The Republican Party Has Spent $0 On TV Ads For Trump After Spending $42 Million For Romney In 2012

With so much stacked against him, can Donald Trump pull off a miracle and actually win this election? Right at this moment, things are looking quite grim for the Trump campaign. Following the release of the lewd audio tape, six women have come forward and have accused him of doing the exact sorts of things that he admitted to on that tape, and the mainstream media is going after him with all they’ve got. Of course the Clintons have done far worse things than Trump has, and that is the case that Trump must make to the American people in the last 25 days of this election. But it certainly isn’t helping that Trump is receiving very little help from his own party. In fact, earlier today Politico published an article entitled “RNC TV ad spending for Trump: $0” which documented the fact that the Republican National Committee has not spent a single penny on television advertising for Trump so far in 2016. (Read More...)

10 Signs That An All-Out Attempt Is Being Made To Sabotage The Trump Campaign

Can the craziest election in modern American history get even crazier? At this point we are just 28 days away from the election, and it appears that an all-out attempt is being made to sabotage Donald Trump’s campaign. But the big surprise is where the worst of this sabotage is coming from. We always knew that politics in America is a dirty game, and that the Clintons are the dirtiest players in the game. And we always knew that the mainstream media was going to be in Clinton’s corner, although it has been a shock to what degree they have completely abandoned any pretense of objectivity during this election cycle. So it was always going to be an uphill battle for Donald Trump, but what he didn’t anticipate was blatant and widespread sabotage of his campaign from within his own party. In recent days it has become clear that the worst sabotage to the Trump campaign is being done by people that are supposed to be on his side. (Read More...)


Drudge Homeland Security Elections - Drudge ReportWhy does the Department of Homeland Security all of a sudden want to oversee security for the election in November? Just a little while ago I checked the Drudge Report, and I was greeted by the following headline all in red: “HOMELAND SECURITY TO TAKE CHARGE OF ELECTIONS”. I was immediately alarmed, because I had already heard about how local election databases had been hacked, and Donald Trump has expressed concern that the presidential election in November could be rigged somehow. So I immediately clicked on the link and it took me to an article from the Washington Examiner(Read More...)

Solid Evidence That The Media Is Biased Against Donald Trump

Donald Trump Words - Public DomainOnce upon a time, the mainstream media worked very hard to maintain the illusion that they were “objective” and “unbiased” when it came to reporting on national elections, but now those days are long gone. Some of the biggest newspapers in the country like the New York Times and the Washington Post are publishing hit piece after hit piece in an all-out attempt to destroy Donald Trump. In fact, if you go to just about any prominent mainstream news website on any particular day, it is inevitable that you will find an anti-Trump story on the main page right near the top, and it is usually accompanied by a pro-Clinton story nearby. Of course the big cable news networks are constantly spewing an endless stream of anti-Trump propaganda as well. In fact, it has been documented that CNN has spent literally half their time on anti-Trump stories on certain days. The elite are desperate to keep Donald Trump out of the White House, and if that means shedding all notions of media objectivity and sicking their attack dogs on Trump day after day, then that is precisely what they are going to do. (Read More...)

Is It Just A Coincidence That Vicious Lightning Storms Hit Philly On The Day Of Hillary Clinton’s Acceptance Speech?

Hillary Clinton at Planned Parenthood - Photo by Lorie ShaullTo quote Hillary Clinton, what a remarkable week it has been at the Democratic National Convention.  Supporters of Bernie Sanders almost rioted several times, most protesters were kept in a “free speech cage” well away from the convention, a handful of delegates decided that it would be a good idea to hoist a Palestinian flag on the floor of the convention on Monday, and there were rumors that there was so little enthusiasm that seat fillers were being hired for Hillary Clinton’s big speech on Thursday night.  But there was some extra excitement on Thursday afternoon when vicious lightning storms forced those working in media tents just outside the Wells Fargo Center to evacuate.  The following comes from CBS News(Read More...)

17 Facts About The Orlando Shooter That Every American Should Know

17 Sign - Public DomainAmerica is in shock.  On Sunday, a 29-year-old Islamic terrorist named Omar Mateen shot 102 people at a gay club known as Pulse in the heart of Orlando, Florida.  49 of those that were shot died, and 53 were wounded.  So how in the world did this happen?  Well, when you combine radical political correctness with extreme government incompetence and the dramatic growth of radical Islam inside the United States, you create an environment which is absolutely primed for Islamic terror.  The truth is that the FBI knew about this guy well in advance.  In fact, they had even interviewed him three separate times over the years.  And at one point the government had been investigating the mosque that he had been attending, but that investigation was shut down by Hillary Clinton’s State Department.  Mateen had told the FBI that he hoped to be a martyr someday, and those were not just idle words.  His twisted ideology fueled his actions, and so the choices that he ultimately made should not have come as a surprise to law enforcement authorities.  But now that this has happened, will it change the way that the government approaches Islamic terror?  The following are 17 facts about the Orlando shooter that every American should know… (Read More...)

Is Hillary Clinton The Athaliah Of Our Generation? Just Check Out What One Eyewitness Is Saying…

Hillary Clinton Benghazi - Public DomainIt is amazing to me that the American people would willingly choose an exceedingly wicked woman such as Hillary Clinton to lead them.  Perhaps this is just more evidence of how incredibly far we have fallen as a nation.  There are many out there that are comparing Hillary Clinton to Queen Jezebel from ancient Israel, but to me there is another figure in the Bible that is much more appropriate.  Somewhere around 2800 years ago, King Jehoram of Judah was married to a very wicked woman named Athaliah.  When Jehoram unexpectedly died, his son Ahaziah became king of Judah for about a year, but then he died too.  At that point Athaliah seized power and tried to kill off all male descendants that might pose a threat to her reign.  Fortunately, one very young male descendant did survive, and Athaliah was finally deposed after six horrible years.  If you take a close look at the careers of Hillary Clinton and Athaliah, there are definitely some striking parallels between the two… (Read More...)

Is Bill Clinton A Sexual Predator Or Just A Sex Addict?

Bill Clinton - Public DomainWhen dozens of women came forward to accuse Bill Cosby of rape, most Americans believed them, so why is Bill Clinton getting a free pass when a similar number of women are accusing Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct?  As you will see below, new allegations continue to come out, and it has become exceedingly clear that Clinton is still chasing women that he is not married to even though his wife is in the middle of a presidential campaign.  Of course Hillary Clinton knows exactly what is going on, and she has been serving as his enabler by doing all that she can to cover up Bill’s escapades whenever one of these “bimbo eruptions” happens.  Ultimately, Bill and Hillary Clinton have together victimized countless numbers of women, and yet public opinion polls continue to show that most women voters plan to vote for Hillary Clinton in November.  It is hard even for me to believe that our country has sunk so low at this point. (Read More...)