12 Examples That Show That America Is Far More Messed Up Than When You Were A Kid

What in the world has happened to our country?  Most of us have very fond memories from when we were younger, and it is true that often our memories of “the good old days” can leave out the bad parts.  None of us are perfect individually, and America has certainly never been without major problems as a nation.  But have we ever witnessed the level of social decay that we are seeing around the country today?  We are like a divorced, bloated, drug-addicted middle age man that has seen his life completely fall apart, and it would be nice to believe that we have hit rock bottom, but the truth is that we just keep on sinking even lower.  The following are 12 examples that show that America is far more messed up than when you were a kid… (Read More...)

7 Glimpses Into The Social Decay That Is Voraciously Eating Away At The Fabric Of Our Country

Everyone agrees that America is not the same place that it once was.  Our society is undergoing a fundamental transformation that is absolutely breathtaking, and some of the changes have been positive.  But many would argue that most of the changes have been negative, and the truth is that we can see evidence of this all around us.  Wikipedia defines social decay as “the tendency for society to decline or disintegrate over time, perhaps due to the lapse or breakdown of traditional social support systems.”  As a society, we are more disconnected from one another than we have ever been before, and perhaps this is one of the big reasons why so much anger and hatred are growing all around us.  At this point, a large portion of the population doesn’t even seem to possess a basic level of empathy and compassion for their fellow citizens, and that has frightening implications for the future of our nation. (Read More...)

Another NFL Player, A Major Soccer Star And An Entire Church Join Colin Kaepernick’s National Anthem Protest

Colin Kaepernick - Photo by Mike Morbeck on WikipediaThanks to Colin Kaepernick, the playing of the national anthem before a sporting event is never going to be the same again. At first there was a vicious backlash against Kaepernick for refusing to stand for the national anthem, but now large segments of the population are enthusiastically embracing him and his cause. This week, Kaepernick’s jersey became the top selling jersey in the entire NFL. If it wasn’t for this controversy that would be very odd, because Kaepernick has played very, very poorly over the past couple of years. (Read More...)

America Looks A Lot Like Nazi Germany Did Just Prior To World War II

Big Brother Eye - Public DomainOnce upon a time America fought a great war to rid the world of the Nazis, but now we have become just like them.  In fact, I would venture to say that the Nazification of the United States is pretty much complete.  As you will see below, we have a heavily socialized economy where tax rates are out of control and lots of freebies are given out just like the Nazis did.  And just like the Nazis, our society has become highly militarized and our government has become increasingly obsessed with watching, tracking, monitoring and controlling the general population.  But more than anything else, all of the pageantry and beauty in our society masks an evil which has grown to a level that is almost unspeakable.  The other day, my wife and I were watching some footage of the beautiful parades and celebrations that were held in Germany before World War II, and they certainly were very impressive.  But under the surface, a great evil was growing.  Just because something happens behind closed doors does not make it okay, and just like the Nazis, our society is about to learn an exceedingly painful lesson in that regard. (Read More...)

11 Examples Of How Evil Is Growing In America Like A Cancerous Tumor

Monster - Public DomainHave you heard of “arterial tapping”, “flakka” or “cyberextortion”?  In America today, just about every conceivable type of evil that you could possibly name is growing, and we are even inventing new kinds of evil that the world has never seen before.  It is very easy for us to point to the looting and violence in Baltimore and call that evil, but there is far more to the social decay of America than just that.  The foundations of our society are rotting and decaying in thousands of different ways, and our biggest problem as a nation is what is found inside our own hearts.  We have rejected the values and principles that were handed down to us by previous generations of Americans because we believed that we knew better than they did.  But now look at us.  Our country is falling apart all around us, and we only have ourselves to blame.  The following are 11 examples of how evil is growing in America like a cancerous tumor… (Read More...)

Rape Culture, Feminism, And The Shocking Truth That You Aren’t Being Told

Woman Silhouette 2015 - Public DomainDoes a “culture of rape” exist in the United States? For years, feminists have been speaking of a “rape culture” that exists in this country.  They claim that rape has become “pervasive and normalized due to societal attitudes about gender and sexuality“.  But what they won’t tell you is that the “sexual revolution” that they championed back in the 1960s and 1970s is at the very root of the explosion of sexual violence that we have seen in this nation since that time.  Once upon a time, you could actually let your kids run over to the local playground and play for hours unattended.  I know, because that is what my parents did with me when I was growing up.  But now you have to watch your children like a hawk because there are hundreds of thousands of sexual predators running around out there.  Today, the average American spends more than five hours watching television, and most of the “programming” that Americans allow to be poured into their minds is hypersexualized.  The filth that spews forth from our television sets teaches us that the value of a woman is in how she looks, that the number one goal in life for men is to “score”, and even our children are taught to “dress sexy”.  Our hypersexualized culture is constantly fanning the flames of sexual desire while at the same time teaching us to disregard all of the traditional boundaries for sex.  Needless to say, the results have been absolutely disastrous. (Read More...)

12 Signs Of Extreme Social Decay In America That Are Almost Too Horrible To Talk About

Overcrowded PrisonHearts in America are getting colder even faster than the weather is.  Sometimes it is hard to believe how twisted and deranged many Americans have become.  In order for a society to function efficiently, people need to be able to have a basic level of trust in one another.  Unfortunately, we are rapidly getting to the point in America where it is becoming very difficult to trust anyone that you do not know personally.  As you will see below, the United States is rapidly becoming a cesspool of liars, thieves, murderers, perverts and psychopaths.  Please do not allow any young children to read this article.  All of this material is from mainstream news reports, but a lot of it is too disturbing for young kids to be exposed to.  The reason why I write about this stuff is because there is never going to be any hope of a turnaround in this country until we take a good, long look in the mirror and admit how far we have fallen.  Yes, a lot of these things are almost too horrible to talk about, but as a nation we must understand how bad things have become.  There is evidence of extreme social decay all around us, and it is steadily eating away at the very foundations of our Republic. (Read More...)

Verbally Abusive Middle School Kids Make A 68 Year Old Bus Monitor Cry

A video of a bunch of verbally abusive middle school bullies making a 68 year old bus monitor cry has gone viral all over the Internet.  This video is a perfect example of the social decay that is destroying this nation.  We are raising a generation of young people that do not have respect for anyone or anything.  In the video, 68 year old Karen Klein is repeatedly called poor, fat, ugly and a whole bunch of other things that I cannot repeat in this space.  The bullies refer to “her sweat” and “her flab” over and over throughout the ten minute video.  They call her a troll and an elephant and make numerous sexual comments about her.  This video is beyond horrifying, but the truth is that this is the kind of thing that happens in classrooms and in school buses all over America every single day.  If you have not seen it yet, you have got to see this incredibly disturbing video…. (Read More...)