Why Are So Many Bad Things Happening To America?

Have you ever wondered why things have been going so badly for the United States in recent years?  Our economy is falling apart, we have been plagued with heat, drought and endless natural disasters, our cities are absolutely crumbling, we just keep getting involved in even more wars and Americans are more anxious and more overweight than ever before.  So why are so many bad things happening to America?  Why do we lead the world in so many bad categories?  Why does nothing seem to be going right?  Are we under some kind of a curse?  It is almost as if we have entered a “perfect storm” that just keeps getting worse.  In the old days it would seem like something bad would happen to the United States every once in a while, but now massive problems seem to be hitting us in rapid fire fashion.  At this point, many Americans have “crisis fatigue” because our problems never seem to end.  Each new crisis just seems to overlap with all of the other problems that are still going on.  So why is this happening, and what is our country going to look like if our problems continue to multiply at this rate? (Read More...)

The Federal Reserve Is Not Going To Save Us From The Great Depression That Is Coming

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke delivered his annual address to Congress on Tuesday, and he did very little to give lawmakers much confidence about where the U.S. economy is heading.  Bernanke told members of Congress that recent economic data points “suggest further weakness ahead” and that the Federal Reserve is projecting that the U.S. unemployment rate will remain at 7 percent or above all the way through the end of 2014.  Now, it is important to keep in mind that Federal Reserve forecasts are almost always way too optimistic.  The actual numbers almost always end up being much worse than what the Fed says they will be.  So if Bernanke is saying that the U.S. unemployment rate will be 7 percent or higher until the end of 2014, then what will the real numbers end up looking like?  During his testimony, Bernanke seemed unusually gloomy about the direction of the U.S. economy.  He seemed resigned to the fact that there really isn’t that much more that the Federal Reserve can do to stimulate the U.S. economy.  Yes, the Federal Reserve could try another round of quantitative easing, but the first two rounds did not really do that much to help.  The truth is that the United States is absolutely drowning in debt, and when that debt bubble finally bursts the Federal Reserve is simply not going to be able to save us from the Great Depression that will happen as a result. (Read More...)

The Largest Natural Disaster In U.S. History: The Endless Drought Of 2012 Will Bake America Well Into August

Why is the heartland of the United States experiencing such a horrific drought right now?  At the moment, approximately 61 percent of the entire nation is experiencing drought conditions, and this is absolutely devastating farmers and ranchers all over the country.  Less than two weeks ago I wrote an article asking what would happen if these drought conditions persisted, and now we are finding out.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture has created the largest natural disaster area in U.S. history.  The USDA has declared 1,016 counties in 26 U.S. states to be disaster areas. The USDA declaration basically covered about half of the nation, and there is now no denying how horrible this drought really is.  You can see a map of this disaster area right here.  This endless drought is being compared to the nightmarish drought of 1988, and if it persists into August it could become perhaps the worst drought that America has ever seen.  The USDA says that approximately 60 percent of all corn in the country is experiencing “moderate to extreme” drought conditions.  If this drought does not end soon, the losses are going to be mind blowing.  Already, it is estimated that farmers and ranchers have suffered billions of dollars in damage.  How much worse can things get? (Read More...)

12 Factors That Are Turning The Streets Of America Into A Living Hell

The United States once had safe, beautiful cities that were the envy of the entire world, but now many of them are degenerating into rotting, festering, crime-ridden hellholes.  All over the country there are communities where crime, drugs, gangs and human trafficking have gotten completely and totally out of control.  Once upon a time you could walk down the streets of most U.S. cities at night without much fear, but these days there are many large American cities where it would be absolutely crazy to wander around the streets at night unless you want to be mugged, shot or sexually assaulted.  If you end up at the wrong place at the wrong time you might end up being abducted by a human trafficker or have your face eaten off by a crazed drug addict high on bath salts.  With each passing day our cities degenerate just a little bit more, and life in many of our worst communities truly has become a living hell.  Sadly, this comes at a time when the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world by far.  We have tried to lock as many people away as possible and our communities are still turning into hellholes.  So where do we go from here? (Read More...)

They Want To Sterilize American Women: Sterilization Won’t Cost Women A Penny Under Obamacare

Did you know that sterilization will not cost women a penny under Obamacare?  A new regulation that goes into effect on August 1st requires that health plans cover sterilization for all women with “reproductive capacity”.  That includes teenage girls.  According to the new regulation, women must have access to sterilization “without having to pay a co-payment, co-insurance or a deductible.”  So women will not have to pay a single penny out of pocket if they want to get sterilized.  Of course this sterilization mandate will make health insurance more expensive for all of us, but the social engineers in Washington D.C. feel that increasing access to sterilization is a very important public policy goal.  So why are they doing this?  They are doing this because they love death.  They truly believe that they are saving the planet by reducing human numbers.  That is why “family planning” is always at the very heart of the “green agenda”.  They want to sterilize women because that will help keep the population down.  And if there are less people running around, there will be less of us to ruin “their planet” with all of our pollution. (Read More...)

Brutal Gestapo Tactics Are Being Used Against Homeowners All Over America

Property rights are being absolutely shredded all over America.  Buying a piece of land and enjoying it with your family has always been a big part of the American Dream.  Unfortunately, in the United States today you don’t actually own your own home.  If you don’t pay your rent (property taxes) your home will be taken away from you, and you are only allowed to use your property in very narrowly defined ways.  The control freaks that run things tell us what we can build on our own property, what we can grow on our own property, what types of gatherings we can have on our own property, how many visitors we can have on our own property and they have imposed very strict rules about how our property must be maintained.  If we get “out of line”, they will use “zoning ordinances” and “code violations” to make our lives a living hell.  All over America today, brutal Gestapo tactics are being used against homeowners that just want to be left alone.  Anyone that has ever dealt with a “compliance officer” or a “nuisance abatement team” knows what I am talking about.  But if we have so very little “freedom” on our own properties, then how in the world can we continue to call this country “the land of the free”? (Read More...)

19 Warnings About A Coming Global Financial Catastrophe

Global leaders have tried just about everything that they can think of, but the coming global financial catastrophe continues to march steadily toward us.  We have seen “stimulus packages”, quantitative easing, bond buying, interest rate cuts, emergency economic summits, bailout packages for banks, bailout packages for entire nations, “Operation Twist”, unprecedented government intervention in business and massive amounts of new government debt and yet nothing seems to revive the global economy.  In fact, it looks like we are rapidly heading into the second dip of a “double dip recession”.  Unfortunately, many believe that this next dip will be more like a full-blown depression.  All over the world, top economic experts are warning that we are facing an unprecedented crisis of debt and insolvency that will result in a global financial catastrophe.  The eurozone is drowning in debt, the U.S. government is drowning in debt and major banks all over the globe are drowning in debt.  Global authorities have been trying to patch the system together and keep it going, but the incredible damage that all of this debt has done is now becoming apparent to everyone.  The global debt bubble that has fueled prosperity in the western world for the last several decades is getting ready to burst, and when that happens the chaos that will result will be absolutely horrifying. (Read More...)

14 Incredibly Creepy Surveillance Technologies That Big Brother Will Be Using To Spy On You

Most of us don’t think much about it, but the truth is that people are being watched, tracked and monitored more today than at any other time in human history.  The explosive growth of technology in recent years has given governments, spy agencies and big corporations monitoring tools that the despots and dictators of the past could only dream of.  Previous generations never had to deal with “pre-crime” surveillance cameras that use body language to spot criminals or unmanned drones watching them from far above.  Previous generations would have never even dreamed that street lights and refrigerators might be spying on them.  Many of the incredibly creepy surveillance technologies that you are about to read about are likely to absolutely astound you.  We are rapidly heading toward a world where there will be no such thing as privacy anymore.  Big Brother is becoming all-pervasive, and thousands of new technologies are currently being developed that will make it even easier to spy on you.  The world is changing at a breathtaking pace, and a lot of the changes are definitely not for the better. (Read More...)