Just when it seemed like the U.S. and Europe were starting to get the COVID pandemic under control, extremely dangerous new variants that have emerged in Brazil threaten to plunge us into an even more deadly nightmare. As you read this article, hospitals all over Brazil are packed to capacity and thousands of people are dropping dead each day. But the COVID that is currently ravaging Brazil is not the same COVID that the rest of the globe has become accustomed to dealing with. Authorities tell us that a total of 92 COVID variants have now been identified in the country, and these variants have sent the death toll absolutely soaring… (Read More...)
What Will The Western Half Of The United States Look Like During “The Second Dust Bowl”?
Scientists have begun using the term “megadrought” to describe the multi-year drought that has been plaguing the western half of the country, and now we are being told that it looks like 2021 will be the worst year of this “megadrought” so far by a wide margin. That is extremely troubling news, because major water reservoirs have already dropped to dangerously low levels, some farmers have been told that they will not be allowed to use any water at all this year, and the dust storms in the western U.S. are becoming so large that they can actually be seen from space. This is a major national crisis, and it is only going to get worse. (Read More...)
Where Is The Outrage? Every Single Day, Christians Are Being Tortured, Beaten And Killed All Over The Globe
As you read this article, Christians all around the world are facing absolutely horrific persecution. They are forced to work as slave labor in concentration camps in North Korea, they are being chased from their homes in some parts of India, they live in constant fear of Islamic terror attacks throughout vast stretches of Africa, and countless numbers of believers are suffering in secret brainwashing facilities in China right now. No group is more persecuted all over the globe than Christians are, but there is very little outrage in the western world about this. In fact, the corporate media will never tell you about most of the things that I am about to share with you. To the corporate media, Christians are the main enemy of “progress” in the western world, and so pointing out the brutal persecution of Christians all over the planet definitely does not suit their agenda. (Read More...)
The Wildest Home Buying Binge In U.S. History Has Pushed Home Prices To Hyperinflationary Levels
All over America, we are witnessing crazy bidding wars for the limited number of homes that are on the market. In many areas, the moment a desirable home goes on the market potential buyers start making offers that are tens of thousands of dollars above asking price. Not even in the days before the housing bubble burst in 2008 did we see anything like this. As I have discussed in previous articles, in some cases more than 100 offers are coming in for a single home. It is actually an understatement to call what we are watching a “frenzy”, and there are no signs that it is going to cool down any time soon. (Read More...)
Yes, America Is On The Verge Of Yet Another Toilet Paper Crisis
It is starting to happen again. Do you remember how “panic buying” caused a massive shortage of toilet paper and other basic essentials during the early days of the COVID pandemic last year? Well, shortages are back, but this time around different factors are at play. We are being told that the shortages should just be temporary, and that is good news. But this is yet another example that shows how exceedingly vulnerable global supply chains have become in this day and age. If another major global crisis were to suddenly strike, we could quickly be facing long-term shortages of certain items that would be quite severe. So hopefully this short-term toilet paper shortage will be a wake up call for all of us. The following comes from Yahoo News… (Read More...)
This Is The Reason Why The “Satan Shoes” Story Is So Important
By now, you have probably heard that a rapper named “Lil Nas X” has just released a special line of “Satan Shoes”. The rapper’s real name is Montero Lamar Hill, and I am not familiar with his music at all and I don’t plan to ever become familiar with it. But this story is not about his music. Working with a company known as “MSCHF”, Lil Nas X took hundreds of pairs of Nike Air Max 97s and turned them into “hellish sneakers”. In particular, the fact that there is one drop of human blood in each shoe has really created quite a backlash… (Read More...)