The Pledge For Republican Candidates In 2018: ‘No Money For Planned Parenthood Under Any Circumstances’

It is time for conservative voters to draw a line in the sand when it comes to Planned Parenthood. For decades, Republican politicians have been winning conservative votes by labeling themselves Pro-Life, but once they take office many of them don’t do anything to advance the cause. In fact, many “Pro-Life” members of Congress have been voting to fund Planned Parenthood year after year after year without any consequences. In 2018, we aren’t going to put up with this any longer. The following is an extended free preview of a book that I am working on about how to turn America in a positive direction… (Read More...)

Don’t Worry? 10 Quotes From Health Experts Promising That Ebola Will Not Be A Problem In America

Ebola Sneeze - Public DomainHealth experts all over the United States are promising us that we do not need to be worried about Ebola whatsoever.  Even though one case has already been confirmed in Dallas, Texas and another potential case is being monitored, health authorities assure us that we have the greatest health system in the history of the planet and that we will be able to handle any isolated cases very easily.  And all over the mainstream media on Wednesday, there were headlines declaring that the arrival of Ebola in America is a non-event.  One example is this headline from Bloomberg: “Ebola in America? Don’t Worry About It”.  So are they right?  Should the rest of us just kick back and relax because a bunch of really smart guys are assuring us that our health system can easily deal with anything that Ebola can throw at us?  The following are 10 quotes from prominent experts promising us that Ebola will not be a problem in this country… (Read More...)

They Really Do Want To Implant Microchips Into Your Brain

Are you ready to have a microchip implanted into your brain?  That might not sound very appealing to you at this point, but this is exactly what the big pharmaceutical companies and the big technology companies have planned for our future.  They are pumping millions of dollars into researching “cutting edge” technologies that will enable implantable microchips to greatly “enhance” our health and our lives.  Of course nobody is going to force you to have a microchip implanted into your brain when they are first introduced.  Initially, brain implants will be marketed as “revolutionary breakthroughs” that can cure chronic diseases and that can enable the disabled to live normal lives.  When the “benefits” of such technology are demonstrated to the general public, soon most people will want to become “super-abled”.  Just imagine the hype that will surround these implants when people discover that you can get rid of your extra weight in a matter of days or that you can download an entire college course into your memory in just a matter of hours.  The possibilities for this kind of technology are endless, and it is just a matter of time before having microchips implanted into your brain is considered to be quite common.  What was once science fiction is rapidly becoming reality, and it is going to change the world forever. (Read More...)

55 Percent Of Americans Believe That The Government Will Take Care Of Them If Disaster Strikes

If a major emergency happened in the United States, do you have faith that the government would take care of you?  Amazingly, even after all of the examples to the contrary that we have seen in recent years, a solid majority of all Americans actually believe that the government will be there for them when things hit the fan.  According to a new survey conducted by the Adelphi University Center for Health Innovation, 55 percent of Americans believe that the authorities will come to their rescue when disaster strikes.  Sadly, most Americans still view the government as a “nanny state” that has both the capability and the willingness to take care of them from the cradle to the grave.  Most Americans still have faith that the government will come through for them when they need it the most.  But all we have to do is look back at what happened during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to realize what a crock of baloney that is.  Hurricane Katrina was a disaster that was limited to a relatively small geographic area, and yet we all saw how the response of the federal government was a complete and utter failure.  So what is going to happen someday if there is a nationwide disaster that stretches on for months or even years?  Do you really believe that the federal government will be there for you? (Read More...)

12 Incredible Obamacare Quotes That Show That Our Wretched Healthcare System Is Headed Directly Into The Toilet

You might as well stick a fork in the U.S. healthcare system because it is finished.  Even before Obamacare, Americans paid far more for healthcare than anyone else in the world.  Now thanks to Obamacare we will be faced with much higher health insurance premiums, much higher taxes, much longer waits to see doctors and more government bureaucrats involved in our lives than ever before.  As I have written about previously, the U.S. healthcare industry is a horrible mess, and now Obamacare is going to take the entire system directly into the toilet.  All over America today, families are going broke because of outrageous health insurance costs and suffocating medical debt, doctors are going broke and leaving the profession because they can’t make a living, and sick people are dying because they cannot get the care that they need.  So what solution does Obama give us?  A nearly 3,000 page monstrosity that will destroy what is left of our crumbling healthcare system and that will unleash 16,000 new IRS agents to hunt down the millions of Americans that do not currently have health insurance.  For those that love Big Brother socialist totalitarianism, Obamacare is a dream come true.  For the rest of us it is a total nightmare. (Read More...)

15 Reasons Why The Obamacare Decision Is A Mind Blowing Disaster For America

You can almost always count on the Supreme Court to do the wrong thing.  In fact, just about every major decision by the U.S. Supreme Court over the last 40 years has been bad for America.  Many were hoping that the Supreme Court would strike down Obamacare, but the truth is that we all should have known better than to expect them to get something right.  So now America is headed for a complete and total disaster as Obamacare is fully implemented over the next several years.  Obamacare is going to absolutely shred the infrastructure of our medical system, it is going to send health insurance premiums soaring, it is going to dramatically expand the size and the scope of government, it is going to fundamentally alter the relationships between doctors and their patients and it is one of the largest tax increases in U.S. history.  Not only that, it is also going to add about a trillion dollars to our national debt over the next decade.  So no, the Obamacare decision is not good news.  Obamacare was one of the worst pieces of legislation in American history, and now we are stuck with it. (Read More...)

The Elite Are Attempting To Convince Us That Killing Off Our Sick Grandparents Is Cool And Trendy

What should be done with elderly Americans when they become very seriously ill?  Should we try to save their lives or should we just let them die?  Unfortunately, there is a growing consensus among the “intellectual elite” that most elderly people are not going to have a high enough “quality of life” to justify the expense of costly life saving procedures.  This philosophy is now being promoted very heavily through mainstream news outlets, in our television shows and in big Hollywood movies.  The elite are attempting to convince us that killing off our sick grandparents is cool and trendy.  We are being told that “pulling the plug” on grandma and grandpa is compassionate (because it will end their suffering), that it is good for the environment and that it is even good for the economy.  We are being told that denying life saving treatments to old people will dramatically reduce health care costs and make the system better for all of us. We are being told that it is not “efficient” for health insurance companies to shell out $100,000 for an operation that may extend the life of an elderly person by 6 months.  But the truth is that all of this is part of a larger agenda that the elite are attempting to advance.  As I have written about previously, the elite love death, and they truly believe that reducing the population is good for society and good for the planet.  Sadly, population control propaganda has reached a fever pitch in recent months. (Read More...)

After The Government Microchips Our Soldiers, How Long Will It Be Before They Want To Put A Microchip In YOU

What would you do if someday the government made it mandatory for everyone to receive an implantable microchip for identification purposes?  Would you take it?  Such a scenario may not be as far off as you might think.  In the United States today, millions of dogs and cats have been microchipped, thousands of elderly Americans with Alzheimer’s disease have been microchipped, and the U.S. military is developing “medical devices” that contain microchips to monitor the health of soldiers.  Once the government has microchips implanted in all of our soldiers, how long will it be before they want to put a microchip in all government employees for the sake of national security?  Once the government has microchips in all government employees, how long will it be before they want to put a microchip in you?  Of course this technology is not going to be “required” for average citizens any time soon.  For now, it will creep into our lives at an incremental pace.  But after enough people have voluntarily accepted the “benefits” of implantable microchips, it will only be a matter of time before they become mandatory.  Are you ready for that? (Read More...)