Old TV Broadcast That Warns Of The End Of Civilization In 2040 Found As The Elite Warn Earth’s Landscape “Set to Undergo Major Transformation”

An old television broadcast from 1973 has been discovered that warns that things will start getting really bad on this planet around the year 2020 and that our current civilization will come to an end in 2040.  The 1973 television broadcast focused on an MIT computer model known as “World One” that attempted to predict what growing pollution and population levels would mean for our planet if nothing was done.  This computer model was funded by the Club of Rome, and these days the exact same people are still trying to scare us into giving up our national sovereignty “for the good of the planet” so that they can implement their “New World Order”.  They hope to convince all of us that we are facing “global problems” that require “global solutions”, and they are convinced that power is better off in the hands of global policy-making institutions such as the United Nations. (Read More...)

Scientists Warn That Millions Of Sea Creatures Are “In Real Peril” As Pacific Ocean Temperatures Rise To Dangerous New Records

Ocean temperatures continue to rise, and scientists are extremely alarmed as a mass die-off of sea creatures appears to be imminent.  This week, environmental experts were stunned when ocean water off of the San Diego coast hit an all-time record high of 81.3 degrees Fahrenheit.  Daily measurements began all the way back in 1916, and since that time a higher ocean temperature has never been recorded off of the California coast.  Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident.  Studies have shown that ocean temperatures have been rising rapidly all over the planet, and this has already had a devastating impact on many ecosystems.  The oceans are the foundation of the food chain, and if sea life starts dying off on a massive scale it could mean unprecedented famine all over the planet. (Read More...)

Science Is Not God, So Why Do So Many People Keep Trying To Turn It Into A Religion?

This article is likely to get a lot of people out there quite angry.  In our world today, many have become convinced that science has all of the answers to humanity’s most important questions, and those that question the high priests of this new religion (scientists) are often accused of a form of “blasphemy”.  We saw this clearly on display last Saturday when protesters gathered in Washington D.C. and in about 600 other cities worldwide for “the March for Science”.   Those of us that are skeptical and that don’t necessarily buy into the scientific orthodoxy of the day were accused of “ignoring facts” and being “climate deniers” by various speakers at these protests.  But of course the truth is that scientific theories have always been in flux all throughout history, and this will continue to be the case as time moves forward. (Read More...)

Pope Francis Calls For A New Global Political Authority To Save Humanity

Global Puzzle - Public DomainPope Francis says that global warming is a fact and that a new global political authority is necessary in order to save humanity from utter disaster.  The new encyclical that was scheduled to be released on Thursday has been leaked, and it is being reported that this new global political authority that Pope Francis envisions would be in charge of “the reduction of pollution and the development of poor countries and regions”.  The funny thing is that this sounds very much in line with the new sustainable development agenda that is going to be launched at the United Nations in September.  This radical new agenda is already being called “Agenda 21 on steroids” because it goes so much farther than Agenda 21 ever did.  The new UN agenda does not just address the environment – it also addresses issues such as poverty, agriculture, education and gender equality.  It is essentially a blueprint for governing the entire planet, and that sounds very much like what Pope Francis also wants.  In fact, Pope Francis is going to give the speech that kicks off the UN conference in September where this new sustainable agenda will be launched.  For some reason, this Pope has decided to make the fight against climate change the central pillar of his papacy, and he is working very hard to unite as much of humanity as possible to get behind that effort. (Read More...)

Despite All The Snow, Barack Obama’s Sick Obsession With Climate Change Rages On

Climate Change - Public DomainDespite a “tidal wave” of snow that could potentially dump three feet of the white stuff on New York City, Barack Obama continues to insist that global warming is the “greatest threat” that humanity is facing.  And in his second term he is making the fight against climate change one of his top priorities.  In recent months he has cemented climate change deals with China and India, and he has implemented quite a number of government policy changes that did not require the approval of Congress.  He also made it a point to discuss the “threat to future generations” that climate change poses in his State of the Union address.  For Obama, what was once a political goal is now being transformed into something akin to a religious crusade.  But could it be possible that “the leader of the free world” is completely wrong about all of this? (Read More...)

On The Coldest Day In America In 20 Years, Here Are Al Gore’s Stupidest Global Warming Quotes

Ice StormAmerica could actually use some global warming right about now.  It is being projected that low temperatures across the Midwest could be 30 to 50 degrees below average on Monday morning.  On Sunday, fans that attempted to tailgate before the playoff game between the 49ers and the Packers at Lambeau Field in Green Bay, Wisconsin were discovering that their beers were actually turning to ice before they could drink them.  That is cold.  But things are going to get really chilly when nightfall arrives.  In fact, it is being projected that much of the nation will experience wind chill temperatures of more than 40 degrees below zero, and wind chill temperatures of more than 50 degrees below zero are expected in parts of North Dakota and Minnesota.  The weather is expected to be so cold that the governor of Minnesota has actually decided to close public schools statewide on Monday.  The last time that happened was back in 1997.  The reason why the governor of Minnesota did this is because when temperatures get this low they can literally be life threatening.  When wind chill temperatures get down to about 50 below zero, if your skin is exposed you can literally develop frostbite in about five minutes.  This is being called the coldest day in America in 20 years, and these cold temperatures have many Americans wondering what ever happened to all of that “global warming” that Al Gore and other “climate scientists” have been warning us about for so many years. (Read More...)

Environmental Fascism: The Ecofascists Are Slowly But Surely Taking Over America

EcofascistsThe environmental fascists believe that if people are allowed to have large amounts of freedom and liberty that the planet will literally be destroyed.  That sounds crazy, but that is what they actually believe.  Left to our own devices, they are fully convinced that global warming and out of control pollution will transform the earth into an uninhabitable hellhole.  Therefore, they believe that it has become necessary to strictly manage human behavior “for the good of the environment”.  With each passing year, the control of the social planners gets even tighter.  Today, they have banned certain kinds of light bulbs, they are putting mandatory “smart meters” into our homes, and they have instituted all kinds of ridiculous regulations concerning what you can do with your own land.  Tomorrow, they plan to put “black boxes” into our vehicles and move most of us into “stack-and-pack” housing that has communal bathrooms and no elevators.  There is a reason why these people are called ecofascists.  The “true believers” of the environmental fascism movement actually believe that they are “saving the world” by being control freaks.  They truly believe that they know better than the rest of us, and they love to get into positions of political power so that they can impose their will on everyone around them. (Read More...)

They Love Death

Have you ever known someone that loves death?  When someone truly is in love with death, it can take that person to a very dark place.  Unfortunately, there are a growing number of scientists, politicians and global opinion makers that believe that we must reduce the size of the human population for the good of the planet.  They are convinced that humanity is causing global warming, killing off other species and making this planet unlivable.  In their quest to save the future of the planet, they are becoming bolder and bolder with their calls for population control.  They love death because they believe that it will help save the earth.  They figure that with less humans around, there will be less carbon emissions, less pollution and more room for other species.  So how will this be achieved?  Well, as you will read about in the rest of this article, “after-birth abortions”, “mobile euthanasia teams”, “sperm-destroying ultrasound technology” and putting contraceptives in the tap water are just some of the ways that are being proposed to reduce current human numbers.  This hatred of life and love of death is being taught in colleges and universities all over the western world, and this population control philosophy is becoming increasingly dominant with each passing year. (Read More...)