his plan “electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket”.  Well, now it looks like he is finally getting around to keeping his promise.  New EPA rules that are designed to cripple the coal industry could send electricity rates soaring by up to 40 percent in many rural areas.  And even though we have enough coal in the ground to provide hundreds of years of energy at current levels of consumption, Obama’s plan is going to force large numbers of coal plants to completely shut down because they are simply going to become too expensive to operate.  If Americans living in rural communities didn’t care for Obama before, they really are not going to like him much when these new EPA regulations start kicking in. (Read More...)