Why Does The U.S. Government Have An ‘Office Of Population Affairs’?

Population Control - Public DomainDid you know that the federal government has an “Office of Population Affairs”?  I didn’t realize this either until someone sent me a link to their website.  The Office of Population Affairs operates under the umbrella of the Department of Health & Human Services, and it might as well be called “The Office of Population Control” because almost everything on the website is about controlling or reducing the size of the population.  On the site you can find information and resources about abortion, female sterilization, male sterilization and a vast array of contraceptive choices.  There is even a search engine where you can find a local “family planning clinic” where you can get rid of any “unintended pregnancy” that may be bothering you.  Frankly, it sickens me to think that my tax dollars are being used to fund all of this. (Read More...)

What Should Be Done To A Country That Kills 56 Million Of Its Own People?

Baby 2014Do you know how many babies have been murdered in America since 1973?  It is a number that is almost too horrible to think about.  An astounding 56 million American babies have been killed by various abortion methods since Roe v. Wade was decided back in 1973.  So what should be done to a country that kills 56 million of its own people?  We rightly condemn other totalitarian regimes throughout history such as Nazi Germany, the USSR and Communist China that have killed millions (or tens of millions) of their own people.  But what about us?  What do we deserve for slaughtering more than 50 million of our own precious children on the altar of convenience?  What kind of punishment would be large enough to fit such a monstrous crime?  I hope that you will share what you think by posting a comment at the end of this article.  Sadly, most Americans don’t even think much about abortion these days.  Most Americans consider it to be a “political issue” that has already been “settled”.  But of course that is what most Germans thought about the treatment of the Jews during World War II as well.  And the truth is that the percentage of Americans that consider themselves to be “pro-choice” has been declining over time.  Perhaps it is still possible to see a shift on this issue in the United States.  We just need more people to start standing up for those that cannot stand up for themselves.  The following are 26 facts about abortion in America that every American should know… (Read More...)

The Population Control Agenda Is Being Relentlessly Pushed In American Public Schools

They Love DeathDo you want your kids to be taught that the earth has too many people and that they should have no more than two children for the good of the planet?  Yes, I know that this sounds absolutely crazy, but this is actually the kind of propaganda that is being forced upon our young people all over America.  The population control agenda is being relentlessly pushed in high school textbooks, in classroom instruction and by outside organizations that are given constant access to our high school students.  As you will see below, the number one population control organization in the United States, Planned Parenthood, conducts nearly 900 presentations in high schools in the Los Angeles area every single year.  And the population control propaganda gets even worse once our kids go off to college.  I know – I spent eight years in the classroom at U.S. public universities and most parents would be absolutely horrified to learn what their children are being taught. (Read More...)

The Elite Believe That You Are Ruining Their Planet And They Want You To Stop Reproducing

Today, there are more than 7 billion people living on earth.  For the global elite, that is problem number one.  The vast majority of us don’t spend much time thinking about global population issues, but for many among the elite it is an absolute obsession.  Many of them truly believe that you are ruining their planet and they desperately want you to stop reproducing so much.  Among the elite, the belief that the world is grossly overpopulated and that this is causing most of our major global problems crosses all political, cultural and social boundaries.  This philosophy is taught as gospel at the vast majority of all colleges and universities on the planet, and it is being relentlessly pushed by the United Nations, the WHO, the World Bank and national governments all over the globe.  When most people think of “overpopulation”, they think of places such as India, but the truth is that those of us living in America are considered to be the worst offenders because our lifestyles are “polluting” the planet so rapidly.  In fact, one scientist recently estimated that a child born in the United States has a “carbon legacy” 55 times greater than a child born in India.  The elite are convinced that if they can reduce the global population far enough and get the remaining people living on earth to switch over to “sustainable lifestyles” that they will be able to save “their” planet.  But the draconian measures that would be necessary to achieve this dystopian dream would not be very palatable to the vast majority of us.  In fact, if the most radical population control advocates get their way, we will experience global tyranny on a scale never seen before. (Read More...)

19 Facts About Abortion In America That Should Make You Very Sick

Every single day, a silent horror kills more Americans than were killed on 9/11.  Every single year, this silent horror kills about as many Americans as have been killed on all the battlefields in all of the wars in U.S. history combined.  This silent horror is called abortion, and it is a national disgrace.  Overall, more than 50 million babies have been slaughtered since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973.  We have become a nation with so little regard for human life that nobody even really talks that much about this issue anymore.  But the truth is that it is at the very core of what is wrong with America.  As I have written about previously, we have become a nation that is obsessed with population control, and we have been exporting this sick philosophy all over the globe.  As you read this, there are workers from U.S. organizations and UN organizations (both funded by your tax dollars) that are on the other side of the world setting up “family planning services” for women in poor countries.  The goal of these organizations (just like we see in the United States) is to reduce the number of poor children being born.  The sick control freaks that run things have decided that overpopulation is a plague that must be eradicated and that mass murder is the answer.  Unfortunately, there are very few people that are still willing to speak out strongly against abortion in America.  So the carnage is just going to go on and on and on. (Read More...)

Al Gore, Agenda 21 And Population Control

Imagine going to sleep one night and waking up many years later in a totally different world.  In this futuristic world, literally everything you do is tightly monitored and controlled by control freak bureaucrats in the name of “sustainable development” and with the goal of promoting “the green agenda”.  An international ruling body has centralized global control over all human activity.  What you eat, what you drink, where you live, how warm or cold your home can be and how much fuel you can use is determined by them.  Anyone that dissents or that tries to rebel against the system is sent off for “re-education”.  The human population is 90 percent lower than it is today in this futuristic society, and all remaining humans have been herded into tightly constricted cities which are run much like prisons.  Does all of that sound good to you?  Well, this is what Agenda 21 is all about. (Read More...)

The Green Agenda Is About Getting Rid Of As Many Humans As Possible

Most people tend to think of environmentalists as warm, cuddly hippies that just want all of us to love one another and to do what is right for the environment.  And in fact, there are a few people out there who are actually like that.  However, the people at the very heart of the green agenda are a quite different breed.  The truth is that there are a growing number of environmental activists (including some very, very famous people) who are publicly advocating the end of our freedoms, the establishment of a Big Brother style world government and the systematic eradication of at least 90% of humanity all for the good of the environment.  Unfortunately, this is not a joke and it is not an exaggeration.  As you will see below, these people are very, very serious.  To these eco-fascists, climate change is the number one threat to the earth, and in order to eliminate that threat “democracy must be put on hold”, an authoritarian world government must be established and we need to start getting rid of as many humans as possible.  (Read More...)

Governments Around The World Are Eagerly Adopting The Strict Population Control Agenda Of The United Nations

Did you know that July 11th was “World Population Day”?  Unfortunately, it is not a celebration of the world population.  Rather, it is a day that the United Nations uses to “raise awareness of global population issues”.  Yes, population control now has its very own holiday, and an increasing number of nations are jumping on board and are adopting strict population control measures at the urging of the UN.  In fact, many world leaders used the occasion of World Population Day 2010 to highlight just how well they are doing in reducing their populations.  To many Americans, this kind of thing is absolutely sickening.  Population control by the government is directly opposed to the American Dream and to everything that our founding fathers fought so hard to establish.  But today, even most U.S. politicians have bought into the radical population control agenda and are helping to export it across the face of the earth.  The truth is that now it is very hard to find a major world leader that does not agree with this radical population control agenda to at least some degree. (Read More...)