The major entertainment companies in the United States all produce a relentless deluge of filth and garbage, but Netflix is the worst of them all. For years they have been creating vomit-inducing movies and shows that openly mock faith, family and traditional American values, but their subscriber base just kept growing and so they just kept doing it. Over the years, the general population has become entirely desensitized to the sex, violence and foul language that is peppered throughout our “entertainment”, and that is extremely unfortunate. But what Netflix is doing is on an entirely different level. They have literally turned blasphemy of the Christian faith into “entertainment”, and apparently they believe that the American public is willing to accept this. The following description of a new movie about “Jesus” that Netflix just released comes from LifeSite News… (Read More...)
The Average Person Will Watch Over 78,000 Hours Of Television “Programming” Over The Course Of A Lifetime
If you want to waste your life, a great way to do that is to spend tens of thousands of hours watching television. Today, it is so difficult to get people to leave their homes and get active in their communities, because most of us are absolutely glued to one screen or another. After a long day at school or a hard day at work, most of us understandably want to relax, and from a very early age most of us have been trained to turn to the television as our main source of relaxation. But of course there is great danger in allowing anyone to pump thousands upon thousands of hours of “programming” into our minds. More than 90 percent of the “programming” that we consume is controlled by just a handful of exceedingly powerful corporations, and those corporations are owned by the elite of the world. So when you endlessly consume their “programming”, you are willingly being bombarded by news and entertainment that reflects their beliefs, their values and their agendas. They openly admit that they are trying to shape the future of society, and up to this point they have been extremely successful. (Read More...)
Connected To The Matrix: Americans Spend Most Of Their Waking Hours Staring At A Television Or Computer Screen
Before televisions and computers were invented, Americans didn’t spend any time staring at television and computer screens. They worked hard, raised their families, personally interacted with their communities (remember that?), and generally tried to make the world a better place. But now for many of us, the “virtual world” actually seems more real than the “real world” does. In fact, as you will see below, average Americans now spend most of their waking hours staring at a screen. We have willingly connected ourselves to “the matrix”, and the amount of time spent connected is rising with each passing year. A report that was just put out by Nielsen found that we spend an average of 11 hours per day interacting with media… (Read More...)
We Live In A Society Where ‘Fifty Shades’, Beyonce And Lady Gaga Are Considered To Be ‘Entertainment’
What in the world has happened to America? We live in a society where perversion, sexual violence and occult rituals have become essential elements of our entertainment. In fact, these days it seems like we can’t get through a major awards show or a Super Bowl halftime celebration without being forced to see things that would have been absolutely unthinkable in this country just fifty years ago. Unfortunately, most Americans have already had their consciences seared so badly that these things don’t even bother them anymore. (Read More...)
How Can We Celebrate Our Independence When Most Americans Are Willingly Enslaved To The Matrix?
Did you know that the average U.S. adult consumes 10 hours and 39 minutes of media a day? Nielsen has just released brand new numbers on the media consumption patterns of Americans, and they are absolutely staggering. According to Nielsen, the amount of media that we consume per day has increased by an hour just since the first quarter of 2015. This is the time of the year when we celebrate our independence, but how in the world can we ever be truly independent when most of us are willingly plugging ourselves into “the Matrix” for more than 10 hours a day? If you feed anything into your mind for hours every day, it is going to change the way that you think, the way that you feel about things, and the way that you view the world. This endless barrage of “news” and “entertainment” has fundamentally altered the belief systems of tens of millions of Americans, and this has very serious implications for our society moving forward. (Read More...)
21 Signs That Americans Are The Unhappiest People In The Entire World
How can we possibly be so miserably unhappy? For a nation that supposedly “has it all”, we sure are depressed. In America today, suicide rates are soaring, antidepressant use is skyrocketing and virtually every new survey that comes out shows that we are deeply dissatisfied about something. But we live at a time when there are more things to enjoy than ever before. When I was growing up there was only a handful of television channels to choose from, but now there are hundreds. We have more movies than we could ever possibly watch, more books than we could ever possibly read, and the greatest video games ever made are at our fingertips. With all of the entertainment that surrounds us, you would think that Americans would be happier than ever before, and yet we continue to become even more depressed. Everywhere I go, I see people that look like they have had the life completely sucked out of them. So why is this happening? The following are 21 signs that Americans are the unhappiest people in the entire world… (Read More...)
Sex And The Public Schools
You are going to have a hard time believing some of the stuff that you are about to read. Children in America are being sexualized at younger and younger ages these days, and our public schools play a major role in that. As you will see below, even kindergarten students are getting naked and trying to have sex with each other in our schools. So where in the world are these kids learning to do this? Well, it certainly does not help that there is more sex on television and in our movies than ever before. And it certainly does not help that some of the biggest pop stars on the planet such as Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry are blatantly using sex to sell records to their young fans. But we can’t place all of the blame on entertainment. Without a doubt, our schools are playing a major role in sexualizing our children, and most parents have very little understanding about what is actually happening. (Read More...)
21 Signs That U.S. Public Schools Have Become Training Centers For Sexual Deviancy
Why do men and women have a such a hard time relating to each other in a meaningful way in America today? Could our oversexed culture have anything to do with it? In the United States today, we are constantly being bombarded with sexual messages. Just think about it. Did you watch the Super Bowl a few weeks ago? Most of the commercials were about sex on some level, and the “halftime show” featuring Beyonce might as well have been a strip club act. It was utterly shameful. But in America today, all of this is considered to be “normal”. We literally worship sex, and we can never get enough of it. And of course the results of such a society are predictable. There are 20 million new sexually-transmitted infections in the U.S. each year, we have the highest teen pregnancy rate on the planet, and it is estimated that one out of every four girls in the U.S. is sexually abused before they become adults. This culture of sex is pushed on our children from a very early age, and at this point it would be quite accurate to say that U.S. public schools have become training centers for sexual deviancy. A lot of people focus on “sex education” as the problem, but the truth is that it goes much deeper than that. Sex education only lasts for a few weeks at most. The much bigger problem is the fact that an obsession with sex literally permeates our schools. If parents could only eavesdrop on the conversations that our teens are having, they would be absolutely horrified. Thanks to endless brainwashing by the mainstream media, our teens are absolutely addicted to a sexual atmosphere. Every form of entertainment that they enjoy is soaked with sexual imagery, and lust and sex are never far from their minds when they relate to members of the opposite sex (or sometimes the same sex). So should we really be surprised that students are having sex with each other in the hallways of our schools? Should we be surprised that young teachers are taking advantage of our students sexually behind closed doors? We have created a society that is sexually supercharged, and what we are witnessing now are the predictable results of the very foolish decisions that we have made. (Read More...)