We are filling up our oceans with trillions of extremely small pieces of plastic, and in the process we are literally killing off entire ecosystems. But because it is a very gradual process, most people aren’t really too alarmed by it. Every single minute, the equivalent of an entire garbage truck full of plastic is dumped into our oceans, where it joins all of the plastic that is already there. You see, the plastic that is already in our oceans never goes away. Instead, it just gets turned into smaller and smaller pieces. It is being projected that the total amount of plastic in the oceans of the world will exceed the total weight of all fish fish by the year 2050, and when we get to that point our oceans will probably be permanently beyond the point of recovery. Sea creatures are the very foundation of the global food chain, and once we lose that foundation we will see global famine on a scale that is absolutely unimaginable. (Read More...)
Over Half The U.S. Has Now Been Hit By Drought As Lake Powell And Lake Mead Drop To “Dangerous” Low Levels
The worst drought in years in the western half of the United States has sparked hundreds of wildfires, has crippled thousands of farms, and has produced what could ultimately be the worst water crisis in modern American history. As you will see below, Lake Powell and Lake Mead have both dropped to dangerously low levels, and officials are warning that we may soon be looking at a substantial shortfall which would require rationing. Unfortunately, many in the eastern half of the country don’t even realize that this is happening. The mighty Colorado River once seemed to be virtually invulnerable, but now it doesn’t even run all the way to the ocean any longer. Demand for water is continually increasing as major cities in the Southwest continue to grow, and this is happening at a time when that entire region just keeps getting drier and drier. To say that we are facing a “water crisis” would be a major understatement. (Read More...)
Old TV Broadcast That Warns Of The End Of Civilization In 2040 Found As The Elite Warn Earth’s Landscape “Set to Undergo Major Transformation”
Climate Chaos: Following Record Heat This Summer, Experts Are Predicting There Will Be A Nightmarishly Cold Winter
For most of this summer, much of the U.S. has been hit by historic heatwaves, crippling drought and unprecedented wildfires. But if the long-term forecasts that I am about to share with you are accurate, this winter could be bitterly, bitterly cold. The sun appears to be entering into a period of early hibernation, and that is a very troubling sign. The primary driver of climate conditions is the giant ball of fire that our planet revolves around, and that ball of fire is beginning to behave in irregular ways. Sunspot activity is way, way below what was expected for this year, and that is one of the reasons why so many are calling for a “big freeze” this winter. And if we experience an extended “solar minimum”, that could mean significantly reduced temperatures and crop failures all over the planet. At other times in history, such a scenario has meant global famine. (Read More...)
Scientists Warn That Millions Of Sea Creatures Are “In Real Peril” As Pacific Ocean Temperatures Rise To Dangerous New Records
Ocean temperatures continue to rise, and scientists are extremely alarmed as a mass die-off of sea creatures appears to be imminent. This week, environmental experts were stunned when ocean water off of the San Diego coast hit an all-time record high of 81.3 degrees Fahrenheit. Daily measurements began all the way back in 1916, and since that time a higher ocean temperature has never been recorded off of the California coast. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. Studies have shown that ocean temperatures have been rising rapidly all over the planet, and this has already had a devastating impact on many ecosystems. The oceans are the foundation of the food chain, and if sea life starts dying off on a massive scale it could mean unprecedented famine all over the planet. (Read More...)
15 Flashpoints Which Could Produce A “Perfect Storm” During The 2nd Half Of 2018
Events are beginning to greatly accelerate, and many believe that the ingredients for a “perfect storm” are starting to come together as we enter the second half of 2018. Other than the continual drama surrounding the Trump presidency, things have been quite calm for the past couple of years. We have been enjoying a time of peace, safety and relative economic prosperity that a lot of Americans have begun to take for granted. But great trouble has been brewing under the surface, and many are wondering if we are about to reach a major turning point. Our planet is being shaken physically, emotionally and financially, and it isn’t going to take much to push us over the edge. The following are 15 flashpoints which could create world changing events during the 2nd half of 2018… (Read More...)
Why Are So Many Concerned About The Potential Health Dangers Of The 5G Cell Phone Network That Is Going Up Nationwide?
The new 5G cell phone network that is being rolled out across the nation is going to make communicating by cell phone super smooth and super fast. It will basically revolutionize the entire cell phone industry, and for multitudes of phone users this new era cannot get here fast enough. But will there be a great price to pay for this amazing technology? Right now, U.S. wireless companies are installing hundreds of thousands of new antennas, and each one of these new antennas is a microwave transmitter. If you live or work near one of these antennas, that means that you are literally being bombarded by microwave radiation on a constant basis, and once this entire network goes up nationwide it will be extremely difficult for anyone to get away from this radiation completely. Some experts are warning us to consider the health implications before it is too late to do anything about it. (Read More...)
The Era Of Chimeras: Scientists Are Creating Human/Chicken Hybrid Embryos And A Wolf-Like Creature Was Just Shot In Montana
We live at a time when advances in genetic modification have made it possible for scientists to create the most bizarre hybrid creatures imaginable. Even if governments wanted to stop this from happening, the technology is now so widespread that rogue researchers can easily create new lifeforms and release them into the environment anywhere on the planet. Unfortunately, most governments around the world don’t seem too concerned about putting the brakes on this phenomenon. In fact, many governments are actually funding these sorts of strange experiments in the name of “scientific research”. And when the mainstream media does report on these developments, the outcry is very minimal. (Read More...)