In this article, I am going to share some things with you that defy “rational explanation”. As our society has become increasingly obsessed with the occult, experts that deal with cases of demonic possession report that they have seen a huge surge in demand in recent years. Many of those that reach out for help are absolutely desperate, because often the torment caused by the demons is almost unbearable. Unfortunately, the movies, television shows, books and video games that draw so many of our young people to the world of the occult just keep getting even darker and even more “realistic”. So it is quite likely that the surge in demonic activity in our society will only continue to escalate. (Read More...)
Government Agencies Are About To Disclose What They Know About UFOs, And That Will Be A Dramatic Paradigm Shift
Do you believe in UFOs? Decades ago, if you answered yes to such a question many would have considered you to be a nutjob. But at this point UFOs are not a “conspiracy theory” any longer. In fact, even the U.S. government is admitting that they exist, and in just a few weeks we may learn a whole lot more about what the U.S. government really knows about this phenomenon. When President Trump signed a 2.3 trillion dollar COVID relief bill last December, it contained a provision which requires all U.S. intelligence agencies to submit an unclassified report to Congress that reveals all that they know about UFOs… (Read More...)
Now they are going to start flying migrants to red states “near the Canadian border”
The crisis on the border continues to get even worse, and our existing facilities on the southern border just aren’t equipped to handle the vast torrent of migrants that are flooding in. So in an attempt to deal with overloaded conditions, the Biden administration plans to start flying migrants that have been detained to facilities “near the Canadian border” for processing. Fox News is reporting that this is something that the Biden administration “is considering”, but their own report admits that CBP has already requested plane support from ICE… (Read More...)
Warmonger Joe Biden Seems Quite Eager To Start A War With Russia
If you are the president of the United States and you want to have a positive relationship with another country, it is probably not a good idea to call the leader of that other country a “killer” that “doesn’t have a soul”. Also, it is probably not a good idea to accuse the other country of directly interfering in our elections or to threaten them with cyberattacks. Unfortunately, Joe Biden seems to think that the American people want him to “get tough” with Russia, and he just told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that Vladimir Putin “will pay a price” for messing with the 2020 election… (Read More...)
There Is A “Crisis Of Masculinity” In The United States
When I was growing up in the 1970s, society was definitely beginning to change, but there were still plenty of men that knew how to be men. In those days, if men wanted to be masculine that was okay. And if women wanted to be feminine, that was okay too. But now everything has completely changed. Any effort to promote traditional gender roles is frowned upon, and masculinity in particular is under attack. In our society, “male” has become a label with highly negative connotations, and if you exhibit masculine traits you are considered to be part of the problem. Sadly, these negative messages about masculinity are constantly reinforced by the countless hours that Americans spend watching television and movies each year. (Read More...)
10 Examples That Show How Nightmarish The Worst Border Crisis In Modern American History Has Become
If U.S. Customs and Border Protection personnel are intercepting more than 100,000 migrants a month as they try to illegally cross the southern border, how many more are able to make it through undetected? In recent days, there has been a whole bunch of news stories about the nightmarish border crisis that we are currently facing. Now that President Trump is out of the White House, vast numbers of migrants have been flooding toward our southern border over the past couple of months. They are desperate for a better life, and the perception that Joe Biden is implementing “open border policies” gives them hope that they will be allowed in. (Read More...)