Will 2023 be a year when extremely destructive conflicts erupt all over the world? We are certainly already living in a time of “wars and rumors of wars”, and tensions are approaching the boiling point in a number of key global flashpoints right now. If several more major conflicts were to suddenly begin next year, we could potentially witness an extended period of geopolitical instability that would be unlike anything that we have ever witnessed. It is easy to start wars, but it is much harder to end them. If you doubt this, just look at what is going on in Ukraine. There is no end in sight for that conflict, and there are several other wars that could literally erupt at any time. The following are 5 global flashpoints which could absolutely explode during the early stages of 2023… (Read More...)
We Are About To Witness A MAJOR Move Toward A Cashless Society
The war on cash has just gone to an entirely new level. When I heard that the European Union was planning to completely ban all cash transactions above 10,000 euros, I had a hard time believing it. There are so many wild rumors flying around on the Internet these days, and so I wasn’t going to write about this unless I could confirm it. Unfortunately, this particular rumor is quite real. Under the pretext of fighting “money laundering and terrorist financing”, the European Union will be entirely outlawing all cash payments greater than 10,000 euros. The following comes from the official website of the Council of the European Union… (Read More...)
The Conflict In Ukraine Has Evolved Into A War Between The United States And Russia
Let’s be honest about what is really going on in Ukraine. The United States is providing most of the funding, most of the equipment, most of the ammunition, most of the high level intelligence and much of the training. That makes the United States a direct participant in the conflict. Yes, many other NATO countries are also contributing in various ways, and that makes them direct participants as well. But the mainstream media here in the western world continues to insist that this is Ukraine’s war and that we are just helping them out. Without a doubt, Ukraine has lost an enormous number of soldiers over the course of 2022, but at this point the Ukrainians are really a junior partner in the war. If the U.S. and NATO had not intervened on an epic scale, the war would already be over and Russia would have won. Unfortunately, now that we are so deeply invested in the conflict there is no easy way out, and that has very serious implications for all of us. (Read More...)
Why Are So Many Major Volcanoes Suddenly Exploding All Over The World?
Should we be concerned by all of the volcanic activity that we are witnessing all over the planet right now? According to Volcano Discovery, 27 different volcanoes are erupting at this moment and many others are showing signs of waking up. Of course this comes at a time when we are also seeing lots of unusual earthquakes around the globe. I have been regularly warning my readers about the instability of our planet, and it appears that seismic activity is beginning to spike as we approach the end of 2022. So will this trend continue once we get into 2023? (Read More...)
All Of A Sudden, Huge Earthquakes Are Hitting The West Coast Of The U.S. And Other High Risk Areas
Have you noticed that there have been a lot of very unusual earthquakes around the globe this week? Suddenly, large earthquakes have started to erupt in some of the most high risk areas of the planet. Unfortunately, that includes the west coast of the United States. For years, I have been warning my readers about what will happen when “the Big One” finally hits the west coast. Could it be possible that the quakes that we are witnessing right now indicate that the fault zones along the west coast are starting to wake up again? Let us hope not, because this would be a really, really bad time for a historic seismic event. (Read More...)
What A Choice: A Tyrannical World Government Or A Nuclear War
If you had to choose between living under an extremely oppressive world government or living through a nuclear war, which one would be your choice? Personally, I don’t like either of those two options, but in recent days western leaders have been trying to convince us that we will either have one or the other. According to them, either we can submit to a “global order” that is dominated by the values and the agenda of the western elite or we can accept a multipolar world which will eventually lead to widespread chaos and nuclear war. Needless to say, western politicians are going to try very hard to get us to choose the former. (Read More...)
They Are Testing A Super Creepy “Digital Dollar” That They Plan To Introduce Soon
Are you ready for the government to monitor what you buy and sell on a daily basis? Because that is what could happen if you start using the new “digital dollar” that they are now testing. Of course using the new “digital dollar” would be voluntary at first, but what if it eventually becomes mandatory? The use of physical currency continues to decline year after year, and some governments in Europe have already taken radical measures to phase out the use of cash. Many among the elite consider digital currencies to be the key to a whole new era of strict governmental control over the way that we live our lives, and there would be so much potential for abuse. (Read More...)
One Way Or Another, The Population Of The Globe Will Soon Be Much Smaller Than It Is Right Now
This week it is being reported that the human population of our planet has now reached 8 billion. We should all remember this moment, because soon the population of the globe will start getting much smaller. In “End Times”, I explain that we are moving into one of the most chaotic times in all of human history. There will be wars and rumors of wars, economic collapse, worldwide famines, horrifying pestilences and great natural disasters. Needless to say, in such a future the global population would fall very rapidly. But for purposes of this article, let’s imagine that none of those things will happen for the foreseeable future. For a moment, let’s imagine that conditions will be pretty much like they are today for decades to come. Unfortunately, even in such a wildly unrealistic scenario the human population of our planet would still plummet dramatically in the years ahead. In fact, if current trends continue there will be hardly anyone left by the end of this century no matter what happens. (Read More...)