45 Population Control Quotes That Show The Elite Are Quite Eager To Reduce The Number Of People On The Planet

At one time, the elite at least attempted to conceal their boundless enthusiasm for population control from the general public, but now they aren’t even trying to hide it anymore.  On Tuesday, an alarming new study that advocates global population control as one of the solutions to the “climate emergency” that we are facing was published in the journal BioScience.  This document has already been signed by 11,258 scientists from 153 different countries, and it openly calls for a reduction in the human population of our planet.  This has always been the endgame for the climate change cult, but now a big push is being made to make the public believe that there is a “scientific consensus” that this is necessary. (Read More...)

Their Population Control Agenda Is Working – The Birth Rate In the United States Has Fallen To Another All-Time Record Low

The elite have worked very hard to slow down birth rates all over the world, and their efforts appear to be working.  Just as we have witnessed in so many other countries, the birth rate in the United States continues to fall.  In fact, it just plunged to yet another new all-time record low.  So why would the elite want this to happen?  Well, they believe that climate change is the greatest threat that our planet is facing, and they also believe that humans are the primary driver of climate change, and so they are convinced that if they can get people to have fewer babies they are actually “saving the world”.  And according to the most recent CDC numbers, they have made a tremendous amount of progress in accomplishing that mission(Read More...)

There Are Population Control Centers All Over America – They Are Called ‘Planned Parenthood Clinics’

The phrase “family planning” is just a more palatable way of saying “population control”. In the United States today, Planned Parenthood operates 650 “health centers” that work tirelessly to promote abortion and other “family planning measures”. Planned Parenthood says that approximately 2.5 million people visit their “health centers” each year, and somewhere around 60 million people visit their website. If you are pregnant and you visit one of their clinics, abortion will be pushed very hard. In fact, former Planned Parenthood workers have told us that they actually have abortion sales quotas, and workers that meet those quotas are rewarded with pizza parties and other incentives. Of course making money is one of the primary goals, but Planned Parenthood has also always had a very deep connection to eugenics and population control. (Read More...)

Trump Defunds The Agency Responsible For Implementing The Sick Population Control Agenda Of The United Nations

All over the world, the United Nations Population Fund has been promoting abortion and sterilization as ways to slow down the rate at which the population of the planet is growing.  In some cases, the United Nations Population Fund has actually partnered with countries that have conducted forced abortions and involuntary sterilizations.  In other words, those procedures were being done to women against their will.  The United Nations Population Fund is the tip of the spear when it comes to implementing the UN’s twisted population control agenda, and so Donald Trump should be greatly congratulated for defunding them. (Read More...)

Barack Obama, Planned Parenthood And The Demonic Population Control Agenda Of The New World Order

Skull Demon - Public DomainDid you know that Planned Parenthood gets more than half a billion dollars from the federal government every single year?  Did you know that the Obama administration gives an additional 35 million dollars each year to the United Nations Population Fund to promote abortion and sterilization around the globe?  And did you know that the radical new sustainable development agenda that is being launched by the United Nations in September includes a goal of providing access to abortion services to every single woman on the entire planet by the year 2030?  The things that you are going to read about in this article are very disturbing.  The demonic population control agenda of the New World Order is greatly advancing, and Barack Obama and the U.S. government are at the tip of the spear. (Read More...)

Is The UN Using Vaccines To Secretly Sterilize Women All Over The Globe?

Vaccines - Public DomainIn some areas of the world, purposely cutting off someone’s family line is considered to be one of the most wicked things that you can possibly do.  But that appears to be precisely what the United Nations is doing.  Two UN organizations, the WHO and UNICEF, have just been caught red-handed administering “tetanus vaccines” laced with sterilizing agents to girls and women in Kenya.  And as you will see below, this is not the first time that this has happened.  Apparently there is a well-coordinated international program to use vaccines to secretly sterilize women in poor countries all over the planet.  The United States needs to immediately demand a full investigation of the UN vaccine program, but I wouldn’t count on that ever happening under the Obama administration. (Read More...)