Every ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ In America Has Just Been Vindicated…

Conspiracy Pyramid Eye - Public DomainYes, the government can use your phone, your computer and even potentially your television to spy on what you are doing inside your own home. On Tuesday, Wikileaks released thousands of documents that prove what virtually every “conspiracy theorist” in America has been saying for years about government spying. And I don’t even like to use the term “conspiracy theorist” much, because the truth is that most “conspiracy theorists” are simply citizen journalists that are attempting to expose things that the mainstream media doesn’t want to talk about. And one of the things that the mainstream media has always been hesitant to address is the unconstitutional surveillance that U.S. intelligence agencies systematically conduct on their own citizens. (Read More...)

America The Obese: Is There A Multibillion Dollar Conspiracy To Make Sure Americans Stay Overweight?

Fast Food - Public DomainAccording to Gallup, America is now fatter than it has ever been before.  But how can this possibly be?  After all, Americans spend an astounding 60 billion dollars a year on weight loss programs and products.  After putting so much time, effort and energy into losing weight, shouldn’t we be some of the healthiest people on the entire planet?  Sadly, the truth is that obesity has become a national epidemic, and we are known around the globe for our huge size.  The term “fat Americans” has become synonymous with overweight tourists, and other cultures mock us for our apparent sloth.  But could there be more to this than just the fact that we eat too much?  Could it be possible that we have been fattened up by design? (Read More...)

Is Barack Obama Attempting To Harass And Intimidate Media Personalities On His ‘Enemies List’?

Barack Obama Giving Orders - Public DomainSomeone is attempting to harass and intimidate media personalities that are very critical of Barack Obama and his administration.  Whoever is doing this has extremely advanced technical capabilities.  As you will see below, there is very strong anecdotal evidence that federal agents are involved.  But these agents would never commit such actions on their own.  It seems clear that they are getting orders from someone above them.  Of course Barack Obama (or any of his top lieutenants) would never come out and publicly admit that Gestapo tactics are being used against media personalities on Obama’s rumored “enemies list”, but that appears to be precisely what is happening.  Hopefully by shining a light on these activities it will cause those that are doing these things to cease and desist.  And it is very important to point out that what is being done to these media personalities is illegal.  Anyone that is involved in harassing media personalities because of what they are saying is violating federal law and is in danger of going to prison for a very, very long time. (Read More...)

Environmental Fascism: The Ecofascists Are Slowly But Surely Taking Over America

EcofascistsThe environmental fascists believe that if people are allowed to have large amounts of freedom and liberty that the planet will literally be destroyed.  That sounds crazy, but that is what they actually believe.  Left to our own devices, they are fully convinced that global warming and out of control pollution will transform the earth into an uninhabitable hellhole.  Therefore, they believe that it has become necessary to strictly manage human behavior “for the good of the environment”.  With each passing year, the control of the social planners gets even tighter.  Today, they have banned certain kinds of light bulbs, they are putting mandatory “smart meters” into our homes, and they have instituted all kinds of ridiculous regulations concerning what you can do with your own land.  Tomorrow, they plan to put “black boxes” into our vehicles and move most of us into “stack-and-pack” housing that has communal bathrooms and no elevators.  There is a reason why these people are called ecofascists.  The “true believers” of the environmental fascism movement actually believe that they are “saving the world” by being control freaks.  They truly believe that they know better than the rest of us, and they love to get into positions of political power so that they can impose their will on everyone around them. (Read More...)

A Surprising Number Of Americans Believe In Conspiracy Theories – And Many Of Them Are Actually True

A Surprising Number Of Americans Believe In Conspiracy Theories - And Many Of Them Are Actually True - Photo by Philip JacksonHave you ever noticed that whenever the government or the mainstream media wants to demonize a particular point of view they call it a “conspiracy theory”?  The unspoken message is that normal people such as us should never dare to question the official propaganda being put out by “official sources”.  But what if those “official sources” are wrong?  What if those “official sources” have a specific agenda that they are trying to promote?  Has it become a crime to ask questions?  Has it become a crime to think for ourselves?  The other day, Public Policy Polling did an opinion poll about “conspiracy theories”.  Just by reading the questions they asked, it is obvious that the goal was to make those that believe in those theories to look foolish.  When they released the results of the poll, they stated that some of the “conspiracy theories” could only be found in “the darker corners of the internet” – as if there was something unsavory or evil about them.  But is it really “crazy” to believe that sometimes bad people do bad things?  A conspiracy is just “a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful”.  So do conspiracies ever happen?  Of course they happen.  They have happened for as long as humanity has existed.  But in this day and age, we are just supposed to assume that all of our politicians and all of the big corporations that dominate our society are just sweet and wonderful and would never want to do us any harm whatsoever. (Read More...)

Why Does The Department Of Homeland Security Need 450 MILLION Hollow Point Bullets?

Somebody out there has decided that the Department of Homeland Security needs a whole lot of ammunition.  Recently it was announced that ATK was awarded a contract to provide up to 450 MILLION hollow point bullets to the Department of Homeland Security over the next five years.  Is it just me, or does that sound incredibly excessive?  What in the world is the DHS going to do with 450 million rounds?  What possible event would ever require that much ammunition?  If the United States was ever invaded, it would be the job of the U.S. military to defend the country, so that can’t be it.  So what are all of those bullets for?  Who does the Department of Homeland Security plan to be shooting at?  According to the U.S. Census, there are only about 311 million people living in the entire country.  So why does the Department of Homeland Security need 450 million rounds of ammunition?  Either this is an incredible waste or there is something that the Department of Homeland Security is not telling us. (Read More...)

New DHS Report: If You Love “Individual Liberty” Or If You “Believe In Conspiracy Theories” You Are A Potential Terrorist

Do you love America?  Are you against a one world economy and a one world government?  Do you deeply love individual liberty?  Do you believe in conspiracy theories?  If you answered any of those questions affirmatively, then you are a potential terrorist according to a brand new Department of Homeland Security report that was just released in January 2012. The report is entitled “Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States, 1970 to 2008“, and it was produced by the “National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism” for the Department of Homeland Security.  As you will see detailed later on in this article, the most shocking part of this report is when it discusses the “ideological motivations” of potential terrorists.  The report shamelessly attempts to portray red-blooded Americans that love liberty and that love their country as the enemy.  Once upon a time, deeply patriotic Americans were considered to be the backbone of America, but today they are considered to be potential terrorists. (Read More...)

14 Conspiracy Theories That The Media Now Admits Are Conspiracy Facts

How many times have you heard the mainstream media dismiss certain points of view as “conspiracy theories”?  It seems as though one of the easiest ways to brush something off is to label it as something that only “conspiracy theorists” would believe.  Well, you know what?  A whole lot of the time the “conspiracy theorists” are right and the mainstream media is wrong.  In fact, we owe a great debt to “conspiracy theorists” because they will go places and investigate things that the mainstream media would never even touch.  The reality is that the mainstream media only tells us what the government and the big corporations want us to hear, and much of the time it is those in the alternative media that are left with the task of trying to figure out what the real truth is.  So don’t look down on conspiracy theories or conspiracy theorists.  In a world where almost everything we are told is a lie, the truth can be very difficult to find. (Read More...)