Cell Phones Are Cooking Our Reproductive Organs And Causing An Epidemic Of Cancer

Cell Phones - Public DomainIs your cell phone keeping you from having kids and slowly killing you at the same time? Most people have no idea that one of the greatest threats to their health may be something that they are willingly carrying around with them all day long.  A brand new study has just come out that shows that men that carry around cell phones in their pockets continually are much less fertile than other men. Of course we have known that cell phone use has some very nasty consequences for our health for a very long time. As you will see below, studies have shown that there is a very clear link between cell phone use and cancer. But even after learning all of these things, most people just continue to use their cell phones normally. Most people believe what they want to believe, and most people don’t want to believe that cell phone use is harmful. (Read More...)

Drugged Into Oblivion: Nearly 60 Percent Of All U.S. Adults Are On Prescription Drugs

Pill Bottle - Public DomainIf you have a health problem, even if it is just an imaginary one, some giant pharmaceutical company out there is probably making a pill for it.  According to shocking new research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, 59 percent of all U.S. adults are on at least one prescription drug, and 15 percent of all U.S. adults are on at least five prescription drugs.  These numbers have never been higher, and they tell us that the United States is the most drugged nation on the entire planet.  And it turns out that pushing these drugs on the American people is extremely profitable.  For instance, Americans spent 100 billion dollars on cancer drugs alone last year.  That isn’t “million” with an “m” – that is “billion” with a “b”.  The profits that some of these pharmaceutical companies are making are absolutely obscene, and it is our pain and suffering that is making them rich. (Read More...)

Yes, The Scientific Evidence Says That Eating Pork Does Cause Cancer

Bacon - Public DomainWhat we eat is literally killing us.  A stunning new report from the World Health Organization has concluded that there is clear scientific evidence that eating processed meat causes cancer.  In particular, the WHO specifically mentioned processed pork products such as bacon, sausages and hot dogs.  Of course for those of us that have been investigating these things for a long time, this doesn’t exactly come as a shock.  The alternative health community has been talking about the evidence that pork causes cancer for decades.  But for the WHO to come out and say these things publicly is a really big deal. (Read More...)

America The Obese: Is There A Multibillion Dollar Conspiracy To Make Sure Americans Stay Overweight?

Fast Food - Public DomainAccording to Gallup, America is now fatter than it has ever been before.  But how can this possibly be?  After all, Americans spend an astounding 60 billion dollars a year on weight loss programs and products.  After putting so much time, effort and energy into losing weight, shouldn’t we be some of the healthiest people on the entire planet?  Sadly, the truth is that obesity has become a national epidemic, and we are known around the globe for our huge size.  The term “fat Americans” has become synonymous with overweight tourists, and other cultures mock us for our apparent sloth.  But could there be more to this than just the fact that we eat too much?  Could it be possible that we have been fattened up by design? (Read More...)

The Big Business Of Cancer: 100 BILLION Dollars Was Spent On Cancer Drugs Last Year Alone

Dollars - Public DomainIf you are an American, there is a 1 in 3 chance that you will get cancer during your lifetime.  If you are a man, the odds are closer to 1 in 2.  And almost everyone in America either knows someone who currently has cancer or who has already died from cancer.  But it wasn’t always this way.  Back in the 1940s, only one out of every sixteen Americans would develop cancer.  Something has happened that has caused the cancer rate in this nation to absolutely explode, and it is being projected that cancer will soon surpass heart disease and become the leading cause of death in the United States.  Overall, the World Health Organization says that approximately 14 million new cases of cancer are diagnosed around the globe each year, and the number of new cases is expected to increase by about 70 percent over the next 2 decades.  There are very few words in the English language that cause more fear than the word “cancer”, but despite billions spent on research and all of the technological progress we have made over the years this plague just continues to spiral wildly out of control.  Why is that? (Read More...)

11 Examples Of How Evil Is Growing In America Like A Cancerous Tumor

Monster - Public DomainHave you heard of “arterial tapping”, “flakka” or “cyberextortion”?  In America today, just about every conceivable type of evil that you could possibly name is growing, and we are even inventing new kinds of evil that the world has never seen before.  It is very easy for us to point to the looting and violence in Baltimore and call that evil, but there is far more to the social decay of America than just that.  The foundations of our society are rotting and decaying in thousands of different ways, and our biggest problem as a nation is what is found inside our own hearts.  We have rejected the values and principles that were handed down to us by previous generations of Americans because we believed that we knew better than they did.  But now look at us.  Our country is falling apart all around us, and we only have ourselves to blame.  The following are 11 examples of how evil is growing in America like a cancerous tumor… (Read More...)

Japan Begins Purposely Dumping 100s Of Tons Of Radioactive Water From Fukushima Into The Pacific

Fukushima Radiation - University Of New South WalesHow do you get rid of hundreds of tons of highly radioactive water?  You dump it into the Pacific Ocean of course!  In Japan, the  Tokyo Electric Power Co. has made the “painful decision” to begin purposely dumping massive amounts of radioactive water currently being stored at the destroyed Fukushima nuclear facility directly into the Pacific.  This is being done even though water radiation levels near Fukushima spiked to a brand new all-time record high just a few days ago.  The radioactive material that is being released will enter our food chain and will potentially stay with us for decades to come.  Fukushima is an environmental nightmare that never seems to end, but the mainstream media in the United States decided to pretty much stop talking about it long ago.  So don’t expect the big news networks to make a big deal out of the fact that Japan is choosing to use the Pacific Ocean as a toilet for their nuclear waste.  But even though they aren’t talking about it, that doesn’t mean that radioactive material from Fukushima is not seriously affecting the health of millions of people all over the planet. (Read More...)

Soft Killing The American People Using Toxic Food, Toxic Water And Toxic Vaccines

Skull_and_crossbonesHave you noticed that there has been an absolute explosion in the number of people developing chronic illnesses, heart disease, diabetes and cancer?  If you are like most Americans, you probably have quite a few family members and friends that are seriously ill right now.  Sadly, most Americans have absolutely no idea why this is happening.  Most of them just assume that all of this sickness is just “normal”.  But that is not the case at all.  The truth is that we are slowly killing ourselves by what we eat, by what we drink and by what we allow to be injected into our bodies.  The vast majority of people out there have never even heard about the dangers posed by aspartame, fluoride, genetically-modified food, pesticides, high fructose corn syrup, pharmaceutical drugs, cell phones and toxic vaccines.  Most of them have no idea that our food is toxic, our water is toxic and our vaccines are toxic.  Right now, it is estimated that approximately 70,000 chemicals are being used for commercial purposes, and as a result of our “modern lifestyles” we are literally being endlessly bombarded with toxins.  This has resulted in a massive tsunami of death, disease and chronic illness in America.  But very few people actually understand what is being done to all of us.  The following are just a few of the ways that the “soft killing” of the American people is taking place… (Read More...)