
Why - Photo by NikopoleyWhy does it seem like America is getting crazier with each passing year?  It has become glaringly apparent that very deep corruption has taken root in our society from the lowest levels of society all the way up to the highest levels of society.  In fact, some of the worst behavior of all is being exhibited by those that are supposed to be “examples” for our young people – politicians, bankers, lawyers, CEOs, etc.  As we enter 2013, the American people are greedy, selfish, boastful, proud, arrogant, disrespectful, ungrateful, materialistic, unforgiving, without self-control and they are completely and totally addicted to entertainment.  They believe that America will always be “the greatest nation on earth” just because of who we are, and they believe that the rest of the world should look up to us as a bright, shining example of everything that is good in the world.  Meanwhile, we lead the world in a large number of negative categories and our society is decaying right in front of our eyes.  It reminds me of what happened during the waning days of the Roman Empire.  The Romans just assumed that Rome would always be dominant forever, and they became extremely complacent and extraordinarily decadent.  We all know how that turned out, and at this point things are not looking good for America either. (Read More...)

20 Signs That Society Is Breaking Down And That America Has Been Overrun By Psychos

In order for a society to function successfully, people need to be able to trust one another.  Unfortunately, we are rapidly getting to the point where it is very difficult to trust anyone and society is breaking down.  Just think about it.  Do you trust most politicians?  Do you trust most lawyers?  Do you trust most bankers?  Do you trust the police?  As you will read about below, even doctors are going absolutely bonkers these days.  So if the “upper crust” of society cannot even be trusted, then what about everyone else?  Sadly, the truth is that America has been overrun by psychos.  Most people look somewhat “normal” when you meet them, but unfortunately very few people have pure motives these days.  You never know when someone is going to stab you in the back (literally or figuratively).  These days, most people simply do whatever is right in their own eyes, and that makes society a very unpredictable place.  As the economy continues to fall apart in future years, people are going to become even more desperate, and that is going to cause all of this craziness to get even worse. (Read More...)