The Number One Thing That Women Are Looking For In A Husband

Bride And Groom - Public DomainIs it looks?  Is it a charming personality?  Is it compatibility?  No, it isn’t any of those things.  According to a Pew Research Center study that was just released on Wednesday, “a steady job” is the number one thing that women are looking for in a husband.  And considering the fact that the labor force participation rate for men has been falling for decades, it should be no surprise that the marriage rate has been declining as well.  In fact, as I wrote about the other day, the marriage rate in the U.S. is at a 93 year low and single Americans make up more than half the population for the first time ever.  This is a very disturbing trend, but it is not likely to change any time soon.  In fact, our economic problems are probably only going to get worse from here.  So as the pool of “eligible bachelors” continues to shrink, what are women going to do? (Read More...)

21 Signs That U.S. Public Schools Have Become Training Centers For Sexual Deviancy

21 Signs That U.S. Public Schools Have Become Training Centers For Sexual DeviancyWhy do men and women have a such a hard time relating to each other in a meaningful way in America today?  Could our oversexed culture have anything to do with it?  In the United States today, we are constantly being bombarded with sexual messages.  Just think about it.  Did you watch the Super Bowl a few weeks ago?  Most of the commercials were about sex on some level, and the “halftime show” featuring Beyonce might as well have been a strip club act.  It was utterly shameful.  But in America today, all of this is considered to be “normal”.  We literally worship sex, and we can never get enough of it.  And of course the results of such a society are predictable.  There are 20 million new sexually-transmitted infections in the U.S. each year, we have the highest teen pregnancy rate on the planet, and it is estimated that one out of every four girls in the U.S. is sexually abused before they become adults.  This culture of sex is pushed on our children from a very early age, and at this point it would be quite accurate to say that U.S. public schools have become training centers for sexual deviancy.  A lot of people focus on “sex education” as the problem, but the truth is that it goes much deeper than that.  Sex education only lasts for a few weeks at most.  The much bigger problem is the fact that an obsession with sex literally permeates our schools.  If parents could only eavesdrop on the conversations that our teens are having, they would be absolutely horrified.  Thanks to endless brainwashing by the mainstream media, our teens are absolutely addicted to a sexual atmosphere.  Every form of entertainment that they enjoy is soaked with sexual imagery, and lust and sex are never far from their minds when they relate to members of the opposite sex (or sometimes the same sex).  So should we really be surprised that students are having sex with each other in the hallways of our schools?  Should we be surprised that young teachers are taking advantage of our students sexually behind closed doors?  We have created a society that is sexually supercharged, and what we are witnessing now are the predictable results of the very foolish decisions that we have made. (Read More...)

25 Signs American Women Are Being Destroyed By The Sexual Revolution And Our Promiscuous Culture

25 Signs American Women Are Being Destroyed By The Sexual Revolution And Our Promiscuous Culture - Lady Gaga Photo by T J SengelHas the sexual revolution been good for American women?  Not at all.  In fact, when you look at the facts it becomes clear that the sexual revolution has been an absolute disaster for American women.  In the United States today, men have been trained to primarily view women as sex objects, and our culture has become exceedingly promiscuous.  As a result, the United States leads the world in teen pregnancy, there are 19 million new STD infections every single year, more than half of all children born to women under the age of 30 are being born out of wedlock and we are witnessing the systematic breakdown of the family unit in America.  And yet anyone that tries to teach our young women that they should dress modestly and keep themselves pure for marriage is severely criticized.  Well, if all Americans actually did keep themselves pure until marriage, we wouldn’t have nearly the problems with STDs, teen pregnancy and abortion that we do today.  The consequences of teaching our young women that they should be “free” to run around and sleep with a whole bunch of different men have been dramatic.  The following are 25 signs that American women are being destroyed by the sexual revolution and our promiscuous culture… (Read More...)

These Two Traps Are Absolutely Destroying The Next Generation Of Young Men In America

Have you ever noticed that our young girls seem to be far ahead of our young boys and that our young women seem to be much more “together” than our young men are?  Have you ever noticed how many young American men almost seem like zombies and find even the most basic human interactions extremely awkward?  Well, this didn’t happen by accident.  Researchers are finding that there are two traps in particular that are absolutely destroying the next generation of young men in America.  One is video game addiction and the other is pornography.  In the old days, the parks and ball fields of America would be flooded with young boys after school was done for the day, but now our parks and our ball fields are very quiet.  So where did all the boys go?  Well, they are all sitting at home staring into computer screens.  Yes, there are also young girls and young women that are addicted to these things, but the truth is that these addictions are far more prevalent among young men.  Unfortunately, it is not going to be easy to reverse the damage that is being done to the next generation of young men in America, and that is very frightening. (Read More...)

Have We Raised An Entire Generation Of Young Men That Do Not Know How To Be Men?

Have we completely and totally failed an entire generation of young men?  Have we failed to equip them with the tools that they need?  Have we raised an entire generation of young men that do not know how to be men?  Today, young adult men are nearly twice as likely to live with their parents as young adult women are, and young adult men are much less likely to go to college than young adult women are.  Now I want to make something perfectly clear before we proceed.  The point of this article is not to slam women or drag them down.  Not at all.  Rather, the goal of this article is to point out that we have a real problem with our young men and that they are lagging way behind.  Vast numbers of them don’t want to go to college, don’t want to pursue careers, don’t want to get married and don’t want to take on any serious responsibilities.  Of course there are always exceptions.  In fact, there are some young men out there that are absolutely outstanding.  However, what this article is trying to say is that the overall trends all point to the fact that our system has raised up a crop of young men that are generally weak, directionless, wimpified and unwilling to take responsibility.  This is not a good thing. (Read More...)