Are We On The Verge Of The Most Significant UFO Disclosure Ever?

In June, U.S. intelligence agencies are expected to deliver a blockbuster report about the existence of UFOs to Congress.  Needless to say, we have never seen anything like this before in U.S. history.  In the old days, government entities would go to great lengths to try to marginalize anyone that spoke up too loudly about UFOs.  In fact, anyone that was too effective in sharing the truth about UFOs would likely get a visit from shadowy government agents.  But now everything has changed.  In this day and age, current members of Congress such as U.S. Senator Marco Rubio openly talk about UFOs on television.  Former Senate majority leader Harry Reid just had an article about UFOs published by the New York Times, and even Barack Obama is publicly answering questions about their existence. (Read More...)

Why Have UFO Sightings More Than Doubled Over The Last Two Years?

Did you know that the number of reported UFO sightings has increased dramatically over the past two years?  I didn’t realize this either until I looked up the numbers.  Of course the skeptics will always find a way to explain away any facts that they do not like, but to me it appears that something very unusual is happening.  According to the New York Times, more than 7,200 sightings were reported to the National UFO Reporting Center in 2020, and that represented an increase of “about 1,000” from the year before… (Read More...)

Government Agencies Are About To Disclose What They Know About UFOs, And That Will Be A Dramatic Paradigm Shift

Do you believe in UFOs?  Decades ago, if you answered yes to such a question many would have considered you to be a nutjob.  But at this point UFOs are not a “conspiracy theory” any longer.  In fact, even the U.S. government is admitting that they exist, and in just a few weeks we may learn a whole lot more about what the U.S. government really knows about this phenomenon.  When President Trump signed a 2.3 trillion dollar COVID relief bill last December, it contained a provision which requires all U.S. intelligence agencies to submit an unclassified report to Congress that reveals all that they know about UFOs(Read More...)

Are The Recent UFO Disclosures Setting Us Up For A Mass Deception Of Epic Proportions?

Have you noticed that UFO sightings have been in the news a lot lately?  Even in the midst of all the other big events that are happening, evidence of mysterious objects flying through our skies continues to make headlines.  In particular, what one American Airlines pilot says that he saw is really shaking a lot of people up.  According to a radio transmission that was intercepted from American Airlines Flight 2292, a pilot claims that he witnessed “a long cylindrical object that almost looked like a cruise missile type of thing” fly at very high speed right over the top of his aircraft… (Read More...)

3 Things That Were Once Science Fiction That Have Now Become Science Fact

I think that everyone can agree that our world is becoming stranger with each passing day.  As I survey the news on a daily basis, I am absolutely astounded by the bizarre things that I come across.  When I was growing up, our world seemed like such a stable and predictable place, but that is definitely no longer the case.  These days, we are constantly seeing things happen that I never thought that we would actually see, and that includes officials at the Pentagon admitting that they have been testing wreckage from UFO crashes(Read More...)

Are We Being Prepared To Believe That Extraterrestrials Seeded Life On Earth And That Jesus Was An Alien?

Alien UFO Extraterrestrial - Public DomainThere are those who believe that life was first brought to Earth from far across the universe.  In fact, this week there were headlines in news sources all over the world about how British scientists had discovered “evidence” that extraterrestrials may have seeded life on this planet.  And as you will see later on in this article, some of the “most brilliant minds in science” have been promoting this theory for a long time.  But now the support for an extraterrestrial origin for life on Earth seems to be reaching a crescendo.  In addition to unprecedented scientific support, we are being constantly bombarded by messages in popular culture that our planet has been in contact with aliens in the past and that they are about to make contact again.  This is a theme which we see in dozens of novels, television shows, movies and video games.  So could it be possible that we are being “prepared” to believe that extraterrestrials seeded life on our planet?  And as you will see below, there are even many that actually believe that Jesus was an alien.  Yes, that probably sounds very strange, but there are some very important people that are actually convinced that this is true. (Read More...)