Bilderberg 2016: What Are The Global Elite Plotting This Time Around?

Bilderberg Is Meeting At The Taschenbergpalais Hotel In DresdenLater this week, dozens of the most important men in the world are going to gather at an ultra-luxury hotel in Dresden, Germany to discuss the future of the planet.  What will happen at this meeting will not be televised, and the mainstream media in the United States will almost entirely ignore it, but decisions will be made at this conference that will affect the lives of every man, woman and child on the entire globe.  Of course I am talking about the Bilderberg Group, and for decades you were labeled a “conspiracy theorist” if you even acknowledged that it existed. (Read More...)

62 Members Of The Elite Have As Much Money As The Poorest 3.6 Billion People On The Entire Planet

Dark Planet - Public DomainDid you know that the top 1% has more wealth than the rest of the planet combined? And just 62 ultra-wealthy members of the elite have as much money as the poorest 3.5 billion people on the entire planet. These brand new numbers come from a shocking report that was just put out by Oxfam, and they show that income inequality continues to grow at a very rapid pace all over the world. As you will see below, the total wealth of the poorest half of the global population has plunged by 41 percent since 2010 while the wealth of the elite has continued to surge upward. The debt-based financial system that now has the entire planet in its grip funnels wealth to the very top, and the global elite are more than happy to hoard as much of it as they possibly can. (Read More...)

The Elite Have A Great Fear Of Death

Death Skull - Public DomainIf there is one thing that the elite of the world fear more than anything else, it is death.  They spend an extraordinary amount of time and energy attempting to shield themselves from potential threats, to separate themselves from the general population and to do whatever they can to extend their lifespans.  They travel with multiple bodyguards, they install “safe rooms” in their homes, they buy private islands on the other side of the world and they invest huge amounts of money into life extension technologies and research.  They do all of these things in a desperate attempt to battle an enemy that they have never been able to defeat – death.  And in this day and age, the elite are becoming more paranoid than ever.  They know that as the gap between the wealthy and the poor has exploded that they have become bigger targets than ever.  So firms that provide private security, “safe rooms” and high tech “security bunkers” for the elite are doing a booming business these days.  Many of the elite live in constant fear and absolutely crave security, and they are willing to pay big bucks to get it. (Read More...)

The Elite Are Attempting To Convince Us That Killing Off Our Sick Grandparents Is Cool And Trendy

What should be done with elderly Americans when they become very seriously ill?  Should we try to save their lives or should we just let them die?  Unfortunately, there is a growing consensus among the “intellectual elite” that most elderly people are not going to have a high enough “quality of life” to justify the expense of costly life saving procedures.  This philosophy is now being promoted very heavily through mainstream news outlets, in our television shows and in big Hollywood movies.  The elite are attempting to convince us that killing off our sick grandparents is cool and trendy.  We are being told that “pulling the plug” on grandma and grandpa is compassionate (because it will end their suffering), that it is good for the environment and that it is even good for the economy.  We are being told that denying life saving treatments to old people will dramatically reduce health care costs and make the system better for all of us. We are being told that it is not “efficient” for health insurance companies to shell out $100,000 for an operation that may extend the life of an elderly person by 6 months.  But the truth is that all of this is part of a larger agenda that the elite are attempting to advance.  As I have written about previously, the elite love death, and they truly believe that reducing the population is good for society and good for the planet.  Sadly, population control propaganda has reached a fever pitch in recent months. (Read More...)

12 Pictures That Demonstrate How The New World Order Openly Mocks Us

If you know what to look for, it quickly becomes obvious that the elite of the world are not even trying to hide their insidious plans for the planet.  They hope to unite the entire globe under their leadership, and they don’t think that we are strong enough or smart enough to stop them.  They openly embed symbols expressing their desire for a one world economic system, a one world religion and a one world government on our buildings, on our monuments and on our money and they think that it is funny that most people have no idea what those symbols mean.  The New World Order openly mocks us and they seem to take pleasure in giving us “clues” about what their plans for humanity are.  In the “global society” that they have planned for us, individual freedoms and liberties will be greatly restricted “for the good of humanity” and they will use the emerging Big Brother police state control grid to monitor and control everything that we do.  It would be a totalitarian regime unlike anything the world has ever seen before.  That is why it is absolutely imperative that we wake people up and get them educated about what the globalists plan to do so that they can resist this growing tyranny. (Read More...)

The Elite Believe That You Are Ruining Their Planet And They Want You To Stop Reproducing

Today, there are more than 7 billion people living on earth.  For the global elite, that is problem number one.  The vast majority of us don’t spend much time thinking about global population issues, but for many among the elite it is an absolute obsession.  Many of them truly believe that you are ruining their planet and they desperately want you to stop reproducing so much.  Among the elite, the belief that the world is grossly overpopulated and that this is causing most of our major global problems crosses all political, cultural and social boundaries.  This philosophy is taught as gospel at the vast majority of all colleges and universities on the planet, and it is being relentlessly pushed by the United Nations, the WHO, the World Bank and national governments all over the globe.  When most people think of “overpopulation”, they think of places such as India, but the truth is that those of us living in America are considered to be the worst offenders because our lifestyles are “polluting” the planet so rapidly.  In fact, one scientist recently estimated that a child born in the United States has a “carbon legacy” 55 times greater than a child born in India.  The elite are convinced that if they can reduce the global population far enough and get the remaining people living on earth to switch over to “sustainable lifestyles” that they will be able to save “their” planet.  But the draconian measures that would be necessary to achieve this dystopian dream would not be very palatable to the vast majority of us.  In fact, if the most radical population control advocates get their way, we will experience global tyranny on a scale never seen before. (Read More...)

New Obama Executive Order Pushes Us Closer To A North American Union And A One World Economic System

When it comes to Barack Obama, one of the most important things to understand is that he is a committed globalist.  He firmly believes that more “global governance” (the elite don’t like to use the term “global government”) will make the world a much better place.  Throughout his time in the White House, Obama has consistently sought to strengthen international institutions such as the UN, the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO.  At every turn, Obama has endeavored to more fully integrate America into the “global community”.  Since he was elected, Obama has signed a whole host of new international economic agreements.  He regularly speaks of the need for “cooperation” among global religions and he has hosted a wide variety of different religious celebrations at the White House.  Obama once stated that “all nations must come together to build a stronger global regime”.  If you do not want to live in a “global regime” that is just too bad.  To globalists such as Obama, it is inevitable that the United States of America will be merged into the emerging global system.  Just this week, Obama has issued a new executive order that seeks to “harmonize” U.S. economic regulations with the rest of the world.  This new executive order is yet another incremental step that is pushing us closer to a North American Union and a one world economic system.  Unfortunately, most Americans have absolutely no idea what is happening. (Read More...)

45 Signs That America Will Soon Be A Nation With A Very Tiny Elite And The Rest Of Us Will Be Poor

The middle class is being systematically wiped out of existence in the United States today.  America is a nation with a very tiny elite that is rapidly becoming increasingly wealthy while everyone else is becoming poorer.  So why is this happening?  Well, it is actually very simple.  Our institutions are designed to concentrate wealth in the hands of a very limited number of people.  Throughout human history, almost all societies that have had a big centralized government have also had a very high concentration of wealth in the hands of the elite.  Throughout human history, almost all societies that have allowed big business or big corporations to dominate the economy have also had a very high concentration of wealth in the hands of the elite.  Well, the United States has allowed both big government and big corporations to grow wildly out of control.  Those were huge mistakes.  Our founding fathers attempted to establish a nation where the federal government would be greatly limited and where corporations would be greatly restricted.  Unfortunately, we have turned our backs on those principles and now we are paying the price. (Read More...)