A New Way To Be Human: The Plan Is To Replace Existing Humans With ‘Transhuman’ Hybrids

Transhumanism - Public DomainTranshumanists believe that the time has come for humans to take control of their own evolution.  Many of them are fully convinced that we can use emerging technologies to “fix” the flaws in the human race and ultimately eradicate sickness, disease, poverty and war.  So would you like to have the eyesight of an eagle?  Would you like to download an entire library of information directly into your brain in just minutes?  Would you like to rid your family line of all genetic diseases?  Would you like to extend your lifespan to 500 years or even longer?  Transhumanists promise that all of these things will soon be possible, if we are willing to embrace a new way of doing things.  They foresee a future in which we will all have lots of little nanobots running around inside of us, in which we are all connected directly to the Internet, and in which we have all been genetically modified to at least some degree.  In fact, one prominent transhumanist recently stated that he believes that “eventually every human will be designed on a computer“.  In the end, the goal is to produce a vastly improved version of the human race which will usher in a golden new age for the planet.  But as we merge ourselves with animals, machines and weird new technologies that scientists cook up, at what point do we cease to be human? (Read More...)

They Are Turning Our Crops, Animals And Even Our Babies Into Freakish Genetic Monsters – What Could Go Wrong?

The greatest environmental threat that we are facing is genetic modification.  All over the globe, scientists are treating the fabric of life as if it was a playground where anything goes.  Behind closed doors, scientists all over the planet are creating some of the most freakish and most bizarre monsters that you could possible imagine, and very few people seem concerned about it.  But the truth is that messing with the building blocks of life is going to have some very serious consequences.  Scientists claim that they are making our crops stronger, more productive and less vulnerable to insects.  Scientists claim that they can alter our animals so that they are more “useful” to us.  Scientists claim that genetic modification is only going to “enhance” humanity.  But what if something goes seriously wrong?  For example, what if we learn that eating genetically modified food is really, really bad for us?  Well, at this point more than 70 percent of the processed foods sold in the United States contain at least one ingredient that has been genetically modified.  It would be kind of hard to go back now.  We have rushed ahead and have created hordes of freakish genetic monsters without ever seriously considering the consequences.  Someday, future generations may look back on us and wonder how we could have ever been so incredibly foolish. (Read More...)

Part Human/Part Animal Hybrid Monsters Are Being Created By Scientists All Over The Planet

Crazed scientists all over the globe are “playing god” with the very building blocks of life.  Today, thanks to extraordinary advances in the field of genetic modification, scientists are now able to do things that were once unthinkable.  Part human/part animal hybrid monsters are being created by scientists all over the planet and it is all perfectly legal.  Scientists justify mixing the DNA of humans and animals by claiming that it will help them “cure diseases” and “feed the world”, but the reality is that all of this genetic modification is a tremendous threat to the human race.  It is only a matter of time before humans start allowing themselves to be genetically-modified in order to “fight illness” or to “enhance” their abilities.  The temptation to insert the genes of animals or plants into people in order to create “super soldiers” or a “superior race” will certainly prove to be much too tempting.  Unless something is done to hold all of this back, it seems almost certain that genetic hell will be unleashed on the human race.  Once genetically-modified humans start breeding with normal humans there will be no putting the genie back into the bottle.  Eventually, we could get to the point where there are very few “100% humans” left. (Read More...)

Genetic Modification Gone Wild: 10 Signs That Our World May Be Destined To Resemble A Really Bad Science Fiction Movie

Did you know that today scientists are actually producing mice that tweet like birds, cats that glow in the dark, “monster salmon”, “spider goats”, cow/human hybrids, pig/human hybrids and even mouse/human hybrids?  The very definition of life on earth is changing right before our eyes.  Many scientists believe that genetic modification holds the key to feeding the entire planet and healing all of our diseases, but others are warning that genetic modification could literally transform our environment into a desolate wasteland and cause our world to resemble a really bad science fiction movie.  For decades, scientists around the globe have been fooling around with DNA and have been transplanting genes from one species to another.  But now technology has advanced so dramatically that just about the only thing limiting scientists are their imaginations. (Read More...)