Why Is Obama So Silent About The Vicious Persecution Of Christians All Over The Globe?

Barack Obama - Public DomainAs you read this article, Christians are being openly persecuted in more than 60 nations.  Churches are being burned, believers are being hunted down and imprisoned, and violent mobs are beating and killing those that dare to say that Jesus is Lord.  And thanks to ISIS, the persecution of Christians has risen to frightening new levels in 2015.  In recent months, our news sources have been filled with headlines about Christians that are being beheaded, crucified and buried alive by ISIS.  According to U.S. Representative Frank Wolf, what is happening to Christians in the Middle East actually meets the United Nations definition of “genocide”.  So what is Barack Obama doing about all of this?  Sadly, he is essentially doing next to nothing.  He has been nearly silent as the acts of mass violence just keep piling up.  This silence has outraged many on both the left and the right, and yet Obama just continues to keep quiet.  What are we supposed to make of that? (Read More...)

Why Does Christian Persecution Get Worse In Every Country The U.S. “Liberates”?

White House MeetingWhen the U.S. military “liberates” a nation, shouldn’t it result in more liberty, freedom and peace for the people living there?  Instead, we find just the opposite.  In fact, in every single case since 9/11, when the U.S. military has “liberated” a nation it has resulted in the persecution of Christians in that country becoming much worse.  In areas where we spent hundreds of billions of dollars and where thousands of precious American lives were sacrificed, churches are regularly being bombed, Christians are being brutally beheaded, and laws have been passed to make it illegal for a Muslim to convert to Christianity.  If we were not even able to provide the most basic of liberties and freedoms to the people living in those nations, what in the world did we actually accomplish by “liberating” them? (Read More...)

How Will The Shocking Decline Of Christianity In America Affect The Future Of This Nation?

Is Christianity in decline in America?  When you examine the cold, hard numbers it is simply not possible to come to any other conclusion.  Over the past few decades, the percentage of Christians in America has been steadily declining.  This has especially been true among young people.  As you will see later in this article, there has been a mass exodus of teens and young adults out of U.S. churches.  In addition, what “Christianity” means to American Christians today is often far different from what “Christianity” meant to their parents and their grandparents.  Millions upon millions of Christians in the United States simply do not believe many of the fundamental principles of the Christian faith any longer.  Without a doubt, America is becoming a less “Christian” nation.  This has staggering implications for the future of this country.  The United States was founded primarily by Christians that were seeking to escape religious persecution.  For those early settlers, the Christian faith was the very center of their lives, and it deeply affected the laws that they made and the governmental structures that they established.  So what is the future of America going to look like if we totally reject the principles that this nation was founded on? (Read More...)

Another Step Closer To A One World Religion: 50 U.S. Churches To Read From The Quran On Sunday

The three main pillars of the “New World Order” that the global elite want to bring about are a one world economy, a one world government and a one world religion.  A lot of attention gets paid to the development of the first two pillars, but the third pillar gets very little attention.  But the truth is that a one world religion is getting closer than ever.  “Interfaith” conferences and meetings are being held with increasing frequency all over the globe.  Major global religious leaders are urging all of us to focus on our “shared” religious traditions.  The belief that all religions are equally valid paths to the same destination is being taught in houses of worship and at religious institutions all over the globe.  This “interfaith movement” is being promoted by NGOs, “charitable foundations” and top politicians and it is being backed by big money all over the planet. (Read More...)