10 Horribly Violent Crimes That Were Committed By Illegal Immigrants

Violence Crime - Public DomainYes, illegal immigrants are responsible for lots of crime in this country.  In recent years, nearly 1000 illegal immigrants have been convicted of committing sex crimes against children in the state of Texas alone.  And as you will read about below, illegal immigrants have a murder rate that is 3 to 10 times higher than the general population.  So anyone that suggests that illegal immigrants don’t commit more crime than the rest of us is simply lying to you.  Unfortunately, even though we could prevent thousands upon thousands of violent crimes by securing our borders, the Obama administration refuses to do so and it has become very politically incorrect to even talk about this.  Every single day, American citizens are being murdered and raped by people that should not be in this country and yet nobody is supposed to address this issue.  No wonder our nation is in the process of self-destructing.  The following are 10 horribly violent crimes that were committed by illegal immigrants… (Read More...)

Police Abduct 10 Children From A Family In Kentucky Because Of Their ‘Off The Grid’ Lifestyle

The Kentucky 10 - The NauglersIf the government does not like the way that you are raising your kids, they will come in and grab them at any time without giving any warning whatsoever.  Of course this is completely and totally unlawful, but it has been happening all over America.  The most recent example of this that has made national headlines is particularly egregious.  Joe and Nicole Naugler of Breckinridge County, Kentucky just had their 10 children brutally ripped away from them just because the government does not approve of how they are living their lives and how they are educating their young ones.  Let’s be very clear about this – Joe and Nicole had done nothing to violate the law whatsoever.  All of their kids were happy, healthy and very intelligent.  But because the control freaks running things in Kentucky got wind of their “off the grid lifestyle”, they have now had all of their children unlawfully abducted from them. (Read More...)

Rape Culture, Feminism, And The Shocking Truth That You Aren’t Being Told

Woman Silhouette 2015 - Public DomainDoes a “culture of rape” exist in the United States? For years, feminists have been speaking of a “rape culture” that exists in this country.  They claim that rape has become “pervasive and normalized due to societal attitudes about gender and sexuality“.  But what they won’t tell you is that the “sexual revolution” that they championed back in the 1960s and 1970s is at the very root of the explosion of sexual violence that we have seen in this nation since that time.  Once upon a time, you could actually let your kids run over to the local playground and play for hours unattended.  I know, because that is what my parents did with me when I was growing up.  But now you have to watch your children like a hawk because there are hundreds of thousands of sexual predators running around out there.  Today, the average American spends more than five hours watching television, and most of the “programming” that Americans allow to be poured into their minds is hypersexualized.  The filth that spews forth from our television sets teaches us that the value of a woman is in how she looks, that the number one goal in life for men is to “score”, and even our children are taught to “dress sexy”.  Our hypersexualized culture is constantly fanning the flames of sexual desire while at the same time teaching us to disregard all of the traditional boundaries for sex.  Needless to say, the results have been absolutely disastrous. (Read More...)

Guess What Percentage Of American Children Live In A Home With A Traditional Family Structure?…

Family - Photo by Eric WardIt is hard to believe, but in America today only 46 percent of children live in a home that has both a mother and a father that are in their first marriage.  An additional 15 percent live in a home that has two parents where at least one of them has been remarried.  But that means that an all-time record high 39 percent of all U.S. kids are living in a home with either just a single parent or no parents at all.  These numbers were just released by Pew Research, and they are rather startling.  The “traditional family” that most of us took for granted growing up is dying.  More Americans than ever are delaying marriage, having children out of wedlock and rejecting the traditional family structure.  But is this good for our kids?  Is this good for the future of America? (Read More...)

Sex And The Public Schools

School Hallway - Photo by Maryland PrideYou are going to have a hard time believing some of the stuff that you are about to read.  Children in America are being sexualized at younger and younger ages these days, and our public schools play a major role in that.  As you will see below, even kindergarten students are getting naked and trying to have sex with each other in our schools.  So where in the world are these kids learning to do this?  Well, it certainly does not help that there is more sex on television and in our movies than ever before.  And it certainly does not help that some of the biggest pop stars on the planet such as Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry are blatantly using sex to sell records to their young fans.  But we can’t place all of the blame on entertainment.  Without a doubt, our schools are playing a major role in sexualizing our children, and most parents have very little understanding about what is actually happening. (Read More...)

Public Schools Are Preparing America’s Children For Life In A Police State

Public SchoolsOur children are the future of America, and our public schools are systematically training them to become accustomed to living in a “Big Brother” police state.  All across the United States today, public schools have essentially become “prison grids” that are run by control freaks that are absolutely obsessed with micromanaging the lives of their students down to the smallest detail.  As you will read about below, students all over the country are now being monitored by RFID microchips, their lunches are being inspected on a daily basis by school administrators, and the social media accounts of students are being constantly monitored even when they are at home.  Of course these sorts of things do not happen everywhere just yet, but on the path that we are on it is just a matter of time.  At this point, many of our public schools very closely resemble “totalitarian dictatorships”, and so if the United States ever slips into totalitarianism the students of today will actually feel very comfortable under that political system. (Read More...)

What Should Be Done To A Country That Kills 56 Million Of Its Own People?

Baby 2014Do you know how many babies have been murdered in America since 1973?  It is a number that is almost too horrible to think about.  An astounding 56 million American babies have been killed by various abortion methods since Roe v. Wade was decided back in 1973.  So what should be done to a country that kills 56 million of its own people?  We rightly condemn other totalitarian regimes throughout history such as Nazi Germany, the USSR and Communist China that have killed millions (or tens of millions) of their own people.  But what about us?  What do we deserve for slaughtering more than 50 million of our own precious children on the altar of convenience?  What kind of punishment would be large enough to fit such a monstrous crime?  I hope that you will share what you think by posting a comment at the end of this article.  Sadly, most Americans don’t even think much about abortion these days.  Most Americans consider it to be a “political issue” that has already been “settled”.  But of course that is what most Germans thought about the treatment of the Jews during World War II as well.  And the truth is that the percentage of Americans that consider themselves to be “pro-choice” has been declining over time.  Perhaps it is still possible to see a shift on this issue in the United States.  We just need more people to start standing up for those that cannot stand up for themselves.  The following are 26 facts about abortion in America that every American should know… (Read More...)

The Population Control Agenda Is Being Relentlessly Pushed In American Public Schools

They Love DeathDo you want your kids to be taught that the earth has too many people and that they should have no more than two children for the good of the planet?  Yes, I know that this sounds absolutely crazy, but this is actually the kind of propaganda that is being forced upon our young people all over America.  The population control agenda is being relentlessly pushed in high school textbooks, in classroom instruction and by outside organizations that are given constant access to our high school students.  As you will see below, the number one population control organization in the United States, Planned Parenthood, conducts nearly 900 presentations in high schools in the Los Angeles area every single year.  And the population control propaganda gets even worse once our kids go off to college.  I know – I spent eight years in the classroom at U.S. public universities and most parents would be absolutely horrified to learn what their children are being taught. (Read More...)