Why Does The Mainstream Media Purposely Ignore The Mass Killings Of Christians That Happen All Over The Globe?

Last week, when a deranged lunatic gunned down dozens of Muslims at two mosques in New Zealand it suddenly became the biggest news story in the world, and rightly so.  It was a major news event, and it needed to be reported.  But shouldn’t mass killings of Christians be given the same sort of media coverage?  Sadly, we all know that doesn’t happen.  Whenever there is a mass killing of Christians, it is usually entirely ignored by the mainstream media in the United States, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why this is happening.  Those that control the mainstream media consider Christians to be one of the main obstacles to “progress” in this country, and so any story that would put Christians in a positive or sympathetic light simply does not fit any of the narratives that they are pushing. (Read More...)

World War Erupting? India Just Bombed Pakistan, And Russia Is Accusing The U.S. Of Preparing To Invade Venezuela

One country with a large nuclear arsenal just bombed another country with a large nuclear arsenal, and the mainstream media in the United States barely reported on it.  And the mainstream media also almost entirely ignored the fact that Russia just publicly accused the United States of preparing to invade Venezuela.  Could it be possible that the relative peace and stability that the globe has been experiencing is about to be greatly shaken?  Even though I warned about a potential conflict between India and Pakistan just a few days ago, I was stunned when I found out that India had just bombed Pakistan for the first time in more than 40 years(Read More...)

Gunned Down For Believing In Christ: The Mainstream Media Is Silent As The Persecution Of Christians Escalates

The global persecution of Christians continues to escalate dramatically, and yet the mainstream media in the United States is virtually silent about it.  In this article, I am going to quote a lot of sources, but they are all either overseas news outlets or Christian websites in the United States.  To a certain extent, I think that the mainstream media is extremely hesitant to report about the global persecution of Christians because it may cause the general public to feel sympathetic, and that would definitely be counterproductive to what they are trying to accomplish.  Ultimately, the elite are trying to demonize Christians, conservatives, patriots and anyone else that would attempt to oppose their radical agenda for America.  So they are banning us from their Internet platforms, they are mocking us on their news and entertainment programs, and they certainly don’t want to highlight the fact that the persecution of Christians is escalating rapidly around the globe. (Read More...)

Russia And China Are Apparently Both Under The Impression That War With The United States Is Coming…

Could it be possible that the U.S. is heading for a major war?  If you ask most Americans that question, they will look at you like you are crazy.  For most people in this country, war with either Russia or China is not something to even be remotely concerned about.  But the Russians and the Chinese both see things very differently.  As you will see below, Russia and China both seem to be under the impression that war with the United States is coming, and they are both rapidly preparing for such a conflict. (Read More...)

End Times Persecution Is Here: The Largest Country In The World Is Destroying 1000s Of Crosses And Bibles

Many Christians in the western world don’t even realize that the persecution of the end times has already started.  All over the world, Christians are being attacked, Bibles are being burned and churches are being shut down.  This persecution has been escalating for quite some time, but what prompted me to write this article today was the dramatic change that we have witnessed in China this year.  Up to this point, the Chinese government has largely tolerated the booming house church movement, but now that era of toleration is officially over.  New religious regulations that went into effect in February are being brutally enforced, and this is causing some to point out the frightening parallels between Communist China and Nazi Germany. (Read More...)

Were 18 To 20 CIA Sources Killed Or Imprisoned Because Hillary Clinton’s Emails Were Being Hacked In Real Time By China?

This is a scandal so huge that it could blow all of the other Clinton scandals totally out of the water.  It is being alleged that 18 to 20 CIA sources were either killed or imprisoned in China from 2010 to 2012 because the Chinese were reading all of Hillary Clinton’s emails as soon as they were sent or received.  At the time, Clinton was using a private email server in conjunction with her duties as Secretary of State, and even though that was highly illegal Clinton was never charged with anything.  But now we have learned that a Chinese company had hacked Clinton’s private server and was getting all of her emails in real time.  That Chinese company was “part of an intelligence operation”, and that means that the Chinese government was also receiving all of Hillary Clinton’s emails.  During the exact timeframe when these hacked emails were being received by the Chinese, “18 to 20 CIA sources” were either killed or imprisoned by China.  It doesn’t take a genius to figure out how that happened. (Read More...)

Russia And China Are Developing Impressive New Weapons Systems As They Prepare For War Against The United States

Most wars are won well in advance, and Russia and China are both feverishly preparing to win the next major world war between global superpowers.  Meanwhile, the U.S. military has been focused on “fighting terrorism” and projecting U.S. power in a “post-Cold War” environment.  Of course the truth is that a new “Cold War” has now erupted, and Russia and China can both see the writing on the wall and they are both developing impressive new weapons systems.  Unfortunately, our military planners seem to think that war with Russia and/or China is not very likely, and as a result our strategic forces have aged nearly to the point of obsolescence.  In fact, a 60 Minutes investigation discovered that our nuclear forces were still using technology from the 1960s and 1970s, including rotary phones and enormous 8-inch floppy disks.  Most Americans assume that we would easily win a military conflict with Russia and/or China due to our “vast superiority”, but in this article you will see that is not necessarily the case. (Read More...)

15 Flashpoints Which Could Produce A “Perfect Storm” During The 2nd Half Of 2018

Events are beginning to greatly accelerate, and many believe that the ingredients for a “perfect storm” are starting to come together as we enter the second half of 2018. Other than the continual drama surrounding the Trump presidency, things have been quite calm for the past couple of years. We have been enjoying a time of peace, safety and relative economic prosperity that a lot of Americans have begun to take for granted. But great trouble has been brewing under the surface, and many are wondering if we are about to reach a major turning point. Our planet is being shaken physically, emotionally and financially, and it isn’t going to take much to push us over the edge. The following are 15 flashpoints which could create world changing events during the 2nd half of 2018… (Read More...)