Deadly New COVID Strains Have Turned Brazil Into “A Biological Fukushima”, And The Rest Of The World Is Next

Just when it seemed like the U.S. and Europe were starting to get the COVID pandemic under control, extremely dangerous new variants that have emerged in Brazil threaten to plunge us into an even more deadly nightmare.  As you read this article, hospitals all over Brazil are packed to capacity and thousands of people are dropping dead each day.  But the COVID that is currently ravaging Brazil is not the same COVID that the rest of the globe has become accustomed to dealing with.  Authorities tell us that a total of 92 COVID variants have now been identified in the country, and these variants have sent the death toll absolutely soaring(Read More...)

A Highly Resistant New COVID Variant That Originated In Brazil Is Being Compared To “An Atomic Bomb”

Global health authorities had been hoping that 2021 would be the year when the COVID pandemic was brought under control, but COVID just keeps mutating over and over again.  I have written articles about other new COVID variants in the past, but now scientists are warning us that a highly resistant new variant in Brazil could be the most dangerous one of all.  In fact, down in Brazil it is being compared to “an atomic bomb”.  This new variant is known as “P.1”, and according to a new study that was just released it is “between 1.4 and 2.2 times more transmissible than other variants”.  But that isn’t why this variant is considered to be so dangerous.  What is really alarming experts is the fact that tests have shown that P.1 is “able to evade 25-61 percent of protective immunity elicited by previous infection”.  If those that are supposed to have built up immunity against COVID are not protected, that could potentially render all existing vaccines useless against this new strain. (Read More...)

If You Believe Life Will “Return To Normal”, You Have A Fundamental Misunderstanding Of The Times In Which We Live

Despite all of the craziness that is going on out there, many pundits are trying to convince us that life will soon “return to normal” and that great days are just around the corner.  They are telling us this despite the fact that the state of Texas has been in a state of collapse this week, the real economy continues to implode, the unemployment numbers are going up, civil unrest continues to rage in our streets on a nightly basis, and our entire planet continues to become even more unstable.  Those that believe that happy days are here again have a fundamental misunderstanding of the times in which we live.  This isn’t a period of time when America is going to “build back better”.  Rather, this is a time when America is going to go even deeper into “the perfect storm”. (Read More...)