Sorry AOC, A Stunning New Poll Has Found That Public Support For Capitalism Is Growing In America

The meteoric rise of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other young progressive politicians has led many to believe that the American public must be warming up to socialism.  But what if that isn’t true at all?  Certainly there is a certain segment of the population that absolutely embraces the message that AOC, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and other socialists are preaching, but could it be possible that the American people as a whole are actually moving in the opposite direction?  According to a shocking Fox News poll that just came out, the percentage of Americans that want the government to leave them alone is going up, and the percentage of Americans that want the government to lend them a hand is going down… (Read More...)

The Myth Of American Capitalism Exposed: Competition Is Dying As The Biggest Corporations Gobble Up Everything

Vibrant competition is absolutely essential in order for a capitalist economic system to function effectively.  Unfortunately, in the United States today we are witnessing the death of competition in industry after industry as the biggest corporations increasingly gobble up all of their competitors.  John D. Rockefeller famously once said that “competition is a sin”, and he was one of America’s very first oligopolists.  According to Google, an oligopoly is “a state of limited competition, in which a market is shared by a small number of producers or sellers”, and that is a perfect description of the current state of affairs in many major industries.  In early America, corporations were greatly limited in scope, and in most instances they were only supposed to exist temporarily.  But today the largest corporations have become so huge that they literally dominate our entire society, and that is not good for any of us. (Read More...)

Authorities Are Using A “Mysterious New Tool” That Can Unlock Virtually Any Cellphone

Your cellphone is a gold mine of information about where you have been, who you have been talking to, and what you have been doing online.  And now a “mysterious new tool” is enabling law enforcement authorities all over the nation to get access to that information on virtually any phone.  So if you end up going to prison someday, it could be the evidence that is pulled out of your cellphone that ultimately puts you away.  Of course most Americans never even consider that their own cellphones could be systematically gathering evidence against them.  For most of us, cellphones are simply extremely convenient tools that allow us to communicate effectively with the rest of the world.  But if the authorities decide to investigate you, your cellphone is going to be one of the first things that they want, and what they find on there could put you behind bars for a very, very long time. (Read More...)

12 Examples That Show That America Is Far More Messed Up Than When You Were A Kid

What in the world has happened to our country?  Most of us have very fond memories from when we were younger, and it is true that often our memories of “the good old days” can leave out the bad parts.  None of us are perfect individually, and America has certainly never been without major problems as a nation.  But have we ever witnessed the level of social decay that we are seeing around the country today?  We are like a divorced, bloated, drug-addicted middle age man that has seen his life completely fall apart, and it would be nice to believe that we have hit rock bottom, but the truth is that we just keep on sinking even lower.  The following are 12 examples that show that America is far more messed up than when you were a kid… (Read More...)

7 Glimpses Into The Social Decay That Is Voraciously Eating Away At The Fabric Of Our Country

Everyone agrees that America is not the same place that it once was.  Our society is undergoing a fundamental transformation that is absolutely breathtaking, and some of the changes have been positive.  But many would argue that most of the changes have been negative, and the truth is that we can see evidence of this all around us.  Wikipedia defines social decay as “the tendency for society to decline or disintegrate over time, perhaps due to the lapse or breakdown of traditional social support systems.”  As a society, we are more disconnected from one another than we have ever been before, and perhaps this is one of the big reasons why so much anger and hatred are growing all around us.  At this point, a large portion of the population doesn’t even seem to possess a basic level of empathy and compassion for their fellow citizens, and that has frightening implications for the future of our nation. (Read More...)

Another Sign America Is Done: Teacher Fired For Refusing To Give 50% Grade To Students Who Didn’t Turn In Their Homework

Should students that refuse to turn in their homework receive a grade of 50 percent anyway?  Of course not.  That would be like workers that didn’t show up for work asking for 50 percent of their paychecks.  Our system of education has become a complete and utter joke, and the rest of the world is laughing at us.  Fortunately, there are still a few brave souls that are standing up for what is right.  52-year-old history teacher Diane Tirado was hired by the West Gate K-8 School in Port St Lucie, Florida for this school year, but she was fired when she refused to give students that didn’t turn in anything a 50 percent grade on their assignments.  When Tirado was hired, she was never told that the school has a “no zero” policy.  And when she found out, she refused to go along with it. (Read More...)

After You Read What They Did To One Elderly Couple, You Will Question Everything About Our Barbaric Healthcare System

Most Americans are just a single illness away from losing everything.  In our country today, medical bills are the number one reason why people go bankrupt, and many of them even had “good health insurance”.  As you will see below, even if you have “good health insurance” you can still be stuck with a $100,000 bill for a single hospital stay.  Our healthcare system does not work, it is absolutely barbaric, and both political parties have completely dropped the ball.  The big health insurance corporations now dominate the entire industry, and they have become masters at finding loopholes that will allow them to wiggle out from having to pay claims.  The entire purpose of these companies is to take in as much money as possible and to pay out as little as they can, and in the process millions upon millions of American families are being financially ruined. (Read More...)

Were 18 To 20 CIA Sources Killed Or Imprisoned Because Hillary Clinton’s Emails Were Being Hacked In Real Time By China?

This is a scandal so huge that it could blow all of the other Clinton scandals totally out of the water.  It is being alleged that 18 to 20 CIA sources were either killed or imprisoned in China from 2010 to 2012 because the Chinese were reading all of Hillary Clinton’s emails as soon as they were sent or received.  At the time, Clinton was using a private email server in conjunction with her duties as Secretary of State, and even though that was highly illegal Clinton was never charged with anything.  But now we have learned that a Chinese company had hacked Clinton’s private server and was getting all of her emails in real time.  That Chinese company was “part of an intelligence operation”, and that means that the Chinese government was also receiving all of Hillary Clinton’s emails.  During the exact timeframe when these hacked emails were being received by the Chinese, “18 to 20 CIA sources” were either killed or imprisoned by China.  It doesn’t take a genius to figure out how that happened. (Read More...)