What Happens If Record Heat And Crippling Drought Cause Widespread Crop Failures Throughout The United States?

It is too early to panic, but if there is not a major change in the weather very soon we could be looking at widespread crop failures throughout the United States this summer.  Record heat and crippling drought are absolutely devastating crops from coast to coast.  Unfortunately, this unprecedented heat wave just continues to keep going and record high temperatures continue to scorch much of the central United States.  In fact, more than 2,000 record high temperatures have been matched or broken in the past week alone.  Not only that, but the lack of rainfall nationally has caused drought conditions from coast to coast.  If temperatures continue to stay this high and we don’t start seeing more rain, farmers and ranchers all over the nation are going to be absolutely devastated.  So what happens if we do see widespread crop failures throughout the United States?  That is a question that is frightening to think about. (Read More...)

22 Statistics That Prove That The American Dream Is Being Systematically Destroyed

The American Dream is being systematically destroyed right in front of our eyes and most Americans don’t even realize what is happening.  In the old days, if you were a hard worker and you played by the rules you could always find a good job.  That good job would enable you to buy a house, buy at least one car and support a family.  It would also enable you to take a couple of vacations each year and buy some nice things for your family.  After working for 30 or 40 years you would look forward to a comfortable retirement.  But these days fewer and fewer Americans are able to enjoy the American Dream.  Once upon a time, the United States had the largest and most prosperous middle class in the history of the world, but now that is changing at a breathtaking pace.  Our economy is not producing nearly enough jobs for all of us anymore, and an increasing percentage of the jobs that are being produced pay 10 dollars an hour or less.  The cost of living continues to rise steadily every single year while wages do not.  Close to half of all American workers are living month to month, and many American families have gone deep into debt as they struggle to pay the bills.  Millions more Americans are falling into poverty each year and dependence on the government is at an all-time high.  Something is fundamentally wrong with our economy.  It is not working the way that it used to, and the middle class is being absolutely shredded.  Most American families are finding it harder and harder to make it through each passing year, and unless a miracle happens things are going to continue to get even harder. (Read More...)

120 Powerful Pieces Of Advice For Preppers

Our world is becoming increasingly unstable, and millions of Americans are feverishly preparing for what they consider to be “the end of the world as we know it”.  In fact, it is estimated that there are now approximately 3 million “preppers” in the United States.  But for people that have never done much prepping before, getting started can be both confusing and intimidating.  In fact, I get more questions about prepping than anything else.  People are constantly asking me how they can prepare for the difficult times that are coming.  Well, in this article I have compiled 120 powerful pieces of advice for preppers.  No two situations are exactly the same, and almost every prepper approaches preparation differently, but there are some basic principles that apply to almost everyone.  And without a doubt, a lot of people that are not preparing now are going to regret it in the years ahead.  The global financial system is falling apart, the United States and Europe are absolutely drowning in debt, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are becoming more frequent, signs of social decay are everywhere and war could erupt in the Middle East at any time.  Actually, it is absolutely amazing that there are so many people out there that still believe that “prepping” is not necessary. (Read More...)

45 Signs That China Is Colonizing America

Just because you were once the most powerful nation on earth does not mean that you will always be the most powerful nation on earth.  Every single year, hundreds of billions of dollars leaves the United States and goes to China.  This enormous transfer of wealth has had a dramatic effect on both countries.  In case you haven’t noticed, many of our formerly great manufacturing cities such as Detroit are rotting away while shining new factories and skyscrapers are going up all over China.  If you go into any major retail store today and start turning over products, you will find that hundreds of them have been made in China and that very few of them have been made in America.  As a nation, we buy far, far more from China than they buy from us.  As a result, China is absolutely swimming in cash and they have been looking for things to do with all that money.  One thing that China has done is loan the U.S. government over a trillion dollars and this has given the Chinese a tremendous amount of leverage over us.  China has also started to buy up businesses, real estate and natural resources all over America.  This kind of “economic colonization” is similar to what China has already been doing in Africa, South America and Australia.  The formula is actually very simple.  We send them our money and then they use it to buy us.  With each passing day China’s ownership over America grows, and it is frightening to think about where all of this could end. (Read More...)

Are They Insane? 58 Percent Of Americans Believe Economic Conditions In The United States Will Be Good A Year From Now

There is nothing wrong with being optimistic, but there is something wrong with having blind faith that things are going to get better when all of the evidence is screaming at you that things are going to get worse.  According to a brand new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, 71 percent of all Americans consider economic conditions  in the United States to be poor right now, but an astounding 58 percent of them believe that economic conditions in the United States will be good a year from now.  So what can account for this?  Are they insane?  Are they hopelessly optimistic?  Do they not want to believe the facts that are staring them right in the face?  Well, a lot of it probably has to do with the upcoming election.  Most Republicans are convinced that things will be “better” somehow if Romney wins in November.  Most Democrats are convinced that things will “continue to improve” if Obama wins in November.  But the truth is that the economy has been declining steadily in recent years no matter which party has been in power.  Today, the American Dream is out of reach for huge numbers of formerly middle class families.  Millions of jobs continue to leave the United States, poverty is absolutely exploding and our nation is absolutely drowning in debt.  Sadly, nothing is being done to reverse the long-term economic trends that are destroying us.  So, a year from now things are not going to be any better.  In fact, many analysts are absolutely convinced that things are going to be a whole lot worse by then. (Read More...)

New Obama Executive Order Pushes Us Closer To A North American Union And A One World Economic System

When it comes to Barack Obama, one of the most important things to understand is that he is a committed globalist.  He firmly believes that more “global governance” (the elite don’t like to use the term “global government”) will make the world a much better place.  Throughout his time in the White House, Obama has consistently sought to strengthen international institutions such as the UN, the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO.  At every turn, Obama has endeavored to more fully integrate America into the “global community”.  Since he was elected, Obama has signed a whole host of new international economic agreements.  He regularly speaks of the need for “cooperation” among global religions and he has hosted a wide variety of different religious celebrations at the White House.  Obama once stated that “all nations must come together to build a stronger global regime”.  If you do not want to live in a “global regime” that is just too bad.  To globalists such as Obama, it is inevitable that the United States of America will be merged into the emerging global system.  Just this week, Obama has issued a new executive order that seeks to “harmonize” U.S. economic regulations with the rest of the world.  This new executive order is yet another incremental step that is pushing us closer to a North American Union and a one world economic system.  Unfortunately, most Americans have absolutely no idea what is happening. (Read More...)

What Do California And Detroit Have In Common?

When most people think of the economic decline that is happening in America, most of them think of states like California and cities like Detroit.  In both cases, unemployment is rampant, government finances are a mess, and businesses and families are both leaving in droves.  So what is causing this?  What do California and Detroit have in common?  Well, for one thing, both the state of California and the city of Detroit have been run by anti-business socialist control freaks for decades.  Once upon a time millions of young Americans that dreamed of a better life flocked to California and Detroit was one of the most vibrant manufacturing cities in the history of the world.  But now both of them are in an advanced state of decline, and a lot of the blame can be placed at the feet of the politicians in both cases.  Both California and Detroit have become very unfriendly places to businesses and families, so businesses and families have been leaving both California and Detroit in very large numbers.  At the same time, the socialist welfare policies in both places have caused them to become magnets for those that enjoy being dependent on the government.   Welfare recipients are not likely to pack up and move down to Texas because they know that their benefits would not be nearly as good down there.  So both California and Detroit will continue to attract those that want to live under socialist control freaks and it will continue to drive away those that do not want to live under socialist control freaks. (Read More...)

25 Horrible Statistics About The U.S. Economy That Barack Obama Does Not Want You To Know

The human capacity for self-delusion truly is remarkable.  Most people out there end up believing exactly what they want to believe even when the truth is staring them right in the face.  Take the U.S. economy for example.  Barack Obama wants to believe that his policies have worked and that the U.S. economy is improving.  So that is what he is telling the American people.  The mainstream media wants to believe that Barack Obama is a good president and that his policies make sense and so they are reporting that we are experiencing an economic recovery.  A very large segment of the U.S. population still fully supports Barack Obama and they want to believe that the economy is getting better so they are buying the propaganda that the mainstream media is feeding them.  But is the U.S. economy really improving?  The truth is that it is not.  The rate of employment among working age Americans is exactly where it was two years ago and household incomes have actually gone down while Obama has been president.  Home ownership levels and home prices continue to decline.  Meanwhile, food and gasoline continue to become even more expensive.  The percentage of Americans that are dependent on the government is at an all-time record high and the U.S. national debt has risen by more than 5 trillion dollars under Obama.  We simply have not seen the type of economic recovery that we have seen after every other economic recession since World War II. (Read More...)