Under a shocking new plan that is scheduled to be adopted two months before the U.S. presidential election in 2024, all it would take is some sort of a major “global shock” for the United Nations to literally take authority over the entire planet. I realize that this may sound like the plot to a really bad science fiction movie, but this is actually what is being proposed, and the Biden administration is fully behind this insidious plan. Unfortunately, the mainstream media in the United States is not covering this at all, and so most people have absolutely no idea that this is going on. (Read More...)
How Many July 4th Celebrations Do We Have Left?
I hope that this Independence Day was the greatest Independence Day that you and your family have ever experienced. Personally, I had the opportunity to spend some time with family over the past several days, and that helped to rejuvenate me. We should be thankful for times like these, because we will not always have them. In fact, at the rate that America is falling we may not have too many July 4th celebrations left. Just about every major decision that our leaders make is self-destructive, and if we stay on the road that we are currently on our nation is not going to survive. So let us hope for some sort of a great awakening to happen soon, because the clock is ticking. (Read More...)
Let’s Talk About Yevgeny Prigozhin…
When Yevgeny Prigozhin launched his short-lived rebellion, many in the western media were describing it as a “coup”. But the truth is that Prigozhin did not intend to try to overthrow Vladimir Putin. He just wanted his seat at the table back. Being in Vladimir Putin’s good graces had turned Prigozhin into an exceedingly wealthy man over the years, but now everything was changing. Prigozhin was in danger of losing everything that he had worked to build, and the final straw was a decision to break up the Wagner Group and absorb those troops into the Russian military. Prigozhin realized that he was being sidelined, and so in a desperate attempt to get some leverage he hatched an ill-fated plan to kidnap Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and General Valery Gerasimov. Unfortunately for Prigozhin, they learned of his scheme in advance, and their travel plans were changed. When he realized that his scheme had failed, Prigozhin was willing to make a deal, because ultimately he didn’t want to see his fighters slaughtered in a pointless conflict. (Read More...)
All Of A Sudden, Outbreaks Of Malaria, H5N1, Swine Flu And Monkeypox Are All In The News…
After a bit of a lull, it appears that pestilences are going to start making headline news once again. Of course that is the last thing that many of us want to hear. Many Americans are finally getting their lives back to normal after the last pandemic, and a lot of people are hoping that we won’t have to go through another for a long time to come. Unfortunately, the truth is that we have entered a period of history when major outbreaks will be quite common. In secret labs all over the planet, mad scientists are monkeying around with some of the deadliest bugs ever known to humanity, and as we have seen, it is way too easy for an “accident” to happen. (Read More...)
Another Alarming Societal Trend That Was Accelerated By The Lockdowns…
Looking back, we can see that the lockdowns did so much damage. They greatly affected our mental health, the economy, and even the education of our children. But one thing that is not talked about a lot is the impact that the lockdowns had on church attendance in America. In 1958, a Gallup survey found that 49 percent of Americans had attended church within the past 7 days. That number started to decline during the ensuing years, and by 1972 only 40 percent of Americans said that they had attended church within the past 7 days. From 1972 all the way until 2012, church attendance within the past 7 days hovered right around that 40 percent figure. Unfortunately, over the past decade it has started to fall once again. Just prior to the pandemic, a Gallup survey found that 34 percent of Americans had been to church within the past 7 days, and now a new survey has discovered that it is down to just 31 percent… (Read More...)
Can You Explain What Has Gone Wrong With America?
At this point, nobody can deny that we are a society in decline. In America today, you can buy a U.S. Senator for 10,000 dollars, test scores for 13-year-olds have dropped to alarmingly low levels, and the CDC is telling us that more people than ever are getting depressed. Our streets are filled with crime, the ranks of the homeless are absolutely surging, and we are facing the worst drug crisis in the entire history of our nation. Meanwhile, corruption is seemingly everywhere. The guy in the White House and his son have made millions of dollars in an epic influence-peddling scheme that stretched over many years, and the mainstream media doesn’t seem to care. Of course they know exactly what it is like to be bought and paid for, because the only reason the big news networks can survive is because of the millions of advertising dollars that the pharmaceutical industry continues to inject into their dying carcasses. (Read More...)
U.S. Corn And Soy Crops Are At Risk As Drought Conditions Rapidly Spread In America’s Breadbasket
Every time I write about this, conditions are even worse. If you look at the latest map from the U.S. Drought Monitor, you will see that almost all of America’s heartland is now in some state of drought. Much of Kansas is dealing with either “severe” or “exceptional” drought, and in previous articles I have written about how this will impact the winter wheat harvest. But now areas that grow most of our corn and most of our soy are also getting absolutely hammered by drought. If this drought in America’s breadbasket continues through the summer, we are going to have a very serious problem on our hands. (Read More...)
The Temperature Rise In The Atlantic Ocean Is “Unprecedented”, And Millions Of Fish Are At Risk
Why is the Atlantic Ocean becoming dangerously warm? This is a question that a lot of marine scientists are thinking about right now. Temperatures in some areas of the Atlantic have risen to levels that we have literally never seen before, and everyone agrees that this could not have happened by chance. So what is going to happen to marine life in the Atlantic if temperatures keep going up? And what will hurricane season look like with such elevated water temperatures? According to CNN, there are certain areas of the Atlantic Ocean where water temperatures have actually been 9 degrees warmer than normal… (Read More...)