New Undercover Video Shows An Abortionist Joking About An Eyeball Rolling Down Into Her Lap

An incredibly shocking new undercover video that was recently released by the Center For Medical Progress shows various abortionists joking about the gruesome realities of performing abortions. This undercover footage was taken during the annual conventions of the National Abortion Federation in 2014 and 2015, and perhaps the most disturbing moment is when one abortionist jokes about an eyeball rolling into her lap. All of the undercover videos that have been released by the Center For Medical Progress are very startling and very graphic, but it is absolutely imperative that the American people be told the truth about what is actually happening in these abortion clinics. If these crimes against humanity do not stop, there is no hope and no future for our nation. (Read More...)

The Pledge For Republican Candidates In 2018: ‘No Money For Planned Parenthood Under Any Circumstances’

It is time for conservative voters to draw a line in the sand when it comes to Planned Parenthood. For decades, Republican politicians have been winning conservative votes by labeling themselves Pro-Life, but once they take office many of them don’t do anything to advance the cause. In fact, many “Pro-Life” members of Congress have been voting to fund Planned Parenthood year after year after year without any consequences. In 2018, we aren’t going to put up with this any longer. The following is an extended free preview of a book that I am working on about how to turn America in a positive direction… (Read More...)

19 Statistics About Abortion That Every American Should Know

Baby - Public DomainEvery single day a tragedy greater than 9/11 takes place, but hardly anyone is talking about it anymore.  On September 11th, 2001 more than 3,000 Americans lost their lives when three giant steel frame skyscrapers were brought down in New York City.  That was a great evil, but so is the fact that we purposely kill more than 3,000 of our own babies every single day in this country.  The fact that society has generally accepted the practice of abortion does not lessen the evil that we have done one bit.  Today, the United States has the highest abortion rate in the entire western world, and hardly anyone makes a fuss about it anymore.  In fact, a lot of Americans laugh about it, and some even do comedy skits about it.  We are so casual about abortion these days that one university is actually recruiting teen girls to have abortions for a “scientific study” that is being conducted.  But someday we will be judged for what we have done.  We have killed more than 56 million of our own babies, and their blood is crying out for justice.  In the end, we will reap what we have sown.  The following are 19 statistics about abortion that every American show know.  Please share these numbers with everyone that you can… (Read More...)