What is the Biden administration doing? U.S. troops are not supposed to be in Ukraine, but for some reason they are there anyway. When I first saw the video footage that I am about to share with you, I thought that there must be some mistake. Sending U.S. troops into Ukraine after we publicly said that we would not is inevitably going to inflame tensions in the region even more. But apparently some “genius” in the Biden administration thought that this would be a good idea. (Read More...)
America In The 1940s vs. America In 2022
In order to understand how far we have fallen as a society, we need to take a look back at how Americans once lived. Because the way that we live today would be unrecognizable to those that inhabited our cities in the middle of the last century. We like to think of ourselves as the most advanced and most sophisticated generation that the United States has ever produced, but the truth is that we are filthy, disgusting “pig people” compared to the generations that have come before us. If you think that I am exaggerating, I would like for you to just watch the first two minutes of this video that shows what the streets of California were like in the 1940s. (Read More...)
As The Fate Of America Hangs In The Balance, The Level Of Evil In This Country Is Off The Charts
A decline in morality has preceded the collapse of almost every great society throughout history. Moral decay is often cited as one of the primary reasons for the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, the level of wickedness in ancient Greece reached a frightening crescendo before it finally fell, and the depravity of French aristocrats was so nauseating that ordinary citizens took them out into the streets and beheaded them during the French Revolution. Unfortunately, we have not learned from the lessons of the past, and so we appear doomed to repeat them. (Read More...)
America’s Infrastructure Is Crumbling Right Under Our Feet
You may have noticed that our nation is crumbling. In this case, I am not actually referring to the moral decay which is eating away at the foundations of our society like cancer. In this article I am going to specifically focus on the physical infrastructure which is literally crumbling directly under our feet. At one time, the infrastructure in the United States was unrivaled anywhere in the world. Previous generations of Americans built this country from the ground up, and I am very thankful for the hard work that they put into constructing our infrastructure, but now it is rotting and decaying all around us. (Read More...)
“Everybody Stole Everything” – Another Example Of The Complete And Utter Lawlessness Taking Over The Streets Of America
Hordes of local pharmacies are shutting down in major cities all over the nation, and it isn’t because of the economy. Sadly, because shoplifting has become so rampant in places such as New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles, large chains are determining that it is no longer profitable to do business in many communities. If I was in their shoes, I would be doing the same thing. Thanks to politicians that are extremely soft on crime, professional looters are going hog wild, and in many cases security guards are instructed to simply stand aside and let them take whatever they want. (Read More...)
An Existential Threat To Humanity?
Will our own arrogance actually be our undoing? When you peer up into the night sky and realize how small we truly are in comparison to the vastness of the universe, that should be a very humbling thing. Unfortunately, humility is in very short supply in our day and time. Sadly, this is particularly true in our scientific community. Over the past two years, a pompous blowhard named Anthony Fauci has become the most famous scientist in the entire world, and even though he has been exposed as a total fraud he is more pompous than ever and he is still worshipped by millions. Unfortunately, he is far from alone. Because of what I do, I have to deal with pompous blowhards like Dr. Fauci all the time. These “geniuses” think that they have everything figured out, but of course they don’t. None of us do. We are literally surrounded by unanswerable questions and great mysteries that have gone unsolved for thousands of years. (Read More...)
The United States Is Becoming A Third World Country
In the old days, Americans would derisively speak of “third world countries” that were plagued by high crime rates, corrupt governments, severe economic problems and an overall lack of civilized behavior. Unfortunately, the tables have turned, and now we are becoming a “third world country”. The thin veneer of civilization that we all used to take for granted has been steadily disappearing, and our nation seems to become a little bit more degenerate with each passing day. Of course this didn’t happen overnight. It has taken decades of decline to get us to this point, and now our decline appears to be accelerating. (Read More...)
A Farming Insider Has Warned Me That The Coming Food Shortages Are Going To Be FAR WORSE Than We Are Being Told
The information that I am about to share with you is extremely alarming, but I have always endeavored to never sugarcoat things for my readers. Right now, there are shortages of certain items in grocery stores across the United States, and food supplies have gotten very tight all over the globe. I have repeatedly warned that this is just the beginning, but I didn’t realize how dire things have already gotten until I received an email from a farming insider that I have corresponded with over the years. I asked him if I could publicly share some of the information that he was sharing with me, and he said that would be okay as long as I kept his name out of it. (Read More...)