We Now Have Scientific Proof That People Are Getting Stupider

Brain - Public DomainAre people dumber than they used to be?  Were previous generations mentally sharper than us?  You may have suspected that people are getting stupider for quite some time, but now we actually have scientific evidence that this is the case.  As you will read about below, average IQs are dropping all over the globe, SAT scores in the U.S. have been declining for decades, and scientists have even discovered that our brains have been getting smaller over time.  So if it seems on some days like you woke up in the middle of the movie “Idiocracy”, you might not be too far off.  Much of the stuff that they put in our junk food is not good for brain development, our education system is a total joke and most Americans are absolutely addicted to mindless entertainment.  Fortunately we have a lot of technology that does much of our thinking for us these days, because if we had to depend on our own mental capabilities most of us would be in a tremendous amount of trouble. (Read More...)

Why Preppers Should Be THRILLED That The Stock Market Has Hit An All-Time High

NASDAQ stock market displays at Times Square - Photo by bfishadow on FlickrI am a prepper and I LOVE the fact that the stock market is at an all-time high.  In fact, I hope that it keeps going up for as long as possible.  Why?  Because it gives me more time to prepare for the inevitable collapse that is coming.  As I will discuss extensively below, anyone with half a brain should be able to see that a great financial disaster is coming to this nation.  If you still doubt this after reading this article, please go check out The Economic Collapse Blog where I have posted nearly 1000 articles that break this down in excruciating detail.  Unfortunately, a lot of preppers out there are being really, really stupid right now.  Over the past six months, I have noticed a tremendous amount of apathy among the prepper community.  A lot of preppers were doing really well for a while, but now a lot of them have apparently decided that we are no longer in imminent danger of an economic collapse and that instead of preparing it is time to party.  This is a critical mistake.  We should be thankful that this stock market bubble has given us a few more months to prepare.  Sadly, so many people out there are wasting this precious opportunity. (Read More...)

16 Signs That People Are Becoming Stupider

Does it ever seem to you like people are becoming stupider than ever?  There have always been people out there that have been a few cards short of a full deck, but these days it seems like more people than ever are a few fries short of a Happy Meal.  Certainly our education system plays a major role in this.  Our children are being systematically “dumbed-down” by our public schools and millions of them are graduating from high school as dumb as a rock.  And the endless hours of mindless entertainment that most of us are addicted to certainly is not helping matters either.  Will we eventually become a society where only a small minority possess critical thinking skills?  In our world today, logic and reason seem to be in very short supply and the sheeple seem to have taken over.  As I wrote about recently, in this day and age it is more imperative than ever that we all learn to think for ourselves.  Unfortunately, most people do not seem to be doing that.  Most people seem content to let their televisions do their thinking for them.  Way too many people have a blank look in their eyes as if they aren’t even fully there.  But when people are not thinking clearly, they tend to act very foolishly.  From the very top of our society to the very bottom, people are doing some really stupid things. (Read More...)