Illegal Immigration Nightmare: Obama Has Been Releasing 1000s Of Convicted Criminals Back Into Our Communities

Obama LaughingWhy has Barack Obama been releasing thousands of illegal immigrants that have been convicted of crimes back on to the streets of our cities?  According to U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley, more than 36,000 were released from custody in Fiscal Year 2013 alone.  These individuals were actually convicted of committing crimes, and many of them went on to commit new crimes once they were released by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.  In fact, Senator Grassley says that 121 of the criminals that were released during Fiscal Year 2013 were subsequently charged with committing murder.  That means that more than 100 American citizens are now dead because of Obama’s foolish policies.  Why is Obama doing this?  He knows that one out of every five illegal immigrants has a criminal record, and he knows that many of these convicted criminals that he is releasing will go on to commit new crimes.  What possible justification could Obama have for doing this to our communities? (Read More...)

Illegal Immigration = More Identity Theft, More Murder, More Rape And More Drug Dealing

Illegal Immigration And Crime - Photo by Javier RamirezDo we want to encourage drug dealers, violent gang members and serial rapists to come into this country?  If not, why is that exactly what the Obama administration is doing?  Thanks to very foolish U.S. government policies, it is incredibly difficult to immigrate to this country legally, but it is incredibly easy to immigrate to this country illegally.  So we are keeping out large numbers of good, honest, hard working people at the same time that we have given a giant green light to criminals and lawbreakers.  Does that make any sense at all?  We need an immigration system that forces everyone to come in through the front door.  Instead, we have made the process of getting in through the front door a complete and total nightmare and yet we have left the back door totally wide open.  And if the millions upon millions of lawbreakers that are coming in to this country illegally just took our jobs and drained our welfare system, perhaps it wouldn’t be that bad.  Unfortunately, that is not the case.  In fact, illegal immigration has greatly contributed to rising violent crime rates all over the nation.  Gang membership is exploding, Mexican drug cartels are operating in more of our communities than ever before, and identity theft by illegal immigrants is at epidemic levels.  Something desperately needs to be done. (Read More...)

20 Shocking Examples Of How Sadistic And Cruel People Have Become

How much sicker can people get?  It seems like our world is becoming more sadistic and more cruel with each passing day.  If you doubt this, just keep reading.  Sadly, I could have easily included hundreds more examples just like these.  Changes are happening to our society at a very deep and very fundamental level.  Everywhere you look, hearts are growing colder and it seems like we are completely surrounded by psychopaths and sociopaths.  But if all you do is listen to the mainstream media, you would be tempted to think that we are the smartest, most moral, most “enlightened” generation in all of human history.  Unfortunately, that is most definitely not the case.  Society is literally coming apart at the seams right in front of our eyes.  “Normal” crimes are not enough for many criminals these days.  Murders and rapes have become so common that often they barely get noticed by the newspapers, and so now many criminals seem to have the desire to make their crimes “twisted enough” to get noticed.  In other instances, people are doing really twisted things because they are high on drugs or they are into the occult.  Darkness is spreading, and we can see the evidence all around us.  But until we admit how bad things have really gotten and that what we are doing right now is clearly not working, then we won’t be ready for a solution. (Read More...)

Flash Mob Crimes And Organized Looting Have Become A Normal Part Of Life In America

Once upon a time, most Americans had never even heard of “flash mob robberies” or “organized looting”.  Now they are considered to be a part of normal life in America.  On Saturday, more than 20 teens stormed into a trendy clothing store in Chicago and stole more than $3,000 worth of jeans, but it barely made a blip on the national news because this kind of thing has become so common.  After all, we just saw the exact same kind of thing happen in Jacksonville, Detroit, Baltimore and a whole bunch of other places.  Flash mob crimes have become so common in Chicago that they take public opinion polls about them.  But when I first started writing about this phenomenon a couple of years ago, hardly anyone knew what “mob robberies” were.  In fact, I had to explain what these “flash mobs” were doing to a couple of radio hosts because they had never heard of such a thing.  But now everybody knows about the flash mobs.  Another disturbing trend that we are seeing all over America is “organized looting”.  Groups of desperate criminals are going into empty or abandoned buildings and stripping out copper wire, copper pipes and anything else that they can sell for money.  At one time these kinds of thefts made the news, but now they have also become so common that they don’t get much notice anymore. (Read More...)

Are Crooks And Thieves Becoming Bolder Or Are They Just Becoming Stupider? You Make The Call

Has anyone else noticed that there seems to be a substantial increase in the number of really unusual crimes around the United States lately?  As the economy continues to go downhill, it seems like crooks and thieves are becoming bolder and bolder.  Previously, I have written about how thieves are taking off with anything that is not bolted down these days.  Well, now they are ripping up entire bridges and pulling entire ATMs out of the ground.  Crooks are ripping copper pipes right out of the wall and they are even breaking into parked police cars.  So what is going to happen when the economy collapses and people becoming truly desperate?  If these are the kinds of crimes that are happening now, what is America going to look like when people have lost all hope? (Read More...)

Flash Mob Epidemic

Flash mobs used to be so much fun.  A group of people would arrange to meet in a public place at a particular time and would perform a song or a dance number or some other form of entertainment very suddenly and without warning.  Well, the term “flash mob” is rapidly coming to mean something else now.  All over the country, young people are using social media and other forms of communication to coordinate shocking large scale crimes.  At first there were just a few isolated “mob robberies” around the country, but now we have a full-fledged flash mob epidemic on our hands.  Sometimes these flash mobs are involved in “mass shoplifting” events, and in other cases flash mobs are just committing random acts of violence.  But it is a very disturbing sign for our nation that all over the country we have large groups of young people that are banding together to commit very serious crimes.  This is something that is really unprecedented in modern U.S. history, and it is yet another indication that our society is starting to fall apart. (Read More...)

War Zones: As The Economy Dies, Murders, Shootings, Robberies And Looting Erupt All Over America

As the U.S. economy falls apart and millions of Americans descend into despair we are seeing some really shocking things start to happen all over America.  The mainstream media keeps telling us that crime is under control, but they are also the ones that keep telling us that we are in the midst of an “economic recovery”.  Unfortunately, the truth is that the economy is slowly dying.  Today, an all-time record 44 million Americans are on food stamps.  That number is 18 million higher than it was just four years ago.  When people can’t get jobs and when people feel deprived they get desperate.  The incidents that you are about to see and read about below are very disturbing.  Many American communities are rapidly turning into war zones.  Sadly, it is mostly young people that are involved in the crimes and the violence that are now sweeping America. (Read More...)