War Zones: As The Economy Dies, Murders, Shootings, Robberies And Looting Erupt All Over America

As the U.S. economy falls apart and millions of Americans descend into despair we are seeing some really shocking things start to happen all over America.  The mainstream media keeps telling us that crime is under control, but they are also the ones that keep telling us that we are in the midst of an “economic recovery”.  Unfortunately, the truth is that the economy is slowly dying.  Today, an all-time record 44 million Americans are on food stamps.  That number is 18 million higher than it was just four years ago.  When people can’t get jobs and when people feel deprived they get desperate.  The incidents that you are about to see and read about below are very disturbing.  Many American communities are rapidly turning into war zones.  Sadly, it is mostly young people that are involved in the crimes and the violence that are now sweeping America. (Read More...)

18 Signs That Life In U.S. Public Schools Is Now Essentially Equivalent To Life In U.S. Prisons

In the United States today, our public schools are not very good at educating our students, but they sure are great training grounds for learning how to live in a Big Brother police state control grid.  Sadly, life in many U.S. public schools is now essentially equivalent to life in U.S. prisons.  Most parents don’t realize this, but our students have very few rights when they are in school.  Our public school students are being watched, tracked, recorded, searched and controlled like never before.  Back when I was in high school, it was unheard of for a police officer to come to school, but today our public school students are being handcuffed and arrested in staggering numbers.  When I was young we would joke that going to school was like going to prison, but today that is actually true. (Read More...)

40 Signs The Chinese Economy Is Beating The Living Daylights Out Of The U.S. Economy

It is time to face the truth.  The Chinese economy is simply beating the living daylights out of the U.S. economy.  Whether you want to call it a rout, a slaughter or a thrashing, the reality is that the Chinese are absolutely embarrassing America on the global economic stage.  At this point, the Chinese are playing economic chess while the Americans are playing economic checkers.  China is poised to blow past the United States and become the largest economy in the world.  Not only that, some economists are projecting that the Chinese economy could be three times larger than the U.S. economy by mid-century.  The age of U.S. economic dominance is ending, and most Americans still don’t even understand what is happening. (Read More...)

30 Actual News Headlines From 2011 That Are Almost Too Bizarre To Believe

Our world has become a really, really bizarre place.  The pace of change has become so rapid that nobody can really keep up with all of the important things that are happening right now.  Today, more events of significance will happen in a single week than used to happen in an entire month.  If we were able to go to sleep right now and wake up in exactly 10 years, we would awaken to a world that would be virtually unrecognizable to us.  To get an idea of just how fast the world is changing, just check out this short YouTube video.  Keep in mind that neither YouTube or Facebook even existed 10 years ago.  Prior to the 20th century, our forefathers could pretty much count on the fact that the world that their children would live in would be pretty much the same world that they lived in.  Today, we can’t even really know what next year is going to look like.  We live during an unprecedented time in human history.  Global events are building toward a crescendo.  The pace of life just seems to get faster and faster and faster.  I don’t know about you, but for me days just seem to fly by.  It is inconceivable that anyone could be “bored” in this day and age.  If it was always your desire to live during a time in which you can “make history”, then you certainly got your wish. (Read More...)

Why Is The Economy So Bad?

Millions of Americans have lost their homes, tens of millions of Americans can’t find a decent job and 44 million Americans are on food stamps.  This is causing an increasing number of Americans to ask this question: “Why is the economy so bad?”  There are some Americans that are old enough to remember the Great Depression, but the vast majority of us have never known hard times.  All our lives we were told that America was the greatest economy on the planet and that we would always experience endless prosperity in this nation.  That was easy to believe because even though we had a recession once in a while, things always bounced back and got even better than ever.  But now something seems different.  The current economic downturn began back in 2007 and yet here we are in 2011 and there seems to be no end in sight for this economic crisis.  So what in the world is going on?  Can anyone explain why the economy is so bad? (Read More...)

Why Are There So Many Natural Disasters In 2011?

So far in 2011, we have seen a record number of tornadoes, unprecedented flooding, rampant earthquakes, disturbing volcanic eruptions and a tsunami in Japan that none of us will ever forget.  So why are there so many natural disasters in 2011?  Our top scientists seem to be at a complete loss to explain what is happening.  It just seems like there is one disaster or emergency after another.  Many Americans are getting “disaster fatigue” as the requests to donate money to various relief efforts never seem to end.  There has never been a time in recent history when we have seen so many natural disasters compressed into such a short period of time.  So exactly what is going on here?  Is something causing all of this or is this all one big coincidence? (Read More...)

32 Signs That The Entire World Is Being Transformed Into A Futuristic Big Brother Prison Grid

Do you want your children and grandchildren to live in a futuristic “big brother” control grid where everything they do is watched, recorded, tracked and tightly controlled?  Well, that is exactly where things are headed.  We witnessed some really bad totalitarian regimes during the 20th century, but what is coming is going to be far more restrictive than any of the despots of the past ever dreamed was possible.  Today, nearly every government on earth is tightening their grip on their citizens.  Paranoia has become standard operating procedure all over the planet and nobody is to be trusted.  Global politicians will give speeches about liberty and freedom even as they undermine them at every turn.  There are very, very few nations on the planet where liberty and freedom are increasing.  Instead, almost everywhere you turn the “control grid” is getting tighter.  Governments don’t want us gathering together and interacting with one another.  Instead, they want us to work our tails off to support the system, they want us enslaved financially and constantly drowning in debt, and they want us addicted to television and other forms of entertainment.  They want us as numb and docile as possible.  Meanwhile, all over the globe they continue to construct a futuristic “big brother” control grid that will ensure that they will always be able to control us. (Read More...)

America 2011

What kind of place is America in 2011?  Sadly, it is one giant sea of conformity.  If you traveled across the United States 40 or 50 years ago, you would encounter a vast array of cultures and you would meet a wonderful mix of people.  But today America is slowly but surely becoming standardized.  It seems like wherever you go you will find a Wal-Mart and a McDonald’s.  Thanks to Hollywood and the mass media, people all over the country dress the same and look the same and talk the same.  Sure there are various subcultures out there, but even many of those subcultures are virtually the same on one coast as they are on the other.  The things that gave flavor to our local communities are dying off in favor of greater conformity and greater profit.  Today, most retail stores and most restaurants are corporate owned.  Most small businesses that attempt to go up against the Wal-Marts, the Targets, the Burger Kings or the Home Depots of the world have already been stomped out of existence or are in the process of being stomped out of existence.  Eventually, if we are not careful, corporate conformity is going to dominate everything from the Atlantic to the Pacific.  Some may view this as “progress”, but is this really what the American Dream is supposed to be all about?  Is this really the “America” that we want to pass down to future generations? (Read More...)