Volatility has returned to Wall Street in a major way, and many investors are extremely nervous right now. In recent days we have seen a dramatic escalation in our trade war with China, and there is a lot of chatter that another stock market crash could be imminent. When the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted 767 points on Monday, that definitely freaked a lot of people out, but then the Dow bounced back 311 points on Tuesday. Some are taking this as a sign that things are going to be okay, but we need to remember that during any stock market crisis we would expect to see both large up days and large down days. In fact, several of the largest single day stock market rallies in U.S. history happened right in the middle of the financial crisis of 2008. So please don’t think that the crisis is “over” just because stocks rise on a particular day. This party is just getting started, and once it fully gets rolling nobody is going to be able to stop it. (Read More...)
China Just Went Nuclear In The Trade War, And There Is No Turning Back Now
When will Americans start to wake up and realize what is happening? At the end of last week, President Trump announced that the U.S. would be imposing a 10 percent tariff on 300 billion dollars worth of Chinese imports, and that marked a dramatic escalation in our trade war with China. This move by Trump came as a total shock to Chinese officials, and global financial markets were thrown into a state of turmoil. Since that announcement, we have been waiting for the other shoe to drop, because we knew that the Chinese would retaliate. But honestly, very few of the experts expected something like this. On Monday, China announced that it is going to completely stop buying U.S. agricultural products… (Read More...)
They Said What? Here Are The 13 Nuttiest Quotes From Wednesday’s Democratic Presidential Debate
Are these really the best and brightest that the Democratic Party has to offer? It was going to take a monumental effort to top Marianne Williamson’s level of craziness on Tuesday night, but on Wednesday there were several Democratic contenders that gave it their best shot. Kirsten Gillibrand and Jay Inslee were particularly unhinged, and Joe Biden “repeatedly stumbled over numbers and phrases” during an incoherent performance that will be remembered for a long time to come. The Democrats may have more than 20 candidates running, but none of them looks like a president at this point. Perhaps that will change, or perhaps a stronger candidate will enter the race eventually, but right now Democratic strategists cannot be feeling too good about their chances of winning the 2020 election. Of course Republicans are facing some very serious challenges of their own, but at least they don’t have to worry about a powerhouse candidate on the other side. (Read More...)
We Just Witnessed 3 Major Developments That Could Easily Lead To Global War
It has been a seemingly quiet summer in America so far, but meanwhile we are witnessing major developments on the other side of the globe that could change everything. We are so close to war, and yet most people have absolutely no idea what is happening. In fact, if you showed most Americans a blank map of the world, they couldn’t even pick out Iran, Hong Kong or North Korea. There is so much apathy in our society today, and so little knowledge about foreign affairs, and so most people simply do not grasp the importance of the drama that is playing out right in front of our eyes. But if a major war does erupt, none of our lives are ever going to be the same again. So I am going to keep writing about these things, because I believe that we have reached an absolutely critical juncture in our history. (Read More...)
A Sign Of The Times? Las Vegas Is Being Hit By A Grasshopper Plague Of “Biblical Proportions”
A Large Solar Storm Will Hit Earth On July 31 Or August 1 At The Same Time That The “Black Supermoon” Happens
An absolutely massive hole has formed in the upper atmosphere of the Sun, and our planet will align with that hole later this week. Once the alignment happens, Earth will be bombarded by a “solar storm”, and nobody is quite sure yet how bad it will be. If the storm is relatively minor, we could just experience a few disruptions to satellite communications and see some pretty lights in the sky. But if the storm is really severe, our electrical grid could be fried and we could experience widespread power outages. According to the Express, “the solar storm will hit Earth on July 31 or August 1″… (Read More...)
Women In The United States Are Having Fewer Babies Than Ever Before In History
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the fertility rate in the United States has never been lower than it is right now. Unlike some of our other problems, this is not an immediate crisis because we definitely have plenty of people. The population of the U.S. is currently well over 300 million, and more immigrants keep pouring in with each passing day. So we are in no danger of running out of people, but the fact that Americans are choosing to have so few babies is yet another symptom of the social decay that is eating away at our nation like cancer. From a very early age, young Americans are being trained not to value marriage, parenthood and the traditional family unit. As a result, we are on an extremely self-destructive path, and there is no way that we are going to have a positive future as a country unless we change course. (Read More...)
Shock Survey: 12% Of U.S. Corn Farmers Didn’t Get Their Crops Planted, 48% Expect “Below-Average Yields This Harvest”
Crops all over America are failing, and the true extent of this crisis is starting to become clearer. Months of endless rain and nightmarish flooding prevented many farmers in the middle of the country from getting their crops planted on time, and millions of acres didn’t get planted at all. And if all that wasn’t enough, this month record high temperatures have been absolutely brutal for vulnerable young crops across the Midwest. We shall see how the rest of the summer goes, but at this point it appears that yields are going to be way, way below expectations, and that has very serious implications for all of us. (Read More...)