If The Trucks Stop Running, It Won’t Just Be A Gasoline Shortage That We Are Facing…

Our enemies now understand that you can completely paralyze America by taking out just a handful of pipelines.  Even though all of us knew that any gasoline shortages were just going to be temporary, the shut down of the Colonial Pipeline caused a frenzied wave of “panic buying” all along the east coast.  But if something caused the gasoline to stop flowing for a longer period of time, not being able to fill up our vehicles would be among the least of our problems.  Trucks need gasoline too, and if our trucks stopped running for an extended period it would virtually paralyze every part of our society.  Most Americans don’t realize this, but we are completely and utterly dependent on our truckers.  Without them, our way of life would quickly cease to exist.  We hardly ever hear anyone give recognition to the hard working truck drivers that are cruising up and down our highways day after day, but the truth is that they are absolutely critical to our success as a nation. (Read More...)

Could The Wildly Out Of Control Violence In Jerusalem Spark A Major Regional War In The Middle East?

Things have been getting more tense in Jerusalem for weeks, and Monday was the day when tensions really started to boil over.  The violence that we witnessed in the streets of Jerusalem shocked the entire globe, and it threatens to spark a major regional conflict.  At one point, a tree that had been set on fire on the Temple Mount was burning wildly out of control, and that was a perfect metaphor for the emotions that we witnessed on both sides.  As a result of multiple violent clashes, over 300 Palestinians and an undisclosed number of Israelis ended up with injuries(Read More...)

Welcome To The Socialist Paradise Of California

If you like extremely high taxes, a ridiculously inflated cost of living, horrifying bureaucratic nightmares, rising crime rates, endless homeless encampments and “health restrictions” that make it nearly impossible to operate a small business successfully, then you are going to absolutely love California.  Vast hordes of people have fled the state over the past 12 months, and so that means that there is now plenty of room for more socialists to move in.  But before you come, you will want to make sure that you have completely discarded any lingering notions of “freedom” and “liberty” because they won’t be of any use to you once you arrive in California. (Read More...)

People Are Literally Eating Rotten Meat To Get High

Would you eat rotting, decaying meat if it would give you a good buzz?  Yes, I know that sounds absolutely crazy, but people are actually doing this.  In fact, people are doing all kinds of really stupid things in our society today.  America has become an “idiocracy” that is full of people that must have other people do their thinking for them because they can’t seem to think for themselves.  At this point, much of the population can barely function in our society because their reading, writing and math skills are so low.  Last month, we learned that a high school student in Baltimore with a 0.13 grade point average was still near the top half of his class.  Our public school system has completely and utterly failed, and it is time for all of us to admit that fact. (Read More...)

Making Billions Of Dollars From The Pandemic “For Years To Come”

Is it ethical for companies to make billions of dollars in profits from the worst public health crisis that this generation has experienced so far?  I think that this is a question that more people should be asking.  Governments around the world are shelling out enormous mountains of money to fight this pandemic, and if much of that money ends up lining the pockets of people that are already exceedingly wealthy, that is something that a lot of people are going to have a big problem with.  On Tuesday, we learned that Pfizer brought in 3.5 billion dollars from selling COVID vaccines during the first quarter of this year, and it is estimated that about 900 million dollars in profits were made on that revenue… (Read More...)

Are They Purposely Trying To Make The Streets Of America “Abnormally Violent” In The Summer Of 2021?

Have you noticed that the corporate media has been repeatedly using the word “violent” to describe what the summer of 2021 is going to be like?  Many Americans believed that once Joe Biden was in the White House that all of the civil unrest that we have been witnessing would magically disappear and that violent crime rates would go back to normal.  Of course neither of those things has happened.  We continue to see civil unrest erupt in major U.S. cities such as Portland, and murder rates are even higher in 2021 than they were in 2020.  This is a fact that was highlighted in a recent Axios article entitled “It’s set to be a hot, violent summer”(Read More...)