Metaphor For America: Starving 4 Pound Baby Dies In Car While Parents Eat At Golden Corral

Golden Corral - Photo by Park92What should be done to parents that stuffed themselves full of food at a Golden Corral while their starving four pound baby girl died in their car outside?  This actually just happened down in Florida, and it is a crime that is shocking the entire nation.  Sadly, it is also a perfect metaphor for what is happening to the country as a whole.  We have become an exceedingly selfish and self-centered society that seems to care very little that we are literally destroying the future of America.  We are stealing trillions of dollars from future generations and destroying what was once the greatest economy in the history of the world just to make ourselves a little bit more comfortable in the present.  We stand by and do nothing while our politicians flush the U.S. Constitution down the toilet and construct a Big Brother police state all around us.  We have become a nation of “sheeple” and “zombies” that are so addicted to entertainment that we can’t even see how our society is rotting and decaying in thousands of different ways all around us.  So yes, the parents that starved their precious little baby girl to death are guilty and should be punished.  But what about the millions of Americans that are doing nothing while America slowly circles the toilet on the way to oblivion? (Read More...)

A Surprising Number Of Americans Believe In Conspiracy Theories – And Many Of Them Are Actually True

A Surprising Number Of Americans Believe In Conspiracy Theories - And Many Of Them Are Actually True - Photo by Philip JacksonHave you ever noticed that whenever the government or the mainstream media wants to demonize a particular point of view they call it a “conspiracy theory”?  The unspoken message is that normal people such as us should never dare to question the official propaganda being put out by “official sources”.  But what if those “official sources” are wrong?  What if those “official sources” have a specific agenda that they are trying to promote?  Has it become a crime to ask questions?  Has it become a crime to think for ourselves?  The other day, Public Policy Polling did an opinion poll about “conspiracy theories”.  Just by reading the questions they asked, it is obvious that the goal was to make those that believe in those theories to look foolish.  When they released the results of the poll, they stated that some of the “conspiracy theories” could only be found in “the darker corners of the internet” – as if there was something unsavory or evil about them.  But is it really “crazy” to believe that sometimes bad people do bad things?  A conspiracy is just “a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful”.  So do conspiracies ever happen?  Of course they happen.  They have happened for as long as humanity has existed.  But in this day and age, we are just supposed to assume that all of our politicians and all of the big corporations that dominate our society are just sweet and wonderful and would never want to do us any harm whatsoever. (Read More...)

12 Factors That Are Turning The Streets Of America Into A Living Hell

The United States once had safe, beautiful cities that were the envy of the entire world, but now many of them are degenerating into rotting, festering, crime-ridden hellholes.  All over the country there are communities where crime, drugs, gangs and human trafficking have gotten completely and totally out of control.  Once upon a time you could walk down the streets of most U.S. cities at night without much fear, but these days there are many large American cities where it would be absolutely crazy to wander around the streets at night unless you want to be mugged, shot or sexually assaulted.  If you end up at the wrong place at the wrong time you might end up being abducted by a human trafficker or have your face eaten off by a crazed drug addict high on bath salts.  With each passing day our cities degenerate just a little bit more, and life in many of our worst communities truly has become a living hell.  Sadly, this comes at a time when the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world by far.  We have tried to lock as many people away as possible and our communities are still turning into hellholes.  So where do we go from here? (Read More...)

10 Things That Will Happen If Barack Obama Continues To Systematically Legalize Illegal Immigration

Barack Obama seems completely obsessed with systematically legalizing illegal immigration.  The United States borders a failed narco-state that is one of the most crime-ridden nations on the entire planet, but Barack Obama refuses to secure the border and the consequences for the American people have been absolutely catastrophic.  Right now it is already costing us tens of billions of dollars a year to provide welfare for illegal immigrants and to educate their children in our public schools.  Right now illegal immigrants are already working millions of jobs that should belong to American workers.  Right now Mexican drug cartels are already active in more than 1,000 U.S. cities.  But apparently that is not good enough for Barack Obama.  He wants to roll out the red carpet and give the green light to tens of millions more illegal immigrants.  Last year, Obama issued a list of 19 factors for government officials to use when deciding whether to use “prosecutorial discretion” in deportation cases.  In essence, under that new set of rules criminals and “national security threats” were to be deported and virtually everyone else was to be allowed to stay.  But now Barack Obama has taken things to a whole new level.  Now, if you are under the age of 30, came to the United States under the age of 16 and have lived here for at least five years you will be able to apply for legal status and a work permit.  With the election less than 6 months away it is obvious that Barack Obama is pandering for votes.   But this kind of “banana republic politics” is only going to divide America even more deeply and is going to result in some very serious pain for this nation in the years ahead. (Read More...)

1.6 Trillion Dollars More Debt: Fiscal Conservatives Have Been Raped By The Republican Party

What the Republican Party has done to fiscal conservatives over the past year and a half has been a betrayal so vast that it is difficult to find words to describe it.  Back in 2010, the Tea Party was riding high and a flood of new Republicans was sent to the U.S. House of Representatives in one of the greatest landslides in U.S. political history.  On election night 2010, more House seats changed hands than in another other election since 1948.  It was the greatest defeat for any sitting president in a midterm election since 1938.  After the election, the Democrats were left with fewer House seats than at any other time since 1946.  Needless to say, it was an absolutely historic election.  The Tea Party completely dominated American politics that night, and they sent the Republican Party a clear message that they wanted government debt to be brought under control.  So what has changed since then?  Not much.  The U.S. government is still running trillion dollar deficits every single year.  I have previously spent a lot of time blaming Barack Obama and the Democrats for this, but the truth is that they could not have spent a single penny without the approval of the U.S. House of Representatives.  So the Republican Party is complicit in this crime against the American people.  If there was ever a mandate to take a stand against runaway government debt, it was after the 2010 election, and the Republican Party has failed miserably.  So what are fiscal conservatives supposed to do now? (Read More...)

16 Reasons To Move Away From California

Once upon a time, millions upon millions of young people dreamed of moving to California.  Nearly endless sunshine, pristine beaches and a booming economy made it seem like paradise to many.  But now those days are long gone.  Unemployment is rampant, home prices have fallen like a rock, violent crime and gang activity are on the rise, local governments all over California are facing horrible financial problems, millions of illegal immigrants have poured into the state, traffic around the big cities is nightmarish and tax rates are absolutely outrageous.  Plus there is the constant threat that your home could be destroyed by an earthquake, a wildfire or a mudslide.  In recent years, hordes of hard working families have decided that they have had enough and have decided to move away from California.  In fact, since the year 2000 more than 1.6 million people have moved away from the state of California. (Read More...)

America 2012: The Supreme Court Has Made It Legal For The Police To Strip Search You Any Time They Want

Last week the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that police in the United States can strip search anyone that they arrest.  It doesn’t matter how minor the crime is and it doesn’t matter if they suspect that you have contraband on you or not.  The Supreme Court even said that you can be strip searched if you have been arrested for a traffic violation.  Any type of arrest will do.  Once you are arrested, if the police want to strip off your clothes and see you naked there is not a thing you can do about it.  You can read the entire Supreme Court decision right here.  Considering the fact that 13 million Americans are put in jail at some point each year, this is a very frightening thing.  The notion that we are all “innocent until proven guilty” is rapidly becoming a thing of the past.  Thanks to the Supreme Court, it is now legal for the police to strip search you any time they want.  All they have to do is find some excuse to arrest you.  And considering the fact that almost everything is illegal in America, that is not hard to do.  America continues to become a very dark place in 2012, and very few people are speaking up in defense of liberty and freedom. (Read More...)

USA #1? 40 Embarrassing Things That America Is The Best In The World At

Is the USA still #1?  Well, there are many things that America is still the best in the world at, but unfortunately a lot of those categories are nothing to be proud of.  Once upon a time the United States was the greatest nation on earth, but now we are a nation that is in a horrific state of decline.  Just consider a few of the embarrassing things that America leads the world in: obesity, crime, divorce, teen pregnancy, child abuse deaths and government debt.  The statistics that you are about to read below are incredibly disturbing.  Most people that write these kinds of articles about the decline of America hate this country.  But that is not the case with me.  I was born and raised in America and I love this nation deeply.  It is time to realize that we will never be able to start fixing our problems until we take a really good look in the mirror and realize just how far we have fallen.  America is not the country that it once was.  America is a complete and total mess and just “tweaking” a few things here and there is not going to return this nation to its former glory.  We have forgotten the things that once made us great, and if we do not return to them we will continue to fall apart as a nation. (Read More...)