Circumstances seem to keep pushing the United States and Russia closer and closer to a horrifying showdown. If I was in the White House, I would be doing all that I could to try to find a way out of this mess. Unfortunately, the guy currently leading our nation is a hothead in an advanced state of mental decline, and he is surrounded by the worst foreign policy team in U.S. history. That is a recipe for disaster, but most Americans seem to be entirely convinced that a full-blown war with Russia is extremely unlikely. Most of us seem to think that we can keep escalating the conflict in Ukraine without ever suffering any serious consequences. Unfortunately, the Russians see things very differently. (Read More...)
An Extremely Deadly Disease With A 30 Percent Death Rate Has Been Detected At 2 Locations In Georgia
Why are so many strange diseases suddenly breaking out all over the globe? In all my days, I have never seen anything like this. COVID, bird flu and monkeypox are all making headlines around the world, but of course they aren’t the only pestilences that we are currently dealing with. As I mentioned a few days ago, the Democratic Republic of Congo is actually facing outbreaks of ebola, cholera, measles, monkeypox, bubonic plague and typhoid all at the same time! Can you imagine what health authorities in that nation must be going through right now? A few years ago most of us never gave much thought to disease outbreaks, but now they are seemingly everywhere. (Read More...)
5 Reasons Why The Food Supply In The United States Is Going To Continue To Shrink
We are truly moving into unprecedented times. For decades, the U.S. has been the leading agricultural power in the world. Most of us have lived our entire lives in an environment of “more than enough”, and that is because food production has never been a major concern in this nation. But now things are changing. Food production is being hit from all sides by a “perfect storm” of problems, and this “perfect storm” is only going to intensify in the months ahead. The following are 5 reasons why the food supply in the United States is going to continue to shrink… (Read More...)
The CDC Is Now Warning That “Some Community Transmission” Of Monkeypox May Be Happening In The U.S.
Is there something that they aren’t telling us? Monkeypox continues to spread all over the world, but theoretically this should not be happening. It has always been a virus that has been very difficult to pass from person to person, and so if that has changed we have a right to know. As I write this article, there is now a total of 375 confirmed, probable and suspected monkeypox cases in 22 countries around the globe. Some authorities have told us that many of these cases can be traced back to huge “superspreader events” in the Canary Islands and Belgium. But if the people that caught the virus at those events begin spreading it to others once they get back home, we could soon have a full-blown global pandemic on our hands. (Read More...)
Virologists Warn That Monkeypox Has Become A “Hyper-Mutated Virus” As It Spreads To More Countries And More U.S. States
We have never seen a global monkeypox outbreak of this magnitude, and health authorities still cannot tell us why it is happening. When I wrote about this outbreak nine days ago, there were three cases in the United Kingdom. Now this outbreak has spread to 21 countries, and there are 310 confirmed, probable or suspected cases. By the time you read this article, that number will probably be even higher. If cases were isolated in just one country or in a particular geographical region, it would be much easier to try to contain this outbreak. But at this point this new strain of monkeypox has already spread all over the planet. (Read More...)
World War 3: The Stage Is Being Set For The United States To Go To War With China And Russia Simultaneously
You would have to be out of your mind to fight wars with China and Russia simultaneously. Unfortunately, the guy in the White House actually fits that description. Joe Biden has been a hothead throughout his career in politics, but now he is a hothead that is in an advanced state of mental decline. And as I have warned for more than a year, he is surrounded by the worst foreign policy team in U.S. history, and that is really saying something. Biden and his team just keep making one colossal mistake after another, and now we are on a path that could soon have us fighting major wars with both China and Russia at the same time. (Read More...)
There Are A Lot Of Really Bizarre Theories About Monkeypox Going Around
As if 2022 wasn’t crazy enough, now it appears that we could be on the verge of another very deadly global pandemic. As I write this, there are now 204 confirmed, probable or suspected cases of monkeypox in 17 different nations around the world. By the time you read this, that total will probably be even higher. In fact, the World Health Organization is specifically warning us to expect more cases. Needless to say, this new outbreak has spawned a lot of really bizarre theories. Some of these theories will end up being proven false, but at least some of these theories are likely to turn out to be accurate. There is still so much we don’t know, but it certainly appears that this pandemic has the potential to become another major global crisis. (Read More...)
How Has Monkeypox Spread All Over The Globe At Lightning Speed?
What in the world is going on? In the past, we were told that monkeypox was not a major concern because it was so difficult to spread it from person to person. But now monkeypox seems to be spreading like wildfire. On May 7th, the very first case in the western world in 2022 was confirmed in the United Kingdom. Now here we are less than two weeks later and there are now dozens of confirmed and suspected cases in seven different countries outside of Africa. Yesterday, I discussed the cases that have popped up in Spain, Portugal and the United States. Now there are three more nations that are reporting confirmed or suspected cases, and that should greatly alarm all of us. (Read More...)