3 Things That Were Once Science Fiction That Have Now Become Science Fact

I think that everyone can agree that our world is becoming stranger with each passing day.  As I survey the news on a daily basis, I am absolutely astounded by the bizarre things that I come across.  When I was growing up, our world seemed like such a stable and predictable place, but that is definitely no longer the case.  These days, we are constantly seeing things happen that I never thought that we would actually see, and that includes officials at the Pentagon admitting that they have been testing wreckage from UFO crashes(Read More...)

U.S. Super Soldiers Of The Future Will Be Genetically Modified Transhumans Capable Of Superhuman Feats

The future of war is going to look really, really weird.  The “super soldier” research that DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is working on right now is unlike anything we have ever seen before.  If DARPA is successful, and if the American people don’t object, the soldiers of the future will be genetically modified transhumans capable of superhuman feats.  Do you want a soldier that can run faster than Usain Bolt?  DARPA is working on that.  Do you want a soldier that won’t need food or sleep for days?  DARPA is working on that?  Do you want a soldier that can regrow lost limbs?  DARPA is working on that.  Do you want a soldier that can outlift Olympic weightlifters and that can communicate telepathically?  DARPA is working on that.  Americans flock to movies about superheroes and mutants, and soon they may actually have real life “superheroes” and “mutants” fighting their wars for them.  But at what cost? (Read More...)