Wasn’t the Super Bowl wonderful this year? Congratulations to the Green Bay Packers! It is amazing how much money people will spend to attend this game each year. Just a few hours before kickoff, some tickets were selling for over $4000 a seat. Not that it wasn’t a great show. It turned out to be a really great game and it was held in perhaps the most extravagant sports facility ever constructed in the history of mankind. Even the halftime show, featuring the Black Eyed Peas, was a spectacle of historic proportions. This year the Super Bowl truly was quite a grand party. In America, everything always has to be bigger and better. We take pride in constantly outdoing ourselves. Other nations of the world look at our great prosperity in envy. But do we ever stop to ask ourselves where all of this great prosperity has come from and if we can continue to afford it all? (Read More...)
Economic Crisis
What Is Globalization?
What is globalization? Well, if you ask 100 different Americans you will probably get 100 different answers. Many people view globalization as harmless or even as a good thing. Other Americans believe that the United States will never be integrated into a global economic and political system. Still others view it as a future threat that has not arrived yet. Those that consider it to be a future threat are concerned that at some point American sovereignty will end and at that point economic and political power will be handed over to a “world government”. Well, the truth is that all of those points of view are missing the point. Globalization has been happening for decades and it is already very, very far advanced. The U.S. government has already surrendered massive amounts of political and economic power to global organizations such as the UN, the WTO, the IMF and the World Bank. In particular, our economy has been almost entirely merged into the emerging one world economy. Just because we still have a government in Washington D.C. and just because we are still using U.S. dollars does not mean that we still possess our economic independence. The truth is that global bureaucrats have a stunning amount of control over our economy right now, and even as you read this most of the consumer products sold in our stores are made on the other side of the world. (Read More...)
No Jobs, No Hope, No Future: 27 Signs That America’s Poverty Class Is Rapidly Becoming Larger Than America’s Middle Class
In the America that most of us grew up in, most Americans considered themselves to be part of the “upper middle class”, the “middle class” or “the lower middle class”. Yes, there have always been poor people and homeless people, but they were thought to be a very small sliver of the population. Well, today all of that is dramatically changing. America’s emerging “poverty class” is exploding in size at the same time that America’s middle class is rapidly disappearing. You won’t hear it on the mainstream news, but the truth is that the United States has lost ten percent of its middle class jobs over the past decade. Only the top 5 percent of income earners in the U.S. has had their incomes increase enough to keep up with the rising cost of living over the past 40 years. The truth is that today there are a whole lot of people aggressively jostling for the small number of good jobs that are actually available and each year millions more Americans are being squeezed out of the middle class. The number of Americans that are financially dependent on the U.S. government continues to set new records month after month. The number of Americans that are participating in the labor force continues to go down. The sad reality is that the “American Dream” that so many Americans used to take for granted is being ripped away from us. If you still believe that the United States is guaranteed to always have a very large, very prosperous middle class then you really need to read the statistics listed below. (Read More...)
22 Facts About California That Make You Wonder Why Anyone Would Still Want To Live In That Hellhole Of A State
Why in the world would anyone still want to live in the state of California at this point? Residents of California have been forced to endure a brutally oppressive level of taxation for many years, and yet the state of California has still managed to find itself on the verge of bankruptcy. California Governor Jerry Brown declared a “fiscal emergency” in his state on Thursday, but nobody is even pretending that such a declaration is actually going to help matters. Brown wants to cut even deeper into the state budget (even after tens of billions have already been slashed out of it in recent years) and he wants to explore ways to raise even more revenue. Meanwhile, the standard of living in California is going right into the toilet. Housing values are plummeting. Unemployment has risen above 20 percent in many areas of the state. Crime and gang activity is on the rise even as police budgets are being hacked to the bone. The health care system is an absolute disaster. At this point California has the fewest emergency rooms per million people out of all 50 states. While all of this has been going on, the state legislature in Sacramento has been very busy passing hundreds of new laws that are mostly about promoting one radical agenda or another. The state government has become so radically anti-business that it is a wonder that any businesses have remained in the state. It seems like the moving vans never stop as an endless parade of businesses and families leave California as quickly as they can. (Read More...)
Trade With China?: 25 Facts That Prove That China Is Kicking Our Rear Ends
Do you believe that trade with China is a good thing? Well, you might not be so sure after you read the 25 facts listed below. The truth is that China is kicking our rear ends all over the planet. When it comes to world trade, China is absolutely dominating the United States. Have you wondered why the U.S. economy cannot produce nearly enough jobs for everyone anymore? Have you wondered why so many thousands of factories have been closing down? Have you wondered why it seems like America is getting poorer? Well, the answers are below. Of course both major political parties continue to insist that “globalism” is a good thing and that what we are experiencing now is just a period of “adjustment” as we are merged into the new global economic order. Our corrupt politicians will continue to sell you the same tired lies over and over and over as thousands more U.S. factories and millions more U.S. jobs continue to be shipped overseas. So will you keep buying the lies of our corrupt politicians or will you believe the facts that are right in front of your face? (Read More...)
High Oil Price = Faster Economic Decline For America
Most Americans have no idea how important oil prices are to the overall health of the U.S. economy. Whenever oil prices have pressed toward record levels in recent decades, it has always resulted in an economic downturn. A high oil price does not just mean that consumers will have to pay a little more at the pump. The truth is that oil is the very lifeblood of our economic system. We have built our entire country around the concept that we can transport lots of stuff very long distances for a very, very cheap price. When that paradigm beings to change, it fundamentally alters the dynamics of the U.S. economy. A high oil price will mean an even faster economic decline for America. The cost of oil factors into everything. A high oil price means that transportation of products and services costs more, travel costs more and energy costs more. It means that consumers will have less disposable income. When the price of oil goes up it benefits the big oil producers and a few others, but for everyone else it is very painful. But perhaps even more importantly, because the U.S. has to import such massive quantities of oil, whenever the price of oil goes up it means that we are becoming poorer as a nation because even more of our money flows out of the country and into the hands of the oil barons. (Read More...)
Price Shocks, Food Shortages And Global Economic Riots In 2011?
People need to wake up – 2011 has just begun and yet we are already seeing significant price shocks and serious food shortages in many areas of the globe. In fact, violent economic riots are now being reported in Algeria, in Chile and in Mozambique. Food shortages and price increases are also causing political unrest in other nations such as India, Bangladesh and Indonesia. This is a very serious situation, and if the major food producing nations of the world do not have another record harvest this year there is very likely going to be an incredibly serious global food crunch. According to the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization, the global price of food hit a new record high in December. The previous record high for food prices was in June 2008, and we all remember what happened during the summer of 2008. Massive food riots erupted in countries such as Cameroon, Haiti and Egypt. So with price shocks and food shortages already being reported all over the globe, will we see even worse global economic riots in 2011? (Read More...)
25 Hard Questions That You Will Not See Asked On CNN, MSNBC Or Fox News
There is a reason why so many millions of people are turning to the alternative media for their news today. The truth is that there are a whole lot of important things that the mainstream media will simply not talk about. There are a whole lot of other important issues that the mainstream media will tease their viewers with but then subsequently “whitewash” with the “official story” that none of us is supposed to question. Have you ever noticed how CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, ABC, NBC and CBS all seem to come up with the exact same version of “the truth”? But over the past several years we have seen a great awakening take place. Millions of Americans are sick and tired of being spoon-fed establishment propaganda like a bunch of small children and they are searching on the Internet for alternative media outlets that are asking the hard questions and that are willing to at least explore answers that are not part of “the officially sanctioned” version of the truth. (Read More...)